news from uzbekistan
I wish to inform you that despite all problems in this country and the massacre at Andizhan, I was untouched and am alive and well by God’s grace. There is something greatly missing in our world, and it is the coming of Jesus with the Kingdom of His Father.
Bro. Oleg
The Truth Spreads To Iraq
We are delighted to report that the first Iraqi Brother has been baptized. One of our aims is to spread the true Gospel into all the world before the Lord’s return. We have consciously aimed at spreading the Truth into Iraq, a land clearly in need of the truth of Christ at this time. We’ve placed banner adverts on Iraqi websites - one is still there at - and tried other methods to spread the Gospel there. After much correspondence, we’re pleased to say that Brother S has come to know the Gospel in truth and requested baptism. Plans were made to visit him, and much research done. We’d have had to enter from Turkey overland, and then travel through Irbil, Mosul and other hot spots to reach our brother’s town. We were fully prepared to do this but the sheer cost of the trip was beyond us. Most Western contractors are helicoptered around the country with armed guards; even without going to this extreme, the trip would have been costly as well as dangerous. After several phone calls and much correspondence, we decided to invite our friend to baptize himself, and this he has done.