news from malawi

I am so grateful for all the wonderful things sent to me about the Bible, through the help of our Master, Jesus Christ.  I read them all and feel my faith is getting deeper. You are strengthening my faith through this work.  As we all know that our Master is nearer than ever before, there is nothing to do than spread the gospel worldwide.  Here there are several people seriously interested in what I am telling them. If possible, would you send me two Bible Basics. Let us remember that the world God made was not a world of want, disease and death. He made it a place of plenty, health and life.  Man’s sin and the result of it brought about the sufferings we see.  Even for God’s own people this is the place of groaning (Rom. 8:22-23).  The question the world really should be asking themselves is: Why should we expect anything except pain and death?  For this world is full of rebellion against its Creator. To reject the Giver of all life should mean the loss of life.  Yet the God of mercy keeps on letting people live on this earth.  He gives them blessings (Matt. 5:45) and time to learn and turn to Him before it is too late, yet many are so thoughtless and thankless.
Bro. Eason Makwecha

Be assured that your efforts in producing Gospel News are not in vain.  The news and various testimonies contained therein have completely changed my life.  I now know God as a caring Father and really present every time we need Him.  Also, Bible Basics has greatly transformed my world view as a Christian.  I thank God for instilling this love in you to share with the world what God is doing.
Bro. Pickmore Swira 

Thank you for responding to my letter by sending literature and Bible Basics which helped me with some of the answers to the questions I asked.  I would also let you know that a ‘study manual’ alone won’t help during Bible study time.  I have no Bible to refer to the chapters and verses contained in various topics.  So could you please send me a Bible to help me know the truth?   I believe we can only find the truth from the Bible.  I want to dedicate myself to working for the Lord.  Help me by prayer that I might be a strong believer of Christ and of God.  I was sorry to hear about Bro. Sasha, who fell asleep in Christ, but there is the hope of the resurrection with the coming of the awaited King.
Stuart Bingala

I am very much pleased with the Gospel News books you sent to us.  I received them. I failed to respond to your letter because I had no money. Here in Malawi, I’m still preaching the Gospel.  As of now I have seven churches which I visit.. In the past I received a bicycle now the bicycle is not in good condition because the tyres, tubes and other spare parts are worn out.  So if I happen to visit other churches, I have to travel on foot; I am unable financially to buy these parts for the bicycle.
Bro B. Chipala

Photo: Bro Chipala Sitting

Photo: Brethren  at Phalombe Ecclesia


I am a self-employed person and conduct Bible seminars regularly, more especially along the lake shore region where our doctrines are not yet discerned by the general public.  Bro. Emmanuel Mphambe from S. Africa has been here to support us and has told us to work hard.  Gospel News has brought something fruitful to all of us who get a copy.  The book ‘Where There is No Doctor’ will be so helpful to me if you could send me a copy.
Bro. Austin F. Nyirenda

After reading about the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ I felt I should request a copy for our Sengabay ecclesia, which we will share with two other ecclesias. Four people were baptised in August last year at Chinguluwe in Salima, they are:  Bro. Austin Frank Nyirenda, Sis. Emily Mayimba, from Sengabay, Sis. Gladys Mphambo and Sis. Eunice Mphambo from Chapita ecclesia, also in Salima.  We also had two more baptisms in October last year at Sengabay in the fresh waters of Lake Malawi.  Lovingly, the two baptised are a couple, Bro. Jailos and his wife, Sis. Chimwemwe Jailos.
Bro. George Nkhoma

Photos:  (1) Sis. Chimwemwe Jailos being baptised by Bro. George Nkhoma and (2) Bro. Jailos being baptised by Bro. Jonas Ngwanda


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