news from kenya

I have finally received your letter, Gospel News and other things.  Sincerely, I am grateful indeed for your kind gestures and for other things provided in the past.  This testifies that we are working in one accord and for the one destination - the coming Kingdom of God.  We hear of the many many preaching efforts you make outside of Great Britain, meeting many Brothers and Sisters and friends to study the scriptures.  Here in Kenya, many Brothers and Sisters cannot afford to travel to gather to see each other and share their problems and to have Bible discussions.  There is much poverty prevailing among Brothers and Sisters in the country and the only hope we have is for the Kingdom to come fast when God’s will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven.  Language is a problem and it reminds me of what happened after the flood.  But we have the hope of one language being restored in the coming Kingdom (Zeph. 3:8-9).  Please kindly send me copies of Introducing Bible Basics and Bible Basics; they will be most useful to me and other friends this side who are eager and willing to learn from the scriptures.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo

Photo: Bro. Raphael Aimo, second from right, with some Brothers and Sisters outside Kibera ecclesial hall, Nairobi, after partaking of the emblems

As it is hard, and even very dangerous, to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and the Lord Jesus Christ in some countries, I would like to urge Brothers and Sisters in such countries to seek those things which are above, where Christ is at the right hand of God, where our life is hid.  Because, as the Bible says, the sufferings we are seeing and facing in this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us when the Lord Jesus returns.  I always pray for such Brothers and Sisters, and even those in the midst of other denominations where the true word of God cannot be accepted very easily.  I would urge them, and indeed all of us, to stick to what we have got no matter what it takes, hoping that our King will soon descend to reward those worthy with everlasting life.  I pray that Brothers and Sisters in the whole world will remain strong in faith and prayerfully obedient as we eagerly wait for our Master and, by God’s grace, eternal life in the Kingdom.
Bro. Vincent Odhiambo

I am writing during this time when the world is witnessing what they never expected in their lives.  It is a time of sorrow to me as a Christian and all others who have seen the situation in the Indian Ocean in the news media, like radio and television.  The cause can be explained by scientific hypothesis, but to me it seems to be beyond human knowledge and understanding because God is the one who created the earth and He is the one who has power over nature.

At Mount Sinai, the Israelites cried when God came in thunder and lightning. To prove that God has power over nature, He sent a terrifying situation accompanied by thunder, earthquakes and lightning.  During the time of Noah, God had used water to ensure that only Noah and his family, who only was faithful to Him, survived through the boat he was instructed to make.  The Israelite had to ask Moses to intervene with God (Exodus 19; 34:10).

However, God has a good life that is coming if only the people can change and give their lives to God in a trusting faith today.  Jehovah is ready to change every harmful event in their lives (read Isaiah 65:17-25).
Bro. Jared Oleo Nyateng 

I saw the advertisement for ‘Where There is No Doctor’; it is a great book, as is Bible Basics!  Ahero is not an ecclesia; two of us are still in isolation.  Did I ever tell you the story about an incident in the waters on my baptism day?  We were about five to be baptised and some were preparing to take photos.  One of them saw strange movements our way, so he stopped, but did not notify the others.  It was a crocodile fighting his way to us.  Sadly, the ceremony ended and all of us were at last out of the water.
Bro. Nelson Annyal

Thank you for the Gospel News that you send.  I am enclosing a photo.
Sis. Lydia Fuchaka

Photo taken of Cherangany ecclesia. held in the home of Sis. Fuchaka.  From left Sis. Lydia, Sis. Agnes Koech, Bro. John Chege and Bro. Benjamin Koech.


I have five young friends undertaking the Sunday School lessons; one is a girl aged 14, very active; I will try and find some suitable material for her. Thank you for your letter and the literature enclosed, it is of great interest.  Also the packet of 2005 Bible calendars arrived safely; thanks a lot for these.  Last November I had the opportunity of attending a Bible School at Kamukuywa and I found the studies very interesting and thought provoking.  Brethren and Sisters from neighbouring ecclesias also managed to attend.  The recent earthquake claimed many lives and caused a lot of damage.  To the world it was just another catastrophe, but to us it is another signal that our Lord Jesus is soon to appear.  Our redemption is much nearer than when we first believed.
Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir

I’m so sorry for having taken so long to write.  I’d like to inform you that I’m holding a Bible discussion with three contacts, one of them is now attending the Sunday meetings.  Being French-speaking was an excuse by the other two for not attending the meetings so I decided to open up an English training three times a week.  I therefore request an English dictionary, if possible.  I would also appreciate it if you could send two copies of Bible Basics in French.  Please pray God that these friends may join us in the way to the Kingdom.
Bro. Innocent Baruani

Bro. Innocent Baruani and friend, Ishimwenge 

We know that Jesus is now immortal and that he intercedes for us.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one can come to the Father except by him.  I was sorry not to have attended the meeting last year, but the letters, which were sent to me, were late.  Also, my elder son was riding a bicycle from Eldoret to home and a Tanzanian lorry knocked him down and he was admitted to Eldoret hospital where he stayed for three months.     
Bro Henry Mwei

Photo: Bro. Henry

I was delighted to read the debate on Women’s Role in the Church.  Where possible, send me more Bible literature. If you have any English/Kiswahili translations to be done I am ready to do it freely since I have a lot of spare time. Also, if you have Sunday School material I would be glad to have it to teach some children in an orphanage.
Bro. Joseph Kanyi Kingori

Photo: Bro. Joseph Kingori

I think of the man David, son of Jesse.  We read from the Psalms (15:1-5), “Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill?”  Every Brother and Sister all over the world hopes to have a share in God’s coming Kingdom on earth.  We are aware of where it will be established because the Scriptures testify the truth – with Divine authority David was promised a Son who would reign and take over the kingdoms of this world:  “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David” (Luke 1:32). Jesus warned us to watch and pray because we do not know when he will return.  We must remain firm in the true faith of Abraham.  Jesus Christ, the seed of Abraham, has set the supreme example for the human race to follow; he is a living witness to our faith, he is the Author of salvation, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  Jesus died and was restored to life again; he conquered sin, which has the power of death.
Bro. John Owalo Onani

I was very happy when I read in Gospel News about the book ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ and request a copy from you.  Apart from helping me to grow in faith, this book you offer will teach me how I might get more food for the family.  I have got a small farm, but it cannot produce enough food, so over the year I harvest very little.
Bro. Henry Kitingia

Thanks for writing, I was pleased to receive from you.  The Lord is still with me and the children, despite the odds and ills in life, having to go without food at certain times. I am improving bit by bit in health.  There are a lot of special foods and drugs I was advised to take, but there are no funds. In summary, we are in great suffering, but our hearts are still hopeful that the Lord Jesus will soon come and solve all our problems.  I’m happy that you’ve been praying for us and I beg you should continue persistently. You enclosed a copy of contact person in Kenya regions for welfare, but I have met a rude shock that Bro Benedict Miruka is no longer alive (he has fallen asleep). However, I’m hoping that if you forwarded my letters to Bro.’ Phil Lawrence, then they may consider my case. Maybe you didn’t see that I was diagnosed for TB and meningitis.
Bro Odiwuor

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