news from zimbabwe

Things are not stable here in our country; Post Offices have been closed for quite a long time with no delivery.  The workers were on strike for two solid months.  We are glad for what is coming – the new creation, the new heavens and the new earth.  Let us pray for this time, which Christ will bring when he returns.
Bro. David B. Yelulan

God has power over everything.  This knowledge encourages us to grow spiritually and have a good standard of practice.  I live in isolation and my closest ecclesia is Harare, about 88km away. However, I break bread once or twice a month with fellow Brothers and Sisters, if there are no interruptions, but most of the time I am alone at home.  I am enclosing my photo repairing a pair of shoes and in front is a grinder for smoothing heels, rubber materials etc.  I am self-employed as a cobbler since jobs are hard to come by. I pray to God to solve all my problems and deliver me from all the troubles I am facing.  I also have to cater for the family of my late uncle and I am really desperate.  I should be really grateful to anyone who could help me get equipment for my shoe repair project.  Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in the gracious love of God.
Bro. Joseph Mucheri


Photo: Bro. Joseph Mucheri (‘Shoe Doctor’)

For strong words of encouragement my family and I always remind ourselves that we have a Brother who cares for us in UK.  Thank you and your family.  We are happy to have entered the ‘new life’.  God still wants us to do His work.  We are preaching the word and it is bearing fruit.  Please send me Bible Basics.  ‘Forward ever, backward never’.  We love the Magazine.  “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, full of love, mercy and good fruit.  Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness (James 3:17,18). As I write, my wife, Susan, is suffering from a severe head and back ache.  She needs to see a doctor in two days after completing her drug course.  We as a friendly family to yours ask your prayers for her swift recovery.
Bro. Farai Phiri

Let us remember that there is only one mediator, that is Jesus Christ.  He is the only one in the middle between God and man.  So-called ‘Spirits of the dead’ cannot take the prayers  of
humans to God.  Some people believe that the spirit of the dead person can give advice to the living relatives.  Let us look at some of the Bible chapters.

Ecclesiastes 9:10,
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave where you are going there is neither working nor planning, nor knowledge, nor wisdom.”

Psalm 6:5, “For in death there is no remembrance of thee; in the grave who shall give thee thanks?”

Ecclesiastes 9:5-6  “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing and have no further reward.”

With these three chapters it shows us that the dead cannot communicate with anyone; only when the Lord returns from heaven will some of the dead be raised. In the meantime the dead know nothing.
Bro Emanuel Kondowe

I am writing to tell you that God is working miracles for our ecclesia.  We are now
nine Brothers and we are looking forward to more members being added to our numbers in due course, God willing.  A number of people are showing interest in the Bible truth and it is a sign that the truth is growing.  Please pass my love to all the Brethren.
Bro. Joshua Pakali

Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ through whom, by his grace, we have hope and life.  When he comes may we be with him in the Kingdom.   Brothers, I am so happy to receive your letter.  I thank God for the lessons on the truth about God.  I now have joy and my mind is now at peace as I stated in my testimony.  My family and I have found the Truth and my children, Faith, Naomi, Emmanuel, Nabothi and Portiaw are students of Kariba ecclesia, and will, God willing, be added to us. I repeat that I am so happy to receive the books to strengthen my understanding of the truth of Bible teaching.
Bro. David Mhondiwa

Photo: Bro. David Mhondiwa with his family

Here in Zimbabwe, Karoi in particular, we are walking in the light of our Heavenly Father.  Gospel News being sent to us is being helpful in spreading the word.  To all that are sacrificing their money to sponsor the work of Almighty God and our beloved Brethren and Sisters who tirelessly work hard to produce this educative magazine, I wish you to continue the good job. We pray for you and hopefully the whole world is doing the same. I stay many miles from Chishumba but am always in touch with them by prayer and Bible reading every day, as this is what every Christadelphian does.  I am also asking for your prayers as I am working towards introducing a number of students to know God through Bible lessons. A number of contacts are busy reading and answering questions, which I am helping them with.  However, reading on their own is hindered by the lack of English Bibles; I have one, which they rotate.
Bro. Steven Tedza

We are not fine because of malaria and many other different diseases.  We have found ‘Where There is No Doctor’ a very important guide to our health problems in teaching us what to do.  We live a long way from a Health Centre, also no money for treatment, so we are suffering badly because of the diseases which are affecting us here in our ecclesia Lupane.
Bro. David Ngwenya

I was very happy the day I received a parcel of books. If I were a bird I would have leapt and flown in the air with joy!  I have got a very big appetite for reading God’s word any time;  this is my best work until Jesus comes. I was panning gold with my companion at the river Sanyati; it was a hard nut to crack.   We worked hard for two weeks and got nothing, returning home with only our possessions. Prayerfully, Brothers and Sisters, if we have faith in our Lord, let us all remember that in every situation in our lives God is in control. I did not get the material that I sweated for and slept in bad conditions, but I’ve got the word of God, the pearl of life eternal.    When I opened our PO Box I saw a big envelope addressed to me and on opening it saw the title, ‘Where There is No Doctor’.  I sang hymn 43 and someone asked me, Why are you singing?  I replied, I am happy today.  Thank you, may God bless your work. Amen.  I have written for the other book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’; as we are small-scale farmers this book will be very useful to us.  This is the most wonderful love I have experienced since my baptism. Our bodies are very weak and can become sick at any time without notice.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha

Photo: Bro. Stanford Kuuza

I thank our Heavenly Father who has given me this opportunity of writing to you.  You know Zimbabwe is a small country, but full of corruption.  In terms of the word of God, in our area here (rural) things are not settled, especially towards campaigns.  People are treated rudely and being forced to do what they do not want and some are being killed due to politics.  For us who know the word of God, we just put ourselves opposite, privately, due to the hope of eternal life.  We meet now and then for breaking of bread and other activities like Bible study and Sunday School, taught by Bro. Stanford Kuuzha.  Please do send me the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor’, as it will help very, very much in terms of daily circumstances.  Also the book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’.  Please, if you have the opportunity, try by all means to send me these books to help both our community and ecclesia.  We still have more work to do regarding the word of God until Jesus comes to establish the Kingdom on earth.  Let’s keep on encouraging one another and go everywhere God permits us to preach His word to the end of the world.
Bro Weston and Sis. Ruth Kamota

“Judge not, that ye be not judged.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Matt. 7:1-3).   Jesus Christ is the Son of God who is coming to take the judgment throne over the whole world; we pray that he will come very soon to take this throne.  He will reign from Jerusalem, the capital city of the world.  Brothers and Sisters, why do we want to take Jesus’ throne now by judging others?  Will Jesus be happy when he comes and finds his throne already taken?  Remember, how you judge others, Jesus will judge you also.  So let him who has the authority to judge do this work.  “Why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
Bro. Davison Mupariwa

I really thank you very much for all the literature you have sent.  Please pray for me as I haven’t much time to attend meetings, as I am working.  I am like someone who is in isolation due to lack of time.  Please, if you can, continue your wonderful work of sending me literature, as it helps me to grow spiritually.  I do really appreciate that our publications help the spreading of the gospel and also encourage dear Brothers and Sisters world wide, those as far as the Philippines, Australia, USA, Iraq, Iran and Israel.

I am sorry to inform you about the falling asleep in Christ of our dear Sister Alice Museba on the 26th March, and would like to comfort all with the words of 1 Thes 4:16-18
Bro. Simon Mudavose

For some months I was away from home, where I was employed by a certain man. I worked very hard in his gold mine, working day and night, sometimes sleeping under-ground in the mine. This man promised that he was going to give us a lot of money per month, because we were producing many grams of gold each and every day.  But, Brother Marcus, my tears can come: the man refused to give us our payments as he said; if we carried on asking him he said he would shoot us and he added that we were eating his food while we were working at his mine.  I walked for about 180kms home on foot, and at home all my young brothers and sisters, together with my parents, were expecting that I had come with something to help them.  But at home I have read the booklet, ‘Why Does God Allow Suffering?’ and this booklet increased my faith and patience.  I will try by all means to find something to do for my family so that they have something to eat.  Bro. Marcus, your prayers are surely needed.
Bro. Patrick Chakaipa


Photo: Bro. Patrick Chakaipa with Bro. Steven Swain (UK)

Each and every one who wants to enter the Life gate must enter through the door and not through the window.  If you enter any house through the window people will shout, ‘Thief!’  If they know you, they will ask, ‘What’s wrong with you?’  ‘Did you lose the keys?’ etc.  To enter the Kingdom of God there is only one gate and that gate is Jesus Christ.  In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father (God’s Kingdom) except through me.”  Some of us at Euzryone know that God is the Creator of the universe (although not everyone acknowledges it).  As everyone needs Jesus as their Saviour and if they want to be in the Kingdom of God, they must accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour – the Gateway.  Come soon, Lord Jesus, and may people acknowledge you.
Bro Svuure. Faustino

I have been ‘lost’ for the past five years.  I was in remote areas.  I hardly received any magazines.  I thank God for returning me to Zvishavane.  Unfortunately my husband died in March last year; he was the first son of Bro. Walter Maniono and suffered from cerebral malaria.  So I came back home with the three children.  I appreciate the magazines for they spread the gospel news and give news of Brethren and Sisters.  There is a lot of teaching in them and Brethren should continue writing about difficult topics such as the devil, Satan, spirit mediums.
Sis. Joyce Maparo


Photo: Sis Joyce Maparo


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