news from zambia

I have shifted from Kasama isolation to Chambishi where I will at least manage to break bread and fellowship with the Brethren and Sisters at Kitwe, which is some 50kms from Chambishi.  Kasama is semi-urban, as a result employment is very scarce.  Due to this, my health condition did not allow me to stay there because I couldn’t afford the medication both for my family and myself. I started working with a bricklayer as his handyman until I came to learn the trade myself.  The only problem that lingers now is the fact that I do not have enough money to go on the Institute for a trade test, yet I am confident and have faith that the Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus will provide, because He knows what I need before I ask Him.  I always have a vision that this will happen one day because of the trust that I have in Him.  I am grateful that the Lord is with me always, ever since I became a Christadelphian.  I walked in total darkness before I learned the Truth. I’ve been in different types of denominations, but without finding the light; I even believed in the Trinity, meaning that God was co-equal with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  Today I am free of this pagan theory.  I am thankful to our Heavenly Father that He has blessed us abundantly by giving us the privilege of entering another year as we await the second coming of our glorious Saviour.  I pray that our Brothers and Sisters world wide continue walking tirelessly toward the Kingdom.  My family joins me in passing our heartfelt regards to you all.
Bro. Willies Simbowe

Thank you very much for the letter and Magazine.  I am enclosing a photo to be put in Gospel News.   The encouraging words I send are from John 14:1-4:  “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”.   I received the Magazines and books.  My wife died on January 4 at Kalomo hospital after much suffering and has left three children with me.  Everything is God’s will.  These words make me look forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live” (John 5:25).  “…for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.  The night is far spent, the day is at hand:  let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light” (Rom. 13:11,12).  My late wife, Naomi, is waiting for Jesus’ coming.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga

Photo: Bro. Mtonga

My husband, Bro. Shadreck Mwayer, passed away on November 23.  I have a big problem in starting a new life alone.  I was serving oranges, but now I am doing no work.  Things are very hard; please pray for me.
Sis. Priscillar Lungowe Lubinda

Allow me to thank you for Gospel News and also in addition the wonderful copy of the Bible Reader’s calendar for 2005. I pray the Lord God will bless this work that it will continue getting better and better against the pressures of this sinful world.  “…proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:10,11).   The great day of his appearing is drawing very, very near: “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Rev. 6:17; Mal. 3:2).  We shall – God willing!
Bro. Elvin Muntemba

I want to inform you that our two Brothers, Augustine Mfunge and Kenneth Lumana, fell asleep early last year.  We are now only two Brothers in Livingstone, Evans and me.
Bro. Ben K. Matale

I got your message and was very happy because I like reading from you, because the message you people send to us is good.  You see, we in Zambia are very interested in knowing the Bible and knowing it for the purpose of being doers and not only hearers, but we really do need your help so always write to us.  Myself, for example, I was baptized a few years ago into the SDA church, so I need somebody to really build me up, and I thank Bro. Kunda who has been a great help. I am a student.
Aaron Chipulu Salamo

I value contact with all brothers and sisters. I live in Lusaka but I rarely get to the meeting in Matero because it is far for me and there is the cost of fuel. But I send greetings to all my brothers and sisters.
Bro. Xavier Musonda.

Here is a picture of me along with my wife and family

Thank you for the literature and Bible Basics you sent to me.  I was baptised in April last year at Matero ecclesia.  I decided to be in the family of the Christadelphians after the Truth was preached to me.  I am therefore requesting a Bible or a second-hand one.  I have been trying to get one at my ecclesia, but they can’t find me one.  I can buy one, but those with concordance and references are rarely found..
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba

The Zambia Committee was touring the provinces and Bro. Kelly Simayumbula, together with Bro. Arnold Kunda, were assigned to visit Brothers and Sisters as well as students in the Southern province.  So it was nice to have them visit us on Dec. 13 on their way from Livingstone to Mazabuka.  Among things discussed was the issue of Regional groupings, where all members can have the chance to attend and share the good news of our Lord, who is soon to come. 
Bro Wilfred Chibomba

I would like to inform my Brothers and Sisters world wide that I have come back to Nakonde after some 3-4 years.  As you know, many of us have been leaving our homes to look for employment in towns.  But after all this time of wandering, I have come back to rejoin my Bro. Zacchaeus Muntete and the rest of his family. It was good to be with them again.  At this time I went to the book of Genesis when Joseph was not with his family and then when he revealed himself to his brothers.  Then what about when his father, Jacob, heard that Joseph was still alive! As we all know, he was very happy.  I, too, was happy to be with the family of God.  We are still in isolation, but we feel good when we receive letters and books; we know that we are not alone.  And we have our God who cares for us.  We thank you for your prayers.  May the Lord bless us all as we walk together towards the Kingdom, which God has promised to us, if we walk in His ways.
Bro. Martin Simukwai

Photo: Bro. Martin Simukwai

Thank you very much for the book, ‘Where There is no Doctor’.  We are all very delighted to have such a nice useful book.  We all send our gratitude to the sponsor.  Would it be possible to also receive ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’? It will be good to know how to manage a good diet with the barest of resources.  It is good to work for the Lord quietly as He is able to see the labours of all His sincere workers and will definitely reward them for all their toil for Him.  From Gospel News we have seen the way the seed is being sown and taking root in so many places.  The world is facing a lot of trouble – from man’s own making to natural disasters; the recent Tsunami catastrophe, which startled many people, is a case in point.  However, we are not surprised by such occurrences, as our Master warned such things would come to herald his coming.  In the face of all that the world is going through, we “look up, and lift up our heads, for our redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
Bro. Zacchaeus and Sis. Eunice Muntete

If you have an old Holy Bible (KJV or RSV), please send one of the two; I will be very happy.  I am appealing to all readers of Gospel News to keep sending information.  I once more thank all those Brothers and  Sisters who help by donating to the work.   No one will reward you but the Lord God himself.  Please all read the hymn 268 in the Christadelphian Hymn Book, ‘Brethren, let us walk together…’ I am fine, but having some problems in finding employment here in Zambia, but with the good hand of the Lord God we are surviving.  I am hoping that, God willing, I may find a job in one of the companies I applied to.
Bro. Harris Ndong’a Mulongesha

Left Bro. Harris Mulongesha and Bro. Dez Machila

Could you send me a copy of ‘Where There Is No Doctor’?  You are more than a blood brother; you are not doing this work of the Lord God and His Son, Jesus our Lord, in vain. Our hope is beyond the grave.  You are casting your net on the other side of the boat and finding that you can “catch men” (John 21:6).  Gospel News is very interesting, I do enjoy it a lot, and especially your editorials they are excellent.  We’re marching towards the Kingdom of God, forward with the word of God; we shall never turn back like Lot’s wife.  In our country life is not easy, but our Lord God is going to deliver us from all our troubles.  Let us keep on worshipping  Him in spirit and in truth.
Bro. James Mwanza

I was happy to receive Gospel News for Nov/Dec which was packed with good things.  It was sad to read of Nigerian atrocities.  We all need to be strong, like Paul.  The spirit permitted him to go to Macedonia after he had a vision.  As with Paul, God instructs us on what to do..  We must all surely endure to the end.  “To him who overcomes, I will give him the right to sit with me on my throne” (Rev. 3:21).  You can go ahead with the leaflet on soya beans; I think it good if we take such measures for the benefit of our Brothers and Sisters.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba

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