news from tanzania

In my Camp Adventist pastors hung loudspeakers on the top of trees in order to abuse all churches who meet to pray to God on Sundays. This lasted for two weeks at the playground of Muyovozi Camp. Many churches were very angry and took the pastors to the police office.  Beloved, is it true that only those who pray on Sundays will appear in front of the court of the Lord?  Let us read what is written in Col. 2:16-17:
Bro Isaac Habonimana

Thank you indeed for your letter; it is always very nice to hear from you and feel the brotherly love that binds us all strongly in the Lord.  I am strengthened very much when I read about the work of God being achieved by Brethren and Sisters world wide.  We have to pray earnestly for the Kingdom to come; the world is full of wickedness and cruelty towards other people.  Our ecclesia of Lugufu 1 has written to the Christadelphian Save the Children Fund, Canada, to get kits for our scholars.  We have 35 children who attend Sunday School regularly.
Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca

We thank God for our visitors:  Bre. Tim Evans (UK), Samy Mutunga (Kenya), Benoit Mukedi (Arusha). We were pleased to have the exhortation on Zechariah 9:9.  Thanks also to Bro. Mike Harris who sent books, pens etc. and for his encouragement. Also to Sis. Jo of UK who sent us more lessons for the children.  We shall be pleased if other Brethren world wide will have the courage to visit us and to send us more materials for preaching, which all helps to increase our faith.
Bro. Amnobe Iyungu

Bro. Amnobe Iyungu (right) and a friend

Our ecclesia is going on well. Firstly, services are held.  Second, the Sunday School is still going on, but we are short of books, in particular Bible Basics so (Third) we need more books.   Fourth, according to our report of June last year, we want to ask especially regarding the completing of our church: benches, table and so on.  What stage has this matter reached?  Finally, we thank you for our new Post Box Number, which we got this year.  NB We succeeded in receiving back our Bro. Moris Ebuela and we are attending all the services together.  May the peace of Jesus Christ dwell among you.
Brethren of Kagunga ecclesia

It was a very great day when I opened the parcel of literature in front of my family. We all knelt down and prayed to thank God.   Please will you kindly send me the two courses, Introducing Bible Basics and Bible Basics study manual?  I have also read in Gospel News that a book called ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ is available and I hereby request a copy for my ecclesia.
Bro James Mwangomo

We all should be steadfast in waiting for Jesus Christ our King. Here in Morogoro I persist in proclaiming the everlasting Gospel.  I need Bible course books for teaching them, and I beseech you, brother, to send these books very soon.
Bro. Simon A. Mpazi

The number of interested people here was good, but has decreased from 20 to six.  The problem is that we have no proper place to meet (ecclesial hall).  We have a plot, but are weak  economically.  I send a photo.  I need you to send me Bible Basics in Kiswahili and thank you for remembering me with Gospel News, by letters which strengthen me and also for the calendar.
Bro. Ezra Baruti

Photo showing Bro. Ezra Baruti, & Bro. Ezra’s wife with S.S. young people

Many thanks for helping me to know the Truth of God since 1992 until now.  Is it possible for me to have Bible Basics in Kiswahili?
Bro. Joffrey Chiwanga

Because of isolation, I would like to pass my sincere gratitude to my tutor, Sis. Hilary A. Iredale, who used to send me various literature which helped me grow up spiritually. I also ask her to go on sending different materials concerning God’s word. I also call on other fellow-believers to write or visit those of us who are in isolation so that we do not feel lonely.
Bro. Joseph N.L. Milahula

I would like to thank you for the book on Jacob and Esau.  I got one book on learning English from my Sister Sonia Hemingray in France, but because of poverty I haven’t any teacher, so it is very difficult.
Bro. Mathias Nyelele


Photo from left: Sis. Elizabeth and Bro. Mathias Nyelele and Bro. Sadoki after Bible study.

I am writing with a request that you send to us copies of ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ and ‘Where There is No Doctor’.  The titles of the books suggest they will prove to be of great help to us here.
Bro. Gabriel Mesa Mwaliasapi

We sadly inform you of the falling asleep of our Brother Godfrey Mwakasege at Bugando Hospital (Mwanza town).  The funeral took place in the Usagara area on January 26th .  Our Brother rests peacefully until the coming of Jesus, which we pray will be very soon.
Bro. Joctor Rufano

The Lord Jesus, at his second appearing, will come in power and great glory.  One of the first works will be to fulfil his foreordained office as Judge of living and dead:  “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the quick (living) and the dead at his appearing and his Kingdom…” (2 Tim. 4: `1).  Divine judgment is a subject upon which few care to dwell, nevertheless it occupies a place – and not a small one – in God’s message, and we neglect it at our peril.   Those who listened to the spirit-endowed teachers of the first century heard much concerning judgment to come (Acts 10:42;  17:30-31).  The dissolute Felix heard of it from the apostle Paul (Acts 24:25).  Both Paul and Peter taught it as an essential feature in the message which they had to deliver (Rom. 2:16).  Cornelius listened to it from the lips of Peter:  “And he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead” (Acts 10:42).  It is possible to stand before Christ in the day of judgment and be ashamed. The scriptures provide ample instruction to this end (Ecc. 12:14;  2 Cor. 5:10;  1 John 2:28).  Let us be wise and give heed to these things.  The Lord Jesus is coming soon;  his reward is with him and he will give to every one of us according to what we have done (Rev. 22:12).  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people.
Bro. Shadrack Ngambi

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