news from south africa

I have already distributed 10 Bible Basics in N. Sotho language and now I have to distribute another 10.  I enjoy this so much.  I have been highlighting to people about ‘Living with Alcoholism’; they seem to like this booklet. Many people are trapped in alcohol.  Please send me more of these booklets.  Thank you for uplifting my spirits. Our country is dying; it is becoming empty with youth dying of alcohol and drugs, not excluding HIV.  I am prepared to stand up and distribute the booklets, although my gout is giving me no rest.
Bro. Francis Chauke

Thank you so much for allowing us in South Africa to be able to read copies of Bible Basics.  I recently borrowed the Library edition and found so much information that I was not informed about through the church.  Unfortunately I had to return it to the library.  Please can I have a copy of this book and any other book from which I can gather more information about the Bible? I am a new Christian, so I need all the info that I can get, something about fasting and how it should be done
Miss Melanie G. Moodly


I was laid low for about a week, but by the grace of our Heavenly Father got the right medicine. I am well now.  I have the same problem that Bro. Roberts had in understanding Rev. 13:1-18.  Kindly send me some literature if possible.  I would also like two Hymn books (large print) please.  I am holding on to the Truth.  There are so many churches around here that it is hard to build an ecclesia, but God, our Heavenly Father, is always strengthening me; I am getting stronger every day.  I often break bread alone and am lonely. I hope and pray that you are all well. Please do not forget me here.
Bro. Elijah Rabaji

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