Fringilla (Zambia) Bush Camp 2004

The gathering at Fringilla Farm started on the evening of July 30 and ended on August 3.  Brethren from different parts of the world, Zambia, Australia, UK, were gathered as one to enjoy fellowship and encouragement one with another.

Brother Andrew Walker concentrated on principles of ecclesial life.  On the first day he spoke about the breaking of bread service.  We do it because it is a command from our Lord Jesus (Luke 22:19).  It is also a recommendation to live in total submission to God.  We should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind (Luke 10:25-28).

When we share bread and wine we remember always that Jesus died for our sins.  We should not neglect the Lord’s supper because it is a participating in the body and blood of Christ (1 Cor. 10:16).  It is also a privilege; only true believers in Christ can share the bread and wine.  It is like the Israelite ecclesia; no one was allowed to eat the consecrated bread except Levites (Lev. 24:5-9).  In the same way only baptised brethren and sisters share the bread and wine.  Every time we meet to break bread, read and pray we keep the light burning as God commanded Aaron;  they had to tend the lamps continually before the Lord in the tent of meeting (Lev. 24:1-4).

Fellowship and ecclesial life.   Fellowship is sharing the word of God by continuing in the apostle’s doctrine (Acts 2:36-42).  We recognise the grace given to us (Gal. 2:9).  We share the breaking of bread.  We share the same hope, problems, suffering and the work of preaching, prayer and welfare.  Jesus gave us to God to do His work, as the Levites did God’s work.  To accomplish all this, we need singleness of heart, not backbiting each other.

Baptism.  The purpose of baptism is to enter the Kingdom of God, but before baptism, there must be repentence and confession of sins.  After baptism there should be the bearing of fruit (Col. 2:12-13). To bear fruit we should set our hearts on things above (Col. 3:1-2).  We should rid ourselves of all things which can hinder us bearing fruit (Col. 3:8,12).  Above all things, we should love each other (Col. 3:13-14).  Outside of the ecclesia we shall lose our focus on the Kingdom (1 Cor. 10:1-4).


Bro. Robert Miwele

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