news from zimbabwe

When we are trying to live according to God’s plan it is important to realise that God’s timing is perfect – it is never too late or too soon.  When we enter the presence of the Father with a sense of urgency, we expect God to be carried away with the urgency, as we are. How easy it is to become impatient with God, especially when we are in a hurry and He is not.  When Thomas refused to accept the proofs of the resurrection offered by his fellow disciples, the living Lord did not immediately appear to him.  Eight days were to pass before the disciples were together again and only then, at the appropriate moment, did Christ reveal himself.  There must have been days of remorse, of hope, of bewilderment, of sorrow, of faith and doubt.  But when Christ came to Thomas he drove away every doubting thought and filled the disciple’s life with the positiveness of praise and thanksgiving.  God’s timing is perfect.  We must have confidence in it, even if everything seems to go wrong because we are kept waiting and it seems as though God is not co-operating with us in our plans.  He may want our plans to collapse so that He can present us with something better.
Bro. David Yelulani


Slow Me Down, Lord.

Ease the pounding of my heart by
quieting of my mind.

Steady my hurried pace with a vision
of the eternal reach of time.

Give me, amid the confusion of the day,
the calmness of the everlasting hills.

Break the tensions of my nerves
by the soothing music of the singing  streams that live in my memory.

Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep.

Teach me the act of taking minute vacations,of slowing down to look at a flower, to chat  with a friend, to pat a dog, to read a few lines  from The Good Book.

Slow me down, Lord,  and inspire me to send my roots deep into the soil of life’s enduring
values that I may grow towards my  greater destiny. 

Bro Innocent Bandare

I have a problem: my NIV Bible was lost by my young brother who had borrowed it.  Please, if you have an old one, can you send it to me?  I also need more Bible Basics.  We must always turn to God in prayer.  I am sending a picture of my family. We are very happy that God has revealed His purpose to us.  I now know, and have the confidence, that everything is possible with God.
Bro. Farai Phiri

I would like to thank you for your letters you send which encourage me so much.  I have received the Key Cards and Gospel News, which are so helpful to my understanding of the Bible.  I belong to Chinhoyi ecclesia, which is about 65km from where I live, but that does not prevent me from breaking bread.  I break bread with my wife, Sis. Joyce and Sis. Eneres (Bro. David Yelulani’s wife).  We have three contacts who are learning the truth; I hope they will be baptised before the end of this year, as they now attend regularly with us.  Gospel News is a source of inspiration and uplifts my spirit and I feel a sense of ‘togetherness’ with brothers and sisters world-wide.
Bro. Obert Wiki

If we use our time on worldly things death is coming our way.  If we are following the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly, then life after death is coming our way.  We must be ready to meet the Lord Jesus for judgmenmt.  To some this will be a day of weeping and gnashing of teeth, but to the saints, joy.  God is good;  He has told us everything so that we may decide for ourselves.  It is a shame that some spend lots of their money and time on worldly things – people, buildings, cars, etc - but do not want to spend this present life on obeying the commands of our Lord God, so that, by His grace, we may inherit His Kingdom and see the Lord Jesus and stay with him.  Surely there should be none of us who does not want to see the Son of God, the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!
Bro. Moses Ajiweka

How much should we give to God?  Many Christians, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, find that giving one tenth is a good way of deciding what we should give;  this then helps us to know how much we have to live on.  And remember, tithes and offerings are not only money, but include produce, time and skills.  The New Testament does not command us to tithe, it asks us to decide in our hearts and to give generously.  Why not ask God in prayer about it?  For those Christians who are quite rich, one tenth may seem small compared to Jesus speaking about the widow who put into the temple treasury two small coins.  She really gave more than the rich people who gave large amounts, because, unlike them, the woman had nothing left.  Let us be like those who Paul wrote to in Corinth – put aside for God every week, as a gift of fellowship.  God will surely bless us greatly as a result.
Bro. Gift M. Lungu

Comment:  Our readers are in such varying circumstances, many are in real need.  We have to provide for our families, but for some, 10% would be far too great a burden.  We do not have to tithe, but give our lives to the Lord and our substance according to what we have.

The Brethren are happy as friends who completed the 40-lesson Course  were inter-viewed at Chishumba by Bro. Pakali from Kariba and Bro. Waston from Chisape.  Two who were interviewed and baptised are Maggic Vheremu, wife of Bro. Steven Tedza, and Joseph Naoromazasi.  As we know, there are difficulties in life to be overcome.  To do so we must believe the word of our Heavenly Father.  Anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it (Mark 10:15).  At harvest time we get what we have planted.  If we do not work for our Heavenly Father we will harvest nothing.  “I am the Lord, and there is no other.  I form the light and create darkness;  I bring prosperity and create disaster. I the Lord do all these things.”  If we forget the Son of Man who died for us, we will never get the prosperity from God.
Bro. Ngoni Chikwata

God sent the apostles and prophets, who were guided by the Holy Spirit, to preach and they did so.  People like Elijah, John baptist and Jonah.  Jonah tried to run away, but the power of God did miracles. After being swallowed by the whale he went straight to Nineveh to preach.  No Brothers or Sisters can say they haven’t heard the good news.
Bro. Fungai Phiri

My tears are for our Bro. George Constantine in jail in Trinidad. He and all of us must pray to the Lord that He will deliver him.  We know that God sent His angel to save Daniel from the den of lions.  Again, my tears are for our Brothers in Iraq.

The Bible is unlike other books.  It contains loving instructions from God.  If we apply what the Bible teaches we will benefit greatly; we will increase our love for God and will draw closer to Him, the Giver of every good gift and every perfect present.  We will come to know how to approach Him in prayer.  During times of trouble we can experience His help.  If we harmonise our lives with the standards set out in the Bible, God will give us everlasting life.  Those who gain Bible knowledge are free from the misconceptions that dominate the lives of millions.  For example, knowing the truth about what happens after death.  The Bible’s teaching of the resurrection gives comfort to those who have lost loved ones (John 11:25).  The godly principles in the Bible show us how to live in a way that brings physical benefits, e.g. being “moderate in habits” contributes to good health.  By cleansing ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit we avoid damaging our health.  If we apply God’s word we will be happier people.  Bible knowledge helps us to find inner peace and contentment and gives us hope.  It helps us to cultivate such appealing qualities as compassion, love, joy, peace, kindness, etc.     Do we ever wonder about the future?  Bible prophecies show us where we are in the stream of time.
Bro. Dzingai Sumburera

The truth has shown us the way to the Kingdom.  At one time I used to run away when my brother used to say, Jimmy, are you coming with me to church.  He kept on talking to me about how God could help me.  We are now four members in our family in the ecclesia.
Bro. James Zvitete

I write to acknowledge receipt of the Shona version of Bible Basics.  I enjoy the truth much more than anything, despite the difficulties are are going through.  Our meeting in Kariba is growing, with more students joining us.  God willing, they will be added to our number in due course.
Bro. Joshua Pakali

I am now doing my studies in motor mechanics in the Municipality of Kariba;  I did the theory at Magunje VTS and am seeking for help to get motor mechanics text books in both diesel and petrol engines, if any one could help me.
Bro. Davison Mupariwa

I live in isolation; my closest ecclesia is Chisape which is about 35km away, so I break bread once or twice a month with my fellow Brothers and Sisters, but most of the time I’m alone at home.  I do not meet others weekly because of the transport costs.
Bro. Rajabue Mweha

The reason for me writing to you is that my sister, who was a Christadelphian, has died.  I used to read Gospel News until my sister  fell asleep.  I understand some time ago she had asked Duncan a certain question to which he replied, but at that time she was not feeling very well and then died.  I would like, personally, to continue receiving Gospel News because it helps me to understand the truth and the things around the world as well as to know God Himself.  I am a boy aged 24.
Mandara Musambakaruma 

I would like to thank God for His powerful call.  Since I started to worship Him I have understood the joy and peace of true Christianity and am glad that I was baptised (on March 28, 2004).  Brethren and Sisters here are keen to spread the gospel as Jesus instructed.  I am thankful for Bible Basics as it has revealed to me something anew, as I was very confused before and I have now found the Bible much more profitable.  This gives me the hope of inheriting the Kingdom of God on earth. I could not turn down the hope I have of Jesus’ second coming and waiting for him.  Brethren and Sisters here send their greetings.
Bro. Simon Mudavose

I have found a help meet.  I am now married to Ratidzo.  As I am writing this letter she has just entered our room and asks me to send warm greetings to you and to all Brothers and Sisters world-wide.  May God bless our marriage.  
Bro. Tarirai

We have more than 25 students at present in Mutare,  some are on the first lessons and others have already finished the 40-lesson course.  We are praying hard so that those who have finished the lessons will be successful when interviewed by Sis. Ruth Moore.  We are really working hard so that the truth is known  in the whole of Mutare and other parts.  The main problem we are facing is travelling to visit the students as they are far away from our homes.  If God wishes, one day we will have a bicycle to use to help with our travelling and preaching.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere

We here greatly appreciate the good work you are doing, which is the Lord’s work – so keep it up.   
Bro. Sibangani Maka

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