news from ukraine
We are delighted to announce the baptism of VALYA. May the Lord bless and guide her life to the end.
I recently had such problem as my grandmother fell over and did serious damage to herself, she is like a mother to me. Thanks to her I learnt English and was able to find the advert in the newspaper for Bible Basics which led to my precious new life in Christ. I had to buy so many medicines for her and even sold my telephone and anything else I could to buy them. I am so concerned for her and life has become very hard for me. Please pray for her as she is the dearest to me and I had been teaching her of the truth.
Bro. Alex
Bro. Vasiliy baptized his relative Valentina, and since then, she has had an amazing improvement in her health. Praise God!
Sis. Ludmila
I am getting supportive letters from our Russian speaking Brothers and Sisters from all over, even from Israel. I am very excited about this and it gives me strength to go on.
Sis. Ludmila
I am preaching to two of my neighbours and need copies of Bible Basics to give to them. I am writing more articles and helping to run the meetings here. We wish God’s blessings on you all.
Bro. Genna