news from russia

We are delighted to announce the baptisms of ROMAN, ILDAR and OKSANA (Kazan), SERGEJ & NADIA (Abinsk) and ALEKSEY, NINA, KRISTINA, ALLA, NIKITA, VLADIMIR & SVETLANA (Irbit); may the Lord keep them in the way to His Kingdom.

We much enjoyed the visit of Brothers Peter and Duncan, and we hope that they had good impressions of us here.
Bro. Sasha

I am now retired but I still have to work in a factory to try to get enough to eat and live on. I cannot afford to attend the CBM Bible School in Moscow. I am planning to move far away to Chelyabinsk to be with my son. I look back over eight years in the brotherhood and I am very happy. I continue to break bread and to read with the Companion largely on my own, although sometimes I have fellowship with Sis. Kretova. The British visitors mainly go to Yelets and so I don’t get to see them here.
Sis Valya

I am happy to say that my tribunal was OK and they gave me alternative service. I want to say thank you to Sis Ludmila who helped me, for all of you who prayed for me, and for Bro Duncan’s efforts for me at the last minute and writing to the authorities, and thanks to God for helping me.
Bro. L

I have delayed writing because my mother is so sick. We have nobody here interested at the moment, even Sis. Larisa’s relative has decided not to be baptized, so we sisters here are studying together. We are praying for you all.
Sis. Natasha

I would appreciate more leaflets to distribute here. I was in Moscow some time ago for the meeting of the brothers. I am earnestly trying to spread the truth to more people but would love very much to be visited by anyone travelling on the Riga-Moscow train as my town is right on the railway line.
Bro. Sasha

I have heard that another trip is being made to Afghanistan to preach, and I want to tell you that I am very much with you in my prayers for this. Tanya and I have a great sadness at this time because of the loss of our child. In all, is the will of God.
Bro. Andrej

I have distributed all the leaflets given to me when you came to baptize me. I am so eager to do more for the truth and to develop an ecclesia here, but I have so little time, I have to work very long hours, and people here are very preoccupied with their problems of life.
Bro Sasha

We here are all very disappointed by recent problems that have arisen, but when we received Morning Star magazine, this gave us faith and understanding again. We are with you all.
Sis. Nina and Sis. Snezhana

Photo: Russian Sisters greeting a Brother recently baptised in the Urals


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