news from bosnia

We are delighted to announce the baptism of RENATO; may the Lord keep him in the way to His Kingdom.

I am sorry that I did’nt write before, as soon as I got back to Sarajevo [from the Bible School], I got a call from my family; my mother is very sick and she was on the bed for last three days, she has epilepsy - and it has been the worst ever. So as soon I arrived in Sarajevo I went to her. We came back from the Bible School as it was planned; the guy came around 2 am and we left Croatia and arrived in Sarajevo safely. I dont feel very well because of my mom, I spent two nights by her bed so I am tired. She is going to stay in the hospital for two days and I'll be with her. Please pray for my mom, she is a wonderful woman and mother and I dont want anything to happen to her. I feel bad because I was having a good time while she was sick; in all that panic nobody could call me because I wasn’t available. I feel so bad about it. But you know what Brother, I  trust God and I beleive that He knows what is good for me. I may feel bad about it but I truly trust Him. I felt so good and proud when I baptised my friend; God wanted me there, I know that for sure. Our God is a good God. Thank you one more time for everything that you have done for me and my friends.
Bro. J

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