news from serbia

The new legislation about registering churches has now been passed here, and it seems only Orthodox, Catholics, Jews, Moslems, Lutherans and Hungarian Reformed have been allowed to formally register. I know this will make things harder for us as we by all means try to spread the Gospel to the dark world. I am excited to hear of baptisms in Morocco and the way people are brave enough to break with tradition. I am preaching to some Chinese here and would appreciate copies of Chinese Bible Basics.
Bro. Vladislav

I am very busy with my PhD work, and haven't had the chance to meet with Bro. William much. We are OK. Last time when Bro. Owen was here in Hungary, he put Bible Basics in the public library.
Bro. Zoltan

I am preaching by internet still. I have one Serbian man in Norway who is writing and I hope he will convert. That he even answered and replies to me indicates the work of God's Angels calling people.
Bro. William

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