news from russia

We are delighted to report the baptism of GALINA (Armavir); may the Lord guide her to His Kingdom.

I continue to have many problems with my health and with persecution here. Please pray for us here.
Bro. S.

You know that we love you so  much, you are welcome any time you like. I am not sure that we'll have Bible week-end in Chelyabinsk. It seems to me that the time is too short.
Sis. Lena

I very much enjoyed some recent visits here and learnt much about God's word. I am enjoying a great correspondence with Sister Ludmila Kuritsyna, she is a true Christadelphian and very inspiring to me. I have truly much joy in the Lord.
Bro. Oleg

We are so grateful that you brought us to God, and that in your care for us we saw more of the face of Jesus Christ. We have distributed Bible Basics here and there are some who wish to be baptized whom we have been teaching.
Bro. Toly & Sis. Nadia

My great desire, as I think is true of so many of us scattered ones, is to be together, to take strength from each other, and so I pray for this to be the case and for it to be possible.
Sis Elena

Photo: A Group at the Russian Winter Bible School  

I just received a letter from Brother Don Styles from USA, I was much comforted. I am frustrated by lack of response to the Gospel here. Some visitors from CBM came here to see me and told me of their journeys around Russia.
Sis. Ludmila K.

Here we are fine. It is now about a year since we were baptized and it seems such a long time already. Life is still new for us. I am working through the books sent to me with much joy and learning a lot.
Bro. Andrej

I am reading the books sent to me each day and I would really love to have more such books, I have a great hunger for good explanations of the Bible. I send greetings to all.
Sis. Ludmila

I feel that this world is so evil that unless we are going forward in our spiritual growth, then we will be sucked back into the evil of the world, it is so strong. People are concerned so much with things which we know now to be totally insignificant whereas, praise God, He has given us His Truth!
Sis. Larisa

When I hear about the situation with our brothers in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I realize deep within me that my own problems are not so great. But all the same they are there, like possibly losing custody of my son, my poor health, such low wages now, etc. I can only pray to God but I also pray to Him for my brothers and sisters more now.
Sis. Svetlana

ROSTOV We are fine here and disappointed by all divisions. I have been preaching to a Moslem person by internet, but he refuses to abandon Koran.
Bro. Andrej

Photo: Sisters. Ludmila K.& C working out a Bible passage

I am very excited to hear about preaching in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Christadelphians have a hard time in truly growing here in Russia, there is so much against the acceptance of our preaching. I pray for you.
Bro. Sasha

I continue to be encouraged by Gospel News, it is one of the pieces of literature I read each morning as I seek to start each day with a time for spiritual reflection and prayer to our Father in Heaven.
Bro. Valerij

I have as always many questions. They are about many things. Such as why did the altar built of wood not burn up? Why does God say He doesn't ever change, but He does? Who are the spirits in prison whom Jesus preached to when He died? But beyond all these I do truly love God, and I love you, I am with you in my town here.  
Bro Boris

We are surrounded here by so much spiritual blindness. May God keep me and my family in His way so that we can come into His Kingdom of light and truth when Jesus returns. I ask the Lord to help me carry the many crosses I have here.
Bro. Ivan

VINOGRADOVKA I am feeling very lonely here. I am very grateful to Sister Ludmila from Kazan who writes to me and supports me in hard moments. I am reading the Bible very much but I feel very alone, and I missed seeing you all at the Winter Bible School.
Sis. Galina

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