news from nigeria
The men of the underworld
broke into my house last November and took away my money and other belongings.
They beat me up, wounding my eyes, but thanks be to God for saving my life
through the help of sympathisers who rushed me to the hospital. This I’m writing
as a testimony, asking all Brethren to pray for one another for His perfect
protection and guidance, especially in these evil days. This takes our minds to
2 Tim. 3:1-4 and Gen. 6:5, for violence and corruption have filled the earth.
Remain in Him.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu
Thank the living God who
brought me to the faith, where the word of God is preached without any respect
of man. Please do not relent in sending me literature. Flesh and blood is a
dominating force in all mankind, which started from the garden of Eden. The
woman disobeyed the law and obeyed her lust and both she and the man were
sentenced to death (Gen. 3:6,17-19; Rom 3:23; 6:23). Even the called, Abraham,
played the part of the flesh when he told a lie (Gen. 20:2-11). King David did
the same when he committed adultery with Bath-Sheba, the wife of Uriah and
killed her husband (2 Sam. 12:1-7.). These men are key personalities to our
salvation, for God made covenants with them which brought forth the Messiah.
Unto Abraham the Lord God swore, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth
be blessed" (Gen 22:18 [Gal. 3:16]). Unto David the Lord God said, "…I will
stablish the throne of his (David’s seed) kingdom for ever" (2 Sam. 7). When
that promised "seed" of the woman, came into the world, he taught us how we can
conquer the pull of the flesh and gain victory for eternal life (Matt. 4:1-10).
Bro Golden Onuoha
Please forgive me for not
having written you for quite some time now, this stems from the economic
situation that has characterised the governance of our God-given country. To
worsen everything, I lost the little job I was doing to keep body and soul
together since last year. The underlying problems associated with this are
better imagined. What an upheaval to meet the demands nature forces on one. For
the past few months I have not been able to receive letters because of my
inability to pay the rental bill of my postal box.
Bro. Chris M. Anyanwu
It is with joy I write this
letter to you as we see the day of the return of our Lord quickly approaching.
Hoping that you are keeping well. We remember Jesus said (Luke 17:26-30) what
the world would be like before his coming. So with these signs, and many others,
we know that the coming of our Lord cannot be far away. The question for each of
us is, Are we ready for his coming? Ours is a high and holy calling; we are
called to be sons and daughters of the living God and Brothers and Sisters of
Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we are promised a glorious future in the Kingdom
Jesus will set up on the earth very soon, and we want to be in that Kingdom.
Psalm 2 gives us a picture of the Kingdom being given to Jesus by God, his
Father. There will be no soft option for those who rebel. We are told that he
will rule them with a rod of iron. The fact is that we are in the time of the
end; it’s in our own interest that we are faithful stewards now. We all want to
be with our Master, Jesus Christ, in that day, but it all depends on how we live
now. We all need to do our best to live perfectly, and when we stand before the
Judge of all the earth he will welcome us into his Kingdom with joy beyond
measure, with eternal life, to live and reign with him.
Bro. Victor Moon
I really thank God for the
effort you people are making to keep the things of God growing, both in the area
of preaching and in other things. It is quite unfortunate that I have had a
break-down I plead that Brethren remember me in their prayers, praying that God
will bring me back to normality quickly. I wish to use this opportunity to thank
you for the bulk materials of Ibo Bible Basics. I am really happy to have them.
Bro. Lucky Eforibe
Photo: Bro. Lucky