news from namibia
We want to move forward and
share this Good News with our fellow refugees and compatriots outside the camp,
but the restrictions within which we live do not allow us to be outside the
camp. However, the ecclesia continues to meet and to work normally. Our worship
meetings function normally, with a Sunday School. We continue with individual
preaching and feel the need for more literature in French, English and
Portuguese as well as Swahili (brochures, Bibles, etc). As for our Sunday
School, the material we have only deals with the Old Testament. Since the
baptism of Bre Kitego Sunguza, Etoka and Kashindi, other faithful friends are
following the teaching. We continue to work with them and they are still waiting
for baptism. However, we still have not received any letter about the Brothers
in South Africa.
It has been difficult to organise the breaking of bread at times because of a
lack of bread and wine.
Bro Kashindi Ndubula
I am very happy to receive
your letter together with Gospel News, in which I find much to help me to
progress in faith and in understanding of the Word of God. I hope you will be
able to continue to preach the living truth of our Lord, because many souls are
suffering from sin without knowing the truth and the gift which has been freely
given by God. Myself, I did not know of this truth, but through you I have
received it. For God has enlightened you in order to reach me by the Bible,
brochures and Bible Basics which tells about the truth and the grace of
God. In this way, I strengthen my faith in Him who chose me long ago. We
continue to meet together with all the brothers in Christ present in the camp as
well as Godson Mulisho and others who are awaiting baptism. Some believers are
no longer with us. We see the mighty hand of God in spite of the difficult
situation in which we live in the camp; we stand firm in the Lord. Pray for us,
that we may be further strengthened in the faith and encouraged to develop in
our Christadelphian doctrines. God alone gives to each his reward. Go with us
hand-in-hand to attain the Kingdom which has been reserved for us by the Most
Kitego Oredi