news from moldova

I am still getting over the loss of my husband Sergej. I spent so much money at the hospital when he was taken ill and I have such problems repaying it. Also my uncle died recently so I am being tested by God in many ways at once. I believe in the coming of the Kingdom of God very strongly now.
Sis. Tanya
I am so grateful that after three years being without gas, we now have gas, so I can be warm, especially as all day I have to work outside. I thank God so much for this blessing to me. Since Bro Sergej died things have been hard for us here, as we always gathered at his place.
Sis Elvira

Things are very hard for me here. After the war we had here and the isolation policy we still have, it seems in our blocks we are surrounded by invalids, old and hungry people, it is very hard for us. My only hope is in the Kingdom of God.
Sis Tamara

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