news from latvia

I am sorry for not writing. It is hard for me to get out but I dream of being able to come to a meeting. I wish to very sincerely thank you all for writing to me and sending me everything, exhortations etc, which have helped and encouraged me so much. I realize my problems are so small compared to those of our Brothers in other countries.
Sis Irena

May the Angels watch over each of you every step of your lives. I was very touched to receive greetings from so many countries after my baptism. I truly feel part of you all and pray for you.
Bro. Nikolaj

I am grateful for the letters and spiritual support I receive from Bro Mark Greeves and from Bro Charles French from Australia. I count it a privilege to thank God for all my many blessings.
Sis. Olga

I keep on reading and re-reading the books. I am talking to many people now who are interested. Please pray for my son as he has so many problems just now.
Sis. Anna

I again had my pension stolen and this very much shook up my mother who is very elderly, I always look forward to the meetings here, and I wish sincerely for the Lord to be with you all.
Sis. Vaira

Photo: Meeting at Tukums


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