news from zimbabwe



I am in receipt of the consignment of 18 Shona Bible Basics and have already started distributing them.  We mourn the death of my father-in-law, who passed away after a long illness; this was in September, 2003.  We continue to toil in the Lord’s vineyard until he comes, which we hope will be very soon, as things get worse in this part of the world.  Regarding the marriage bond, complete mutual love and sympathy existed in the beginning between Adam and Eve, whose nature we inherited.  Adam and Eve were not only “one flesh” by marriage, but by creation, for Eve was formed out of Adam by the action of a common parent – God.  They would both inherit common hopes, aspirations and ideals. No other marriage has been like that one.  The perfect reciprocal marriage will be found in the “marriage of the Lamb” with his bride, for the one was formed out of the other.
Bro. Itai Tembo

Photo:  After the baptism of Sis. Agnes Phiri, stripped dress (Chegutu)

It was comforting and encouraging hearing from you, but I was sorry to know you had been unwell.  We know these are some of the trials of this life, hence our desperate attempt to have nothing to do with it.  We now know, without doubt, that the time is near when we are hoping to leave this painful life behind as we enter the Kingdom of God where there shall be no sorrow, hunger or pain – to name but a few things.  Thank you so very much for the public debate you sent me; it was very educative and interesting and helped me explain some of the difficult aspects that go with that topic.  I won’t hide the fact that most brethren find it hard to explain why we don’t believe in the existence of the Holy Spirit gifts in this age.  Bro. Duncan’s arguments left me no alternative but to picture him as a man working tirelessly for the Truth to be known, and this only being a result of wide reading and research.  I thought you might like to know a little about me.  I am 38, married to Mercy and the two of us have been blessed with three lovely boys, the elders of whom is now 16.  My wife and I do not go to work, we farm and only get enough to see us through to the next planting season.  With adequate rains we will be quite comfortable.  We even manage to send two of our boys to school, but the past two years have not been good, what with the rising cost of living and successive droughts.  I was born into a ‘Salvationist’ family, but learnt the truth four years ago and was baptised into the Name of Jesus.  There is no looking back; my family and I have promised to work for Jesus to the end and are eagerly awaiting his coming.
Bro. Thompson Changata     

I would like to thank you for Gospel News.  I also appreciated your letter
Sis. Shiela Chawaguta

We delight in the baptism of Sithembile Munyama and pray that she will hold fast to the truth she has received until the Good Shepherd returns, and we see the signs of his coming daily.  I will be going to Chiredzi where I am looking forward to meeting Bro. Jonathan Zyayamwenye.  Thank you very much for the 20 English Bible Basics; I have already given 16 away.  I hope to see you very soon in the Kingdom, as there are clear signs telling us that it will not be long before the coming of the Lord.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama

I have visited Triangle to follow up students; they began by asking questions about God’s promises to David and what happens when a person or animal dies.  Another student-raised questions about demons, how they work within us, and why do some people believe in them?  He also wanted to know how Satan overpowers us, instead of God.  We had a nice day with them all and covered many subjects;  they also enjoyed our visit
Bro. Isaac Guzete

I thank God for His kindness and His wisdom.  The year I was immersed everything changed – even my thoughts have changed.   I was following an idol, a god I did not understand.  The day I started receiving the books everything changed.  Here is a picture of me.
Bro. Jonathan Zyayamwenye.

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