news from zambia

Since 1998, when I was baptised, I have stood firm in Christ, preaching the word of God to other people.  Where I stayed is far away from Chifunsa ecclesia – about 8kms – but I force myself to go there every Sunday.  I am poor and do not even have a bicycle – I go on foot.  I also have a Bible study at home every day.  Another thing is that I have about 15 students and teach them from Bible Basics.  The Bible I use is in Bemba language, but it is difficult, as some people do not understand Bemba.  I therefore am asking for an English Bible to help in my teaching.  There are also some people who want to join us.  I am one brother who is strong in preaching the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro. Edward Mutale


Thank you so much for having sent me some booklets.  I’ve really enjoyed the book Introducing the Christadelphians; I now understand better how they began, I got it first from ‘Elpis Israel’, but the small book has given me more details.  I am still meditating, referring to ‘Elpis Israel’ and connecting it with my Bible.  It is a wonderful Hope.  I have found the true faith.  So nice to hear that Duncan is now married.  May God bless them.
Bro. Amos Chikanda 

Time is flying by so fast; very soon we will be holding another Camp!  I have recently managed to purchase a pair of shoes and can’t wait to put them on!  I have been down with malaria for a couple of days and have lost weight.  As I can’t find work, it is difficult to have normal meals.  I would love to go to the farm and cultivate, but I don’t see myself meeting the farming requirements.  I am a little low in spirits.
Bro. Lapulani Malata

Most people put trust in someone they can touch and see.  The apostle John says “God is a spirit, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Sin in the flesh demands things it can see and touch, and ‘sheol’ – the Hebrew word for the ‘grave’ – demands all flesh.  Psalm 146:3-5 says, “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.  Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.”   Solomon says (Prov. 1:7), “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction”.  People enjoy something they can see and touch instead of trusting in the living God.
Bro. Fred Mumba

Any sincere servant of God would be delighted to devote a good amount of time in personal Bible study (Psalm 1:1-3), yet there are demands on them for other things.   In order to carry on as active servants of God, we eed to have our joy and strength renewed from day to day by finding new and deeper aspects of the truth of God’s word.  It is good, even vital, that we make a conscious and constant effort to gain fresh insights into His word so as to keep ourselves spiritually stimulated.
Bro. Sakala William

I really thank you once more for the news about Bro. David Jacob of Oman who is doing a commendable job in the Lord.  I have now got 19 pupils for the pre-school/nursery level, plus the other two for tuition and will soon send you a photo.  In the meantime a friend has asked me to have the snap scanned for a Newsletter to be sent to the Netherlands and the UK.  Thank you for the CIL, Gospel News, and Glad Tidings, all of which I am enjoying.  Again I say: We need to go!  Let us go!  We really have to take a step forward.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba 

In Zambia (Solwezi) we have some people who are interested in joining the Christadelphians, but they cannot understand the English language, therefore they are hindered; one of our students was disappointed when some Brothers came last year because she could not read English.
Bro. Joseph Kapimpa



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