news from south africa

It is now a long time since I wrote to you, but since my wife fell asleep things have been hectic for me, but I am always praying and standing with the Truth of our Lord. I am now in S. Africa, having arrived in May last year. Since then I’ve been trying to locate Christadelphian Brothers and Sisters. I would indeed be pleased to meet Brothers and Sisters in Christ in South Africa. (This has been done)
Bro. Mathias Msimanga

Just a bit of encouragement – last Saturday PM Paul and I went to visit a student in Florida (west of JHB) who had answered all courses, particularly Bible Basics, exceptionally well and said wanted a visit. This well spoken and better read man of 44 and of Norwegian blood, was waiting for us outside a very dilapidated house and then showed us to some rickety chairs in the garden – all he has is a small servant’s room in his mother’s house (mother is dead) - he has been relegated there by his brother’s Muslim wife who lives in the main house. He has no electricity, or running water, he was retrenched, took the package and lost that on a bad business venture. With no money could do nothing to fix his car so sold it and there he is – pretty stranded, doing carpentry jobs of sorts. His Bible knowledge is outstanding. Has grasped the truth with an amazing thoroughness and is mad about reading – has read the Bible through many times and also Bible Basics four times. Wants to get into Elpis Israel, Christendom Astray etc. So now the challenge for us is to get him to the meeting with no one living anywhere close to him. Paul is fetching him tomorrow and God Willing he’ll be baptised next Sunday. Keep strong... always abounding in the work of the Lord.
Sis. Leonie

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