news from kenya

I am a Brother of 20 years old and I was baptised into Jesus Christ last year after being interviewed by Brethren Moses Joumer and Francio Wamaiwa. I was baptised with the sole aim of entering into the Kingdom and this remains my aim today.
Bro. Emmanuel Joumer

Photo: Sister in Christ Sara Joumer and Bro. Emmanuel

Photo: Bro. Bruno O. Ateya, whose letter appeared in the Nov/Dec issue of Gospel News

I am still holding fast to my faith. However, my health has not been very good; I have been down with malaria – off and on for about two months – but God has been taking great care of the children who are now coming to terms with single parenthood, except during the times when I am very much down and feel disturbed so much. These problems have been so great on us, but we have to bear them. Even when Jesus was suffering such great pain on the cross he did not say anything out of place. It was the centurion who said, “Truly this was the Son of God” (Matt. 27:54). I’m praying so that I don’t share Job’s wife’s view.
Bro. Isaiah Awino

I would like two Swahili Bible Basics and also the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ to help people in my village about health.
Bro. Joseph Wanjala

Thank you for your letter and the Bible Key Cards which are very educative, and request you to send more if they are available. We have a lot of work to do to spread the gospel all over the nation of Kenya, even if three-quarters of the people do not know English. Actually, here in Kenya Kiswahili is the national language. Many friends who received the Kiswahili Bible Basics send their greetings.
We each have different challenges to face us in the battle of life. A display of normal cunning is to be avoided and mere expediency is not sufficient. We must avoid doing ‘evil that good may come’. Sometimes the use of fleshly methods may appear to offer the prospects of greater success, but we will fail if we succumb to the temptation. A man can find himself in the centre of a storm, tossed to and fro by its raging, but if he hearkens to the voice of Yahweh and discerns His teaching in the storm, he will ultimately find peace. So let us consider our ways: are they really pleasing God? Let us be yoked together so that we have peace in our ecclesias; this is a service that each one can render no matter how humble our standing might be.
Bro. Patrick Wafula

I was baptised in 2002. I thank God for what He did for me, and thank Bro. Lamas Okoth Muga for teaching me the Truth. May God bless Lamas in his work of preaching the Gospel. Since my baptism I have met many challenges, but have always remembered what I promised God. I have been at Nyagowa ecclesia in the south part of the country; there is another ecclesia, Adiedo. Please send more Bible Basics and Bible Companions as many are in need of them. With abiding love in the Lord,
Bro. Collins Onyango

I would like to thank you a lot for the many booklets you have been sending to me. I received the Key Cards which was much appreciated and welcomed with all my heart. I would like to request that you introduce me and my journalistic work to poets and freelance writers worldwide. Here in Kenya, a third world country, problems are abundant ranging from unemployment, corruption, immorality etc. but when Jesus comes we will be saints in His Kingdom.
Bro. Erick Mutai

The gospel was preached to me and I received it happily. In return, I give you all my love in Christ and I rejoice for the books and cards which I received from you.
Bro. Daniel Maingi

Greetings dear Brothers and Sisters who are looking forward to and awaiting the second coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to establish God’s everlasting Kingdom here on earth. It is my hope that you are already prepared to welcome the bridegroom (Jesus) and be with him. I am very much thankful for the Bible Basics sent to me, I received them in good order and am learning more; it is a great help to me, thank you very much and may God bless you. I am eager to meet with you face to face so that we may share our joy and happiness, but I pray that we shall meet in the Kingdom when Jesus comes. I am praying for the peace that is missing in the Middle East. Israel and the Palestinians are ever in clashes, but I pray to God that He will bring peace and harmony to His people and to the whole world.
Bro. Gideon Matheka Mukeku

Bro. Collins Onyango

You are doing a good work in helping to spread the glad tidings throughout the world. I was pleased that you have now produced Bible Basics in Kiswahili and that copies are available to Kiswahili-speaking countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda – this is a very good work. I am doing some translation into Kiswahili and Kikamba of Sunday School Union literature.
Bro. Lazarus Kingoo

I got the books, plus Gospel News, which you sent to me and other things. I thank you for what you have done for me. I want you to give my greetings to Brothers and Sisters and tell my tutor, Janet Hobbins, I have lost her address. I am looking forward to the time when Jesus will be back with us and reform the earth with the Kingdom.
Bro. Jared Oketch

Thank you very much for the good service. I have been reading Gospel News and, frankly speaking, it has changed my life (and my wife’s). Since I started reading it I have found that life in Christ is peaceful. God willing, I will be baptised soon (Munga is now baptised). Please send to me the daily Bible reading calendar. Currently I’m missing it and it’s hard to read the Bible in sequential order without a guide.
Bro. Munga Lugo

Dago ecclesia was established in 1987. Our members are doing well and we pray and hope God will keep us together with you world-wide in the one faith. We pray together with you that Jesus will soon come. When we look at the world situation at present, we are convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that the coming of our Lord and Master is at hand. Jesus gave examples and signs to look at, here are a few chapters and verses from the scriptures: Luke 21:29-31,34-36; Matt. 24:4-8; 2 Tim. 4:1-5. We hope the day will not catch us unawares and we pray to God to give us everlasting life in His coming Kingdom. May God bless all who are awake and keeping their lamps burning, for we shall soon rise to meet the Lord when he comes from heaven with great glory. We are also very happy for having the Gospel News magazine which we always receive, since it is a great source of blessing to our life.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo

Bro. Henry Mwei

Basically, a true Christian is one who reads the Bible, understands it and does what it says. Unfortunately it is not so with many, because they lust for so many things in their minds. For instance, the Bible says a true Christian should have love, peace, patience and all the good things that we can think of. In a nutshell, we should be holy because He who called us is holy.
Bro. Peter Simiyu


Give my greetings to your ecclesia and tell them that I am with them in the Name of Jesus Christ. I was at Okumbo ecclesia, but now am at Ndhiwa (14km from Okumbo) and am in isolation with my sister, Sis. Dorine Adoyo Mboya.
Bro. Leonard Mboya Lar

We are 17 Brothers and Sisters in the village of Nyagowa, but I am far away from the ecclesia, but I am happy that we are together ‘in Christ’. Everything is possible, because God has a purpose. The Christadelphian faith was introduced to me by Bro. Patrick and Sis. Claudic Opondo. I was brought up in a traditional SDA family. We know that God is the Head of all leaders; leaders in this world acquire their power from God. I am blessed by having been chosen of God and taken from the religion of SDA and promise to stand firm in the faith.
Bro. Amayo Remjus

Bro. Amayo Remjus and Bro. Lamas Muga Okot

Some time back we were still conducting our prayers at our Sunday gathering when we were visited by two Brothers, Samwel Masawa from Migori and James Nyan’gute from Kisii. That day the exhortation was given by Bro. James Nyangute. We had interviews with contacts, but only one qualified for baptism. We give thanks to God that on that day Samson Onyango was baptised by Bro. Samwel Masawa. We thank the Brothers and Sisters in UK for saving our lives from malaria by providing the mosquito nets; we can now sleep comfortably and we give you all our grateful thanks
Bro. John O. Kine

Currently here in Kenya all is not well because unemployment is at a premium, criminal activities and violation against human rights are reported everywhere. To make all ends meet, I have decided to venture into journalism, having been motivated by articles carried in Gospel News. I am happy and contented to know that the Kingdom of God is prepared for those who confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Redeemer. We are eagerly and patiently waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Erick Kipruto Mutai

Thank you very much for assisting me in many ways. Your words of encouragement and those from the various messages in the booklets you send are so important to me and my friends with whom I usually share the word of the Lord. At times I have borrowed Bible Basics from my friend, Moses Wafula Sitati, but he also may be using it, thus limiting my usage. I request some more, so that I can have a copy of my own and also for my friends with whom I share God’s word; they come from different East African countries. Currently I am undertaking a teaching profession as a secondary teacher of biology and chemistry at the University of Kyambogo.
Bro. Martin Wamalwa

The magazines have made me grow in faith day after day and I will never refuse to read God’s word. I like reading and answering questions better than just writing letters, so I request you to send magazines, questions and any other material which will make me write to you from time to time. I have a friend who is a Roman Catholic and we have been studying Bible Basics together and he is after joining me in wanting to be baptised into Christ. He had a question: he was officially married in his church; would he have to be married again in our ‘church’ as all marriage certificates in Kenya are officially issued from the Attorney General’s office. All in all we are living in the last days, so let us be prepared to receive our Lord Jesus Christ and obey his commands.
Bro. Romano O. Ejakaiti

Our ecclesia at Uriri village comprises 40 members. We lack many things, but are at an early stage, so we need a lot of help. I’m a primary school teacher, having trained in 1991-92.
Bro. Moses E. Maleya

I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your spiritual and moral support. We have moved our Migori ecclesia to Uriri which is situated about 10km from Migori. We decided to move to Uriri because of expenditure, that is, house rent and the daily travelling costs of meeting our brethren who are located in different parts. We were blessed to have a member offer us a free house to meet in. We also spend much in preparing Bible lessons for the youth forum and also preparing prayers for different members who request them. We ask you to kindly continue sending us the Magazine and help in any way you can. Our mission of preaching the gospel is faring very well.
Bro. Kennedy Kirinya

Thank you for writing and thank you for supporting us spiritually. Our ecclesia is growing rapidly so continue supplying Gospel News and other material for our new members, AUGUSTINE WAMALWA, BENJAMINE WANYONYI and MARTIN WAKHUNGU. I received the Key Cards and they are of great value, the numbers were from 146-210. If you get time, then please send me other numbers for they are really helping me in Bible study.
Bro. Joseph M. Wanjala

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