news from cameroon
There is total co sickness, wars etc. are all around us. Why? Many scientific
studies, doctors, governments etc. have tried to stop these troubles, but there
are no solutions. They cannot give the world the satisfaction it seeks. We must
be on our guard, but the master key is prayer. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes
to the earth – he will be the solution to all the world’s problems.
We are happy to announce the baptisms, early last year, of four people, now our
do the will of our Father on earth.
We regret to report the desperate sickness of, Bro. Joshua Mosume. By the Lord’s
mercies he is improving, but please all share with us in prayer in his sickness.
Bro. Mbella Elias
As I have repented, God has overlooked my sins of the past, done in ignorance. I
trust I will not return to those times of ignorance, for I am sure God has set
aside a day, which is coming very fast, when He will judge the world through
Jesus. So I tell my children and personal relatives that when I go to my deep
sleep and my body is laid in the ground, “Let no clan’s tradition be attached to
my body”. I repeat, “When my days are over and I go to rest in my tomb, it will
be done and cared for by the Christadelphians only, and by no other sect. Jesus,
my Saviour, will return soon and raise the responsible dead.” Grace and peace be
with you all.
Bro. Victor Atabong
After a few years I visited the Blind and Handicapped School in Mbengwi and was
very happy with the changes I saw – the guest house, new ecclesial hall, new
rehabilitation unit, swimming pool etc. Please, I beg a regular copy of Gospel
Bro. Songson Simon

Photo: Bro. Simon nailing a fence at the School