news from russia

The Esperanto team meeting in Poland (Bro. David Budden, Esperanto Linkman with glasses in the Centre) The Esperanto effort has brought a number into the Truth from various Countries.
We are pleased to report the baptism of OKSANA (Abinsk); may she hold to the hope of the Kingdom until the end.

Our Brother Vladimir has been teaching a young man, a teenager, and I am hoping to baptize him soon. I have so many problems here. But this has brightened my experience each day, to teach another who seeks for God.
Bro. Sasha

I just received Gospel News and with such eagerness I always read it, all the way through, to know of my Brothers and Sisters and to grow in my knowledge. I still recall the things we were taught at the last Bible School although it is some time ago now. Although I don’t have as much time as I would like for studying, I know that my life has changed very much since my baptism.
Bro. Oleg

It’s strange for me to make the breaking of bread alone. I am surrounded by people from other churches and I am hoping to be able to persuade some of them of the Truth. I am very much with you all. I remember the Bible Schools. I hold on to the promise that we will all be together in the Kingdom.
Sis. Lena

I have received copies of Bible Basics and I have given them out to people in hospital and elsewhere. I am now in the habit of reading by the Companion and I break bread on my own on Sundays at 11 as suggested in Bible Basics. I know that after all the years of being deceived by people, I have truly got the truth now and I can face death calmly.
Bro. Nikolaj

I am praying so much these days, for there to be peace, for the service of the Gospel to continue, that more may come to joy and fellowship in Christ. I am so glad that Sister Ludmila has been baptized now in St Petersburg. I had much correspondence with her and I am so happy for this.
Sis. Ludmila K.

I received greetings after my baptism from Brothers and Sisters in England, USA, Australia, Russia etc, it made me realize that truly I have Brothers and Sisters and am part of a much greater family. I believe I will live with you in the Kingdom of God. This is my message to you.
Sis. Lilija

We are so sorry for not communicating for some time. Things are much better with us as we are now both working and are settled. The greatest joy for us is that our mother Gulnara was baptized by our dear Sister Ludmila!
Sisters Anna and Lilija

I was reading recently from the Acts of the Apostles. I suddenly realized the huge effort Paul made, the effort he expended, and how he endured. I felt I was reading for the first time how he entered hostile synagogues and preached. I am hoping to come to the Bible School.
Bro. Ramil

I enjoyed reading the latest Gospel News and also the booklet by Bro. Pearce, ‘God’s Living Proof’ which was printed by Bro. Podgaisky. I have been feeling myself very unworthy to be a Brother of Christadelphians, yet I believe also that I am redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. I pray especially for the Brothers in places like Pakistan.
Bro. Sasha

I am so looking forward to coming to the Winter Bible School, such meetings really give me such strength. I am now working here in Moscow and renting a room with Bro. Vitaly. I am trying to pray for all people I know, so that their eyes are opened to the truth.
Bro. Igor Pr

I am so looking forward to trying to come to the Bible School to meet with my one true family. I have so many problems. The Government are now trying to tell me that my pension is not legal for me to receive as I am a Georgian refugee. I continue to trust in God.
Sis. Ekaterina

I am very happy to hear of so many others coming to the Truth. I now am not alone here as Sis. Tamara is now my baptized sister in Christ, and we meet together very often. I remind myself of 1 Cor. 15:58, that we must not be weary in our deeds for the Lord, as there will be a reward.
Sis. Larisa

I’m so grateful for the literature sent to me after my baptism. As a 65 year old widow these things of the truth are the most important for me in the world. I am so grateful to Sis. Larisa for introducing me to you and so to the Truth.
Sis. Tamara

Thank you for encouraging me to give you addresses to whom we can send Bible Basics. I have three people I have been writing to and this offer came at the right time. I remember the parable of the sower, how we sow and God will give the increase. The winter has already begun here. I always worry how to survive this time of year.
Sis. Svetlana

I have others here in this area who would like to receive Bible Basics. Whatever wounds we receive in our ministry, we are comforted to know that the end is very near and getting closer.
Bro. Andrej

My baptism truly changed the whole direction of my life. Now every time I get a letter it moves me to tears to realize that someone else in our true family thinks of me, and that I am not alone here. I believe we are really on the right road to the Kingdom of God and that we will get there.
Sis. Aleksandra

I am very much thinking of you all in these hard times and am always eager for your news.
Bro. Valerij

It is now hard for me to communicate with you. I can only do it when my daughter goes out of the village and can post a letter. I continue to pray for you every single day. I realize now that many Brothers and Sisters have an even worse situation than me. My dream is to come again to the Bible School but I am unsure if it will work out now.
Sis. Tamara

I greatly respect your risking of your life in taking the message to dangerous places, I want to thank you from myself, because it is inspiring to me as I sit here trying to also give my life for the Truth. I pray so much, I would like to know if they really help people or not.
Bro. Boris

I feel a great eternal debt to you for so caring for me. Now I must try to repay it by a new life. I pray for you. I want the Kingdom to come soon. I am hoping to get out of my bad situation here by moving to live with a relative in another Oblast.
Sis. Ekaterina


At the second Ukrainian Bible School in Poltava, 2002

I am reading the Bible each day since my baptism, also I am breaking bread regularly. I see now how I wasted my time for 30 years as a member of the Communist party, learning Marxist-Leninist philosophy that in the end cannot give salvation. I am learning a lot from my study of the letter to the Romans. I see the moral demands made upon me personally by all that God did for me in Christ.
Bro. Viktor

After a gap of 1.5 years I am planning to visit the Bible School again, I so miss my fellowship with my Brothers and Sisters. I continue to study each day but without fellowship it is so hard.
Bro. Viktor

Here we are feeling that our small ecclesia is really growing. We are meeting regularly and Sister Ludmila comes from Kazan to help us. She is really a good teacher and we are very serious about our studying of the Bible. We love you all.
Sis. Valya

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