news from pakistan

I am very excited to inform you that our team has been working on a (secret) project for producing audio cassettes. We selected some parts from Bible Basics, and then we encouraged each other to produce it in other languages. This morning we have achieved our goal. Now have we five audio cassettes in my hand, Punjabi, Urdu, Balochi, Sindhi and Persian / Farsi. Urdu and Punjabi were prepared long before by Sis. Esther, but we kept silent until the other languages were ready. I have asked Bro. Farooq to make one audio CD to post you all these five languages. We will then try to make duplicates for nominal price distribution and also free copies to very poor families. As you know our ministry is still among lower class people, many of them cannot read and write, but now they can listen to the doctrine and teaching. This has been our vision, to have as many tools as possible to reach people easily. This is a most wonderful project that we have done with the Lord on our side. Be sure the Lord is on our side and He will continue to use us for His glory leading towards the establishment of His kingdom on this Earth.
In His unfailing love,
Br. K and team

Greetings and prayers. I just got back from my five days trip to Nawabshah. Wehad a meeting with 12 men and three ladies. They have been reading and answering the lessons from the Bible Basics book. Brother F have been taking questions and our doctrine and beliefs from them. Two Brothers A and I, and one Sister N of 22 were secretly baptized by me in presence of Br. F and some other baptized Brothers and Sister. 23 Bible Basics were distributed there and we will make frequent trips to them to encourage those who got baptized and those who are interested to know more. Meetings were conducted twice a day, 2 to 5 pm and 8 to 10 pm. In the mornings we held unscheduled meetings with those who were interested and shared the gospel according to our beliefs. We introduced website and you may start receiving responses from there.
Bre. F and K

According to the Bible “no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”. Yes, my dear brothers, I want to say this to you, that I cannot serve God and mammon. I can serve only God.
Sis. S

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