news from belarus

Sadly I can’t come to the Bible School this time, but I have some people here interested in the Truth. I need more copies of Bible Basics to give to them.
Sis. Larisa

I have been left by my husband but I realize for sure that God is with me. I will try to attend the next gathering in Minsk.
Sis. Anna

Brother Sasha is in hospital, in great pain because of the ulcers. I am sorry for not writing to you all, I have had so little time, but I love you all in the Lord.
Sis. Natasha

We are continuing to produce our magazine here but we have some financial difficulties. We pray for you all.
Bro. Gennady

I have little new in my life here. I continue to be surrounded by people who live by bribes and alcohol. I earn only $30 month. It is very hard for me to travel much. I am praying strongly for you all.
Bro. Ivan

I am surrounded here in this small village by the problem of alcohol. Many pensioners spend their pension within a few days on alcohol. They are then weak and ill for the rest of the month. There is much theft, and constantly I am nervously broken down because of what may happen to me at the hands of drunk people. Even very old pensioners are getting drunk, and the younger people will never find good work because they drink. I am getting older and weaker, the Lord is my strength. I pray only to endure each day.
Sis. Anna

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