Appendix 2: Egyes Krisztadelfian segélyforrások
Anonim e-mail kapcsolat más Krisztadelfian alkoholistákkal és családjaikkal:
Kelet Európa / Oroszul tanácsadás: a. d. 1903, Vilnius 2012 LITVÁNIA (LITHUANIA)
The Christadelphian Care Group, U.K. (Nagy-Britannia)
The Caring Network, North America
The Queensland Caring Network, Australia
(1) Caroline Knapp, “The Glass Half Empty”, The New York Times Magazine (9 May 1999), p. 19.
(2) Jean Kinney & Gwen Leaton, Loosening The Grip: A Handbook Of Alcohol Information (St Louis: Mosby, 1995) p. 21. This is an invaluable source of statistics and facts relating to alcoholism.
(3) The most Biblical attempt to justify total abstinence which I have come across is in Peter Masters, Should Christians Drink? The Case For Total Abstinence (London: Wakeman, 2001). But even this, in my opinion, fails to conclusively clinch the case Biblically. I have to leave it at the level of a personal conscience decision. There is also a Christadelphian booklet along the same lines by Brother Ted Farrar: Booze: Why Christadelphians Shouldn’t Drink.
(4) Jorge Valles, Social Drinking And Alcoholism (Texas Alcohol And Narcotics Educations Council, 1965) p. 14.
(5) Darryl Inaba & William Cohen, Physical And Mental Effects Of Psychoactive Drugs (Ashland, OR: C.N.S., 1993), p. 135.
(6) Roy Hatfield, “Closet Alcoholics In The Church”, Christianity Today, 18 August 1981 p. 28.
(7) This is discussed and documented in some detail in Andre Bustanoby, The Wrath Of Grapes (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1987).
(8) Jean Kinney & Gwen Leaton, Loosening The Grip: A Handbook Of Alcohol Information (St Louis: Mosby, 1995) p. 21.
(9) For a fine and moving account of a Christadelphian’s deliverance from alcohol abuse, see the thrilling, chilling testimony of Brother Peter Bayliss in The Perils Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse, published by the Christadelphian Care Group.
(10) Paul Martin, The Healing Mind, 1997, p. 157.
(11) K.M. Magruder, “The Association Of Alcoholism Mortality With Legal Availability Of Alcoholic Beverages”, Alcohol And Drug Education, 1976.