News from Africa
Elections are being held in many African countries this year. All of them, be they presidential or parliamentary, bring the cacophony that characterizes election campaigns which is always deafening. Men and women hope for a continuance or change of those in authority they all want peace, justice, job security, better lives and you name the rest.
`The People's Choice' was the phrase used by a ruler seeking re-electon, who claimed to have achieved so much for his country. Yet, the opposition believe he has remained at the head of a government plagued with corruption, unemployment, injustice and tribalism.
God mocked the people's choice of a king when the elders of Israel brought the children of Israel to ask for their own king after the manner of the nations surrounding them. They should have called on the Lord, but, they asked for a King of their choice and their rejecting God, was a total disregard for the sovereignty of the Almighty as ruler in the kingdom of men. In 1 Sam. 8:10-18 God shows us the ways of the kings of men.
`Democracy' is a modern word for the rejection of God's choice of a king, and man's stubbornness in continuously thinking that he can better his plight by his own means. Christadelphians for nearly two hundred years have been daily searching the Scriptures and have, since then, considered themselves as strangers of the present world governments, and have never been part of its politics. They have remained a minority in every country where they are found and some have even suffered physical assaults for their belief.
In Luke 1:30-32 the birth of God's choice of a King is announced by one of his messengers. King Jesus was born, not according to worldly standards, did not spend his life in a royal palace, but embraced the cross for the redemption of his brethren and for the Kingdom from above.
Few believed him then when he was on earth; few believed his apostles after His resurrection, and still fewer believe his disciples today. As we are sure night will come today, then morning, so are we sure of his second coming, which is soon. May we all encourage one another to meditate on the daily readings in unity, as the day draws nearer. In the blessed hope of his glorious coming,
--Bro. Emmanuel Nanji.
Do you remember the handicaped brother I spoke to you about? Well, in answer to our prayers, I'm pleased to inform you that he has got a job working in quite a confortable post that does not trouble him a lot. God is really great and takes care of His children and knows our needs. My father is reading `The Real Devil' and he is already beginning to fall out with the satan- angel idea he used to believe in, calling it paganism.We chatted some few days ago and I told him that once he would finished the book he would understand many things as I have.
I read about something that quite interested me about phylacteries. I have always wondered why God gave Israel this kind of command to tie up portions of the law on them, but when I read `The Real Devil' I understood the necessity of this command, especially as those pagan nations round about Israel used them for protection. Actually my ethnic group do such things. We have certain bangles or rings which some people wear on the fingers and wrists against enemies that might mystically want to attack them. My father himself used to have one that he usually wore on his wrist and after some years he would have to take it back to the witch doctor to kind of revitalise the ring or bangle. This aspect is very common here in Cameroon and I am only beginning to realise how old this practise is.
Our Ecclesia needs at least five Bibles
--Bro. Cyril Zang
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude for the NEV Bible you sent to me, and as I opened
it in my office we had the opportunity to discuss a few verses from it. Most of them were embarrassed to know that the Lord Jesus is not God because of their belief in the trinity. One of them immediately went to John chapter 1 and we had a good talk on the first verses. They realised that Jesus only existed in God's plan at the beginning as I explained from the notes.
Another major problem of the gospel in Africa is letting the people understand that Satan is simply an adversary. This is because of their conception about Satan from the beginning was different and traditional. That is why it always takes us time to change the thoughts of new converts. If we have books like `The Rear Devil' and others that treat of controversial topics, that will help us a lot in Cameroon. The commentary in the Bible is being already used to cast doubt away from the minds of the people.
I enclose a picture of the newly baptized Brothers in Douala Ecclesia. I am the recording brother giving a hand of fellowship to the new brothers.
--Bro Wambong Mathias
Receiving two Brother into fellowship at Douala ecclesia, Cameroon
Bonaberri ecclesia, Cameroon, after baptisms
I'm Bro.Kim .the Chairman of Kinshasa ecclesia. I'm daily very happy to receive the Bible messages from Gospel News , let God bless all brothren and sisters who read these.
I ask you if you can assist me by VCD or other documentations for English, because, I'd like to learn English myself at home and the pronunciation is important. This will be important for our Ecclesia where everybody speaks only French and we have a lot of books in English. I alone speak English with difficulty, but am not able to translate for them.
Bro Kim's Mukambilwa CBM-Kinshasa, D.R.Congo BP;9953
Can anyone help
him with learning English?
Thank you very much for sending me the NEV Bible. I'm 37 years and a teacher by profession. I intend to help found an ecclesia near my place (in Bungoma Town) and God willing establish something akin to a Christadelphian Resource Centre. It needs a little library and a few volunteer brothers and sisters, plus some little funds to keep us going. Readers who want to know more about Christadelphians could visit this centre. That is my dream.
--Bro. Nicodemus Wanjala
In Gospel News it is wonderful to hear from fellow brethren and sisters and indeed to share experi- ences together as we hold each other shoulder by shoulder Zionwards in great anticipation of the soon return of our Lord and Master.
Please remember to send me a few copies when the whole Bible is finally received from the printers. I have a few enthusiastic Bible students who I feel will benefit so much when they have a Bible of their own.
--Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
Sisters Bible Class at Lurambi
I agree that the signs of the times show that Christ's return is near. Our Ecclesia watches these and has had six mini Bible Schools to study the Bible and help others come into the Truth. We gave many contacts studying Bible Basics, and expect 21 of them to be baptised later this year.
--Bro. Martin Chemiati
Sis. Pilistar with two orphans, which to her are like granddaughters.
Time seems to be running very fast towards the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ as the signs show in various parts of the world and, in particular, the Middle East events. Now I have no problem with doing any reading since you assisted me with several varieties of reading glasses with which I have also managed to assist some in the Ecclesia and outside.
I appreciate very much your work in the Lord by enabling people in the countries of the world to get access to the truth through the Gospel News. The Word of God should be spread in all ways possible to us in God's purpose.
I managed to meet Duncan and Cindy in Nairobi when they showed us the wonder of God's work through the pictures through the internet, and how some are suffering because of the Truth they had received through Gospel News, particularly those living in Muslim/Arab countries and Hindu areas.
Here in our country, Kenya, the weather has changed so much with heavy rain, and some areas are being submerged with many belongings being swept away but we are always assured from the times of Noah God will not again flood the earth.
Brother, I have been very much uplifted indeed through your encouraging letters accompanying your articles/books you usually send me and may the Lord God bless you and your efforts abundantly.
--Bro. John Muyala
Thank you very much for the good and very important work you are doing. I am happy that you have sent more Bibles and Bible Basics.This is helping with the spread of the Gospel and strengthening the faith of brothers and sisters.
--Bro Lazarus Kingoo
I thank you for the good work that you do in feeding the world with GOD'S word. God bless you.
--Bro. Sylvester Ariri
I am full of joy to inform you that God was faithful to me and our family last year, which was full of challenges and trials and in the midst of all these I have gained victory and my health restored. I count it pure joy that by going through all kinds of challenges and trials this has contributed to my strong faith in the Almighty God and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (James 1:2-5).
Thank you for your persistence in making sure that the world receives the good and great news of the Word of God and also your continued supply of the Gospel News. I give God glory for helping to sustain me after losing my job. I have always put my trust in God when he speaks through his servant in Matthew, that I am more important than the birds in the air which get their food every day without worrying.
As His son I am allotted my portion every day; food, shelter and clothing is going to be provided, therefore I should not be worried about what I am going to eat or wear for the Lord knows clearly what I need.
I encourage my brothers and sisters never to be worried or troubled whenever they pass through or face trials of all kinds as they are there only to strengthen, and it is only in them that they get to know God and to understand that God is always faithful and will never forsake or leave us.
I congratulate all who have kept their faith during these troubled times, which have been difficult and really stressful, i.e. financial strains, inflation, wars, political instability and unemployment. I truly love God for all His faithfulness. Be blessed and continue being a blessing.
--Bro. Jared Kidiga
All the books and informative letters you have sent are of great help to us as some of our friends borrow them and come up with questions concerning their different beliefs, for example, the worship of the image of Christ and the Cross. In most churches here in Naitiri they believe that when someone dies, he/she has already gone to heaven and it has been a great task to teach them the truth. We have managed to convince some of them, who have agreed with us on such like topics but others are now against us because of some little disagreement over the Bible. They say that once you are baptised, directly and automatically you receive eternal life, then even if you die you will just continue living in spirit form. Some friends have agreed with us, and from proofs from the Bible are interested to get more information concerning the Kingdom of God.
As you know, I started learning much more about the true gospel recently, from about 2009. I have not gained all the knowledge required to defend the Holy Scriptures in terms of differences on some Bible basics. I hereby come into arguments after discussions and find myself weak in heart for lacking the ability to remember verses quickly.
--Bro. Nasong'o Haron
I am writing this with a lot of joy because I was baptised five months ago with the help of Brother Haron. He was teaching me, using the books you have been sending to him, "Bible Basics" and "The Real Christ". These books helped me a lot and I am still using them. I will be reading them again and studying them slowly because God is the perfect Father, (Matt.5:48).
I would like to inform you that one day we were at a school discussion group during break time. There were six of us in a religious education discussion and a friend, Dennis, raised a point about the trinity and I could see that most of the group believe that God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one being. Could you please send me some notes about the trinity so that I can read and understand more and be able to go and teach them the truth without any doubt.
--Bro. Revin Simiyu
Bro. Revin Simiyu
In our ecclesia we now need only four Bibles mainly for visitors. I was shocked to hear that some people in Latvia are also undergoing hardships like we are in Kenya. The Kenya shilling has weakened against the US dollar. A kilogram of sugar is sold at ksh.200 which is equivalent to £1.50p. Let us pray that Christ comes soon.
--Bro. Samuel Wango
We in Nyange Ecclesia are fine and pass warm greetings to you. Our members are saying that it is quite a long time since you last wrote to us, so we are not quite sure whether our courier services are hoarding our parcels or maybe you are busy doing other duties that absorb you fully, but we hope you will soon be able to send us more newsletters.
Here in Kenya we thank our Almighty God for the showers of rain we are receiving and we are trying as much as possible to grow food crops as early as possible to ensure that we fight hunger. Though we are living in tensions due to insecurity from our neighbouring republic of Somalia, we thank God for sustaining us alive since many members of the AL-SHABAAB have been found as close as Bungoma Town, which is next to us, and have been arrested by the County's armed forces.
Nyange Ecclesia is growing rapidly and all thanks return to God and also you for your material support. Currently we have candidates again who are preparing for baptism, including Daniel, Irene, Bridgit and Janet. We hope that our Lord shall one day fulfil our dreams of having a large ecclesia in our region that will enlighten people about the Truth, as in Habakkuk 2:2, which encourages us to wait for our dreams to be fulfilled at the end of it all.
--Bro. Adriano Wanjalo
The purpose of the God of Israel is that all human beings should be saved but because of our deceitful hearts and minds we have all gone astray, all have sinned and come short of God's glory. We cannot save our own lives as our natures are corrupt. That is why through God's grace and truth revealed through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth died on the cross, and through his resurrection from the dead man has been given a hope of living beyond the grave.
We can only praise God and give thanks for providing a way of life after death. The God of Israel will show His love and mercy to us only by our being obedient to Him. Your communications to me from 1999-2011 have made my faith to be alive. You have given me the tools to do the work of God without any fear, but with love and patience. Finally I feel that if I remain a faithful servant I have the golden opportunity to be one of the brothers in the Kingdom of God, when our Saviour returns for the second time with great power and glory to rule on this earth for a thousand years.
--Bro. John Owalo Onani
Someone once asked me why she should be like Jesus now, since she would become like him when he comes to rule the world. Great question! Actually there are several reasons why becoming like him is important. When we see Jesus and stand before him we will give an account as to whether or not we lived in ways that were consistent with his will, or, as Paul put it, whether or not we have built on him as our foundation with "gold, silver, precious stones, wood, clay or straw". (1 Cor.3:12-13).
All that we should do to advance his Kingdom things like to contribute to the strength of his church, serve the poor and needy and promote righteousness and justice as he did - is like building with essential materials that will survive the fire of his judgement. On the contrary, building with things that reflect our fallen ways and advancing ourselves and our earthly desires and commodities, will turn into a pile of ashes before the consuming fire of his glory, (consuming fire means to return to the grave). I don't know about you, but I would rather love Jesus enough to live like him now, for the thought of standing before him, and having to return to the grave for ever is an unthinkable alternative. (1Cor.3:13).
--Bro. Isaac Kapa
May the Lord who is our Rock bless you and increase your knowledge and keep you in your path, so that your remembrance in Christ the Lord may continue to reach us here.
I have taken a long time to reply to your letter because I was in difficulty. In my home I had no food, which caused me to go to Mozambique for piece-work to support my family. So you will know it is not because of weakness, being lazy or tired of reading any Scripture you usually send me that has caused this lack of contact: I very much appreciate and am satisfied with all that you do for me.
We must use our skills and pray without ceasing, to encourage one another to defeat sin in the flesh through Jesus Christ, who is to come. In our desire to be spiritual, we must not let hunger or lack of
food entice us to sin. May we daily feed on the spiritual food that is in the Holy Bible: this will give us strength and increase our hope, beliefs and love.
Today there are plenty of spoilt, corrupted things, but in these end times we bless those who know that our God can work in the hearts of those who do His will.
--Sis. Mai Cook
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by the changing of my postal address. This is so because I am experiencing a tough financial status this year and because of that I have failed to pay for the 2011 postal rent hence my postal address has been closed down, and I enclose a note of the current one I am using. Although this change might cause some difficulties I hope that all in all things will get better and I will be receiving normal articles.
--Bro. Lucky F. Mbalale
Congratulations on being blessed with a grandson, Daniel who, through God's love.was born at home. I was so grateful to hear about Gwladys. It was a long time ago that she sent us a children's Bible which my children still use. It has pictures and words explaining what happened. Sister Gwladys was a very close partner to our ecclesia with Bror Jailos Khonje and I send her my warmest wishes.
Sister June Churchill wrote me a letter in reply to mine. She advised me to concentrate more on the farming scheme because of shortage of work places in our rural area. I have started school, not because of my will but members from our Bible sharing think about the problem of surviving with all the financial problems in the world and I understand that after obtaining a Malawi School Certificate of Education one can be trained as a teacher. After praying, I thought that this might be God's purpose in order that I may survive. .
--Sis. Bertha Khenje
It is very comforting to hear from you and thanks for the information regarding Duncan's family in Eastern Europe. Duncan having two children means he is no longer the young Duncan I used to know. Well Marcus, this is just a joke, I have seen him in Gospel News the time he came to visit our brethren alongside our Lake (Malawi).
Some of us really appreciate the efforts that CAT is doing in order to spread the Truth. We have witnessed recently the downfall of some presidents in some African countries who took their subjects for granted, and new authorities are being put in their places. Well all this reminds me of one thing, that "the Most High reigns in the kingdoms of men".
--Bro. Sylvester Tembo
The last Gospel News shows that you are still remem- bering and caring for us. Everything was quite excel- lent when I read and heard about it. I also support the compilation and new distribution of those Bibles.
Things here have now completely turned from better to worse. Fuel prices have resulted in shortages and higher prices for many things. There are many problems here and we just try to keep going and pray to the Almighty God to redeem us. I would like to encourage you to continue providing us with Gospel News. We are still working hand in hand like ants no matter that we are few, but strong in believing in God. I would like to announce the death of my father who died at the age of 87, born in 1922. This death of my father has made me speechless, hopeless and helpless in my life.
--Bro. Dutch Mphayah
With me here in Malawi, God is caring for me in good condition and the work which I was given by the Almighty Lord is progressing day by day. I was one day reading your book called "Bible Basics" concerning the joy and peace of true Christianity and after reading the book I found your name and where you live. As a man of God spreading the Good News here in Malawi I have so many brothers and sisters but I am lacking more spiritual items like Bible Basics, magazines, booklets and Holy Bibles.
--Bro. I.W.F. Thabwa
Thank you so much for your continued interest sending us gospel support, books, literature and the Gospel News. The purpose is to direct our attention to the Scriptures and its unique message of hope in this troubled world, as well as to the essential prin- ciples of the Divine teaching, appealing to the Bible for demonstration of the Truth in all aspects. We require 10 Bibles in English for brothers and sisters, 5 in local language Chechewa and 2 for those awaiting baptism, 17 in all. Also required is literature con- cerning God's coming Kingdom, Christmas, Heaven, Hell and Baptism. I am 70 years old and my wife is 67 years old and we suffer from heart attack (HB) dislocation so we cannot work hard to cope with our cost of living. May God continue to bless you.
--Bro. Henderson M. Sosola
Brother, I received your letter but I was sick in hospital after I went to Kasonga to see brethren and sisters. My sister was also sick in hospital.
--Bro. B.S. Kawonga
I am planning to spread the Gospel to some Sec- ondary Schools which have Christian Clubs with members from different churches, so I hope to meet with them to share the True Gospel. I could there- fore do with some extra literature for this project.
--Bro Samson Banda.
(l-r) Bre Emmanuel, Andrew, Symon, Hackwell and Samson with books recently sent them.
An historic picture of Bro David Rennison with
Bro Charles Sanjama translating.
Here we are all alive and well, and nobody was hurt in the recent revolution and problem in the country. We are all struggling from lack of food caused by the high prices of food and water.
--Bro. Luc
Sister Astrid with Mali children
Health and blessing in the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who will return at the sound of the trumpet. Meanwhile we must fill our lamps with the oil of faith, and keep our garments white and clean.
Thank you for the copies of the estimable Gospel News, which we appreciate as food for thought. The recent copy which is colourful, is full of messages for everyone looking for the Truth. May God bless and reward the team richly: `Read yourself rich' is the thought of the day.
We herald the coming of the Son who will put an end to man's folly and restore a new order of things.
--Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz
I am not too bad here, except that I am having problems with the postal system. Thank you for the parcel of five Bible Basics in Portuguese, but the box and some letters' envelopes have been opened.
I was delayed receiving your letters as I have been in Zimbabwe for two years, with my family. I have telephoned Bro. John at Zomba, asking him to come here. I had the great privilege to see our brethren and sisters from the UK and to hear some words of exhortation from them.
I want to thank Sis. Susan Sanger for the weekly exhortation paper which I received regularly, as well as the `Hope of Israel.' Please continue to send me Gospel News and other material in English and Portuguese. I ask for your prayers for my family in Zimbabwe: I could not bring them home as I had not the relevant documents.
Here in Tete provincial capital city it is very hot the temperature is 40-45C. I would like to request Sunday School material, please, if possible. I enclose a `photo with students.
--Bro. Emmanuel Maugente
Bro. Emmanuel Maugente with students
I wrote to Brother Igna at Cross River State and he replied by phone that he had got my letter and promised to talk to me again so I am planning to visit them. The road leading to the place is bad because it is a village and
because the transport fares are high. The people need visitors to warn and encourage them.
Nigeria is in big trouble because of the increase in the price of fuel. Businesses are closing down, even Banks; hunger has taken over and people are using the opportunity to block roads. Please send us Bible Reading Planners as many of us do not have one.
Sadly ,we lost a brother on 11.1.12. He had loved us dearly but had been sick for a long time. Due to trouble in Nigeria we managed to bury him on the same day that he died. Only a few of us attended the funeral service which I conducted. Please remember us in your prayers because people are killing others. Food items are very costly and also house rental because of the fuel price increase and subsidy removed.
--Bro. Godfrey Nwosu
Thank you so much for the kindness and love in sending some Christian literature. I am most grateful to you for supporting my faith, being just two years old within the Christadelphian family and being in a state of isolation.
I was baptised on 10th October 2010 by brothers affiliated with the Lagos Ecclesia and since then I have been supported with a little literature from the brothers, because of being away from them, since I am studying at the University of Ibadan . Being in isolation cuts me off from regular fellowship and corporate Bible study, weekly meetings and the memorial service, so I will really cherish your kind support and continued help for regular Bible-based literature, especially on the core doctrinal teachings of God's Word. I am facing family opposition to my faith at present so I feel the need to be well grounded and rooted in the understanding of God's eternal truths.
I am counting on your prayerful support as it is very hard to stand alone in isolation, facing opposition from one's family to my faith and being treated as a heretic for embracing the truths taught by the Christadelphians. Please kindly keep me in your prayers you will surely be in mine.
--Bro. Timothy Temilola
My Ecclesia needs Bibles for reading the Old and New Testaments. We are eight in number now but if I count for those moving into the township to look for work and those who are preparing for baptism, it will be more. Also we need more copies of Bible Basics to give to others.
--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe
By God's grace we are alright today and trying our very best to spread the Truth to our people. Kindly remember me in your prayers and I do pray for you so that God will continue to give me more power to spread His Word. The people here have the zeal for God but not according to knowledge, holding a form of reverence toward God, but having denied the power of it.
I really need Gospel News and other books from you as they are like fellowshipping with other brothers and sisters. Our family ecclesia is in isolation here and that must not stop me from preaching the Truth to those in our community. We need to work, as we are in the last days, so please send me leaflets to reach out to people here.
I received the materials you sent to me, giving thanks to the Father who made us suitable to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, and my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
We need here in Ohafia four complete Bibles and my senior brother is now studying with us and by God's grace he may be preparing for baptism. Please send materials/books to me as they have been a great help to our family Ecclesia and for our house to house proclamation. We need 10 more copies of the New Testament to share with those we meet without a Bible
--Bro. Uka Egwu
I wish to write to request that you send `Gospel News' magazines and Bibles with the abridged version of `Bible Basics' for members and intended members please.
--Bro. Jolly D. Williams
Creche and Visitors' Room, Candu.
Left: Sisters Zelpha, Eugenia, Vivian and Selmabi, who work in the Candu Creche.
We had another baptism on Sunday - someone who heard about the Christadelphians on the radio when Daniel and Obed did their thing.
Daniel gave him a NEV Bible and said he was the first in South Africa to receive one.
--Sis Leonie Verster
We have five English speaking Brethren and so would like five English Bibles for them and if possible some for English speaking contacts on our missionary trips; we also need Bibles in French and Kiswahili. I was baptised in 1998 and was interviewed by Brother David Smith. I really like working for the CBM. travelling each year with visiting brethren to different areas and translating for them.
--Bro Thierry Kabangu,
I would like to draw your attention to my situation: I lost my sight in 1981 while I was employed by the ministry of Education, where I had worked since 1974. The cause of my blindness was chloroquine treatment when I suffered malaria. Subsequently, doctors felt that the treatment had destroyed my retinas, leaving a spot on both retinas. However, I was retrained and learned to read and write using Braille.
I retired in 1997, at that time I was very eager to learn the word of God, but knew of no-one who could assist me. I found, by God's grace, that the CBM already had a Christadelphian meeting at Kimamba, started by Bro. Samuel Malulu, who introduced me to the good news of the Truth; I was very impressed by this message and wanted to join the meeting.
In 2004 I met Bro Michael Owen, who told me about the work of helping the blind. Within a month, Bro Arthur and Sis Muriel East began to send me the forty lesson course, and the following year, 2005, I was baptised.
The following year, I preached the Truth to local people, and eight converts were baptised. Numbers of converts were increasing because I was preaching the Truth to them.
Since the death of Bro. Arthur East, and the floods which swept away my books, I have no books
printed in Braille for my blind students, nor for my sighted students, using the forty-lesson. Braille course. So I am writing to ask if you will be able to assist me to get Braille books, and others for the sighted students. I am married with children, and hope you may be able to visit me one day.
--Bro. Hosea Ndaki
Sis. Muriel East has arranged for you
to have a Braille copy of the 40-lesson course. You also have two Christadelphian Braille magazines regularly from Bro. Peter Bullivant. Bro. Peter does a wonderful work in producing these regularly --MH
I and my family are O.K. Thank you very much for sending me as many booklets as you do. In our ecclesia there are five Brothers who can read English, but they haven't English Bibles, so could you please send them copies
--Bro. Joseph Kaliyaya
The NEV Bibles are wonderfully designed in a manner that a reader can understand the meanings of the chapters. I showed them to our members and finally Sis Rebecca took one as she did not have any English Bible. The attached reading planner is so very helpful and I know all in Faith must appreciate and enjoy the Bible together.
--Sis. Monica
Sis Monica with the Mutunga family from Kenya
There are two Ecclesias in this extensive Refugee Camp of about 20 baptised members in each. We received an urgent email that their food allocation (Maize flour 190g, Beans 60 g, Oil 20g, Salt 10g, Soya 20g for each person every 14 days) had to be reduced by half for some weeks owing to WFP/ UNHCR food shortage.(This is the typical allocation in most refugee camps). Technically it is not easy to help in these situations, but the hand of providence enabled CAT to take immediate action and make up the supplies for the Brethren and Sisters.
We send a considerable amount of literature to various Refugee camps , which seem ideal places to spread the good news of the Kingdom, as many of them have time to think about God in there difficult and often horrible circumstances.
Our two ecclesias at the refugee camp will start a project soon. We have noted that most of our helpful
Publications are written in English. And those Breth- ren who do not know English do not always develop, or have a deep understanding of the Truth, as they are unable to expand their knowledge in the word of
God though they have been baptised long time ago, so we are going to run a learn English course to help them benefit more from the Truths literature.
Help brethren here to become a community of believers based on firm understanding of the Truth through reading our publications .
My heart revives to have the NEV Bible as it makes for a deeper significance to be discovered that makes the reading and the understanding of the Truth very exciting and enables students to find out the basic message and the power of God's love and the true happiness revealed in it so that we may no longer be like children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine devised by the trickery, craftiness and deceitful scheming of men.
--Bro Isidore Wibeleca
Bumoli is doing well, and keeping strong in faith with all members fine. May the Lord of peace be with you till Christ's return.
We would like to request dictionary for easy interpretation of words; we love to preach but we have little education, so it is our plea that you could help us in this way to improve our preaching work.
The wages of sin is death,' and a brother who is baptised should not be involved in the six things which the Lord hates: see Proverbs 6:16-19. For anyone to inherit eternal life, he or she should not do such acts.
--Bro. Bwire Sepper
I would like to again request from you some books, like `Where There is No Doctor,' (this book will help us to improve our standard of living and also to teach other people); We are very happy because we are enjoying the books you sent us, and they are improving our spiritual growth in Jesus Christ.
--Bro. Mangeni Rogers
Thank you so much for the book about the public debate- `'Are the Miraculous Gifts of Holly Spirit Possessed Today?'' It is so helpful to us as it can help to guide our friends (students) who still believe this. So much work has been taking place here at Lumino, the construction of our new hall is finished and a lot of preaching work is going on since the hall is in a new place. We have had five baptisms recently which included my 66 year old mother.
--Bro. Godfrey Egessa.
The two phtos of our newly baptised Brother Paul and Sister
Sheba of Bushenyi Ecclesia viewing the river Nile, and Bro
Addidas enjoying an egg at the youth camp in Jinja.
Enjoying roasting meat at the camp
We were so grateful to receive your parcel of New Testament Bibles and we look forward to receiving another parcel of the complete
Bible, together with notes on each page, and an abridged version of Bible Basics.
--Bro. Godfrey Egessa
Lumino Ecclesia's new hall, now called Dakha Ecclesia as the hall is built in the Dakha community. Brothers, Sisters and some students and Sunday School children standing outside their new Hall after the Breaking of Bread servie.
Dakha (Lumino) Ecclesia: Brothers, Sisters, Students and children at the Breaking of Bread Service.
Since the end of February the Kampala Ecclesia do not have a place of meeting, so please do put us in your prayers as we look for another place. In the estate where we have been living for 20 years, whilst I was away the Government evicted us. I have temporary accommodation at present and to earn a living I repair shoes. I have nine children, and eight of them are in my family photo.
--Bro Stephen Ogenga
I am so happy that the Lord called me to hear the Truth. I obeyed it in baptism on August 20th 1998. I thank God for all brothers who shared the Truth with me. We are working locally, and out of our zone, to forward the work of the Truth while we wait for the coming of our Lord.
I am the secretary of, Chinsali. We need more Bibles and Bible Basics, as we now number 18 brethren.
My faith is not the way it was before I started reading Gospel News now I am bright in the Lord. My prayer for all Christadelphians is that they will continue to be faithful. To such a community of brethren of Christ, God has promised endless glories in His Kingdom. We continue to love the Truth unconditionally, following Christ and observing His commands: Breaking Bread and taking wine, preaching and baptizing, and continuing in prayer. (Acts 2:42).
--Bro. Edward Mutale
Left is Bro. Edward Mutale with members of the ecclesia.
It's a pleasure to let you know that we would like to have 10 copies of the whole Bible, for our members and students who are about to be baptized. I would also like to inform you that I am very much interested to receive the Gospel News; also a copy for Bro. Isaac Mphasa Sibale, who is also a member of the above-mentioned Ecclesia.
--Bro. Brighton Chiluba
We are requesting 30 copies of the NEV Bible for Kabompo Ecclesia, for use in preaching and distributing to those who have no
Bibles, or Bible students to be baptiZed.
Recently Bro. Denis Kombe and Bro. Silas Chishimba came to Kabompo from Ndola and Kitwe respectively on a joint visit to baptiZe two Bible students, Srs. Patricia Makina and Jessy Kutoha. We expect to baptise five more Bible students soon.
Please pray for the Kabompo Ecclesia that we may be given strength to intensify preaching and resources to embark on the construction of an ecclesial hall this year. We have paid K600,000 for application forms, for plot interviews and have successfully been interviewed. We have been told to pay K10 million {Kwacha (£1,184)} in order for the council to allocate us with a plot number in Kabompo town. We are eager to mould bricks, burn and ferry them to the site, God willing, in May, June and July to start the actual construction of the Ecclesial hall.
The number of Bible students is rising as more people in Kabompo are understanding the truth, and leaving wrong doctrines. So we need your help this year in sending to us literature, especially information on the signs of the times, doctrinal information and other literature. Bro. Denis Kombe has sent us a standard building plan. We shall, God willing, bake 3,000 bricks and start construction by the end of this year.
We are sure that many people in Zambia like going to church halls and this will help us more in preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God, although not at all forsaking door-to- door preaching and the preaching through our way of life towards the outsiders.
--Bro. Reuben Musole Kaambeu
I will be happy to continue receiving Gospel News and also glad to receive other literature. It is true, brother, like soldiers going to the battle in war, who have first to prepare themselves, it is the same for us Christians we need to redouble our efforts to prepare ourselves for the return of our Master, Jesus Christ.
More people are returning to the Word of God, although some are not in the Truth; of course more have come to realize that the end of the world is near because of the things which are happening. These are amazing things and this is the time, as Christians we must seriously proclaim the Word of God to non-believers, by helping them urgently to turn to the Lord so that they can be saved from eternal death.
--Bro. Greenwell Kunda
Bro. Greenwell Kunda
I was so happy to receive the NEV Bibles, Gospel News, plus supplementary materials a few Notes on some events which clearly make us aware of the likeliness of the Master's return.It's good to reach out, and this is quite evident through your untiring work which we, too, endeavour to support by whatever little correspondence we send in for Gospel News. Let's all pray for new projects for His work, and I assure you there are indeed many things coming our way, which we should not ignore.
--Bro. Wilfred Chibomba
I could see the smiling faces of brethren and some Bible students when I was giving out the NEV Bibles. The comment I got was, "This is the one" a very helpful, well designed Bible. It is very good for our student, who has been asking so
many questions, who has now refrained and says, "my question has already been answered by the commentary they have put down there". It has been made possible for many brethren and sisters to have Bibles of their own, not only these, even some of our very committed Bible students will soon be buried in water, dying with our absent Lord and being raised to newness of life. Thus they have helped many to have knowledge of the coming Kingdom. We have eight committed Bible students at the moment, and nine brethren who are able to read the English language
--Bro. Kelly Simayumbula
Bro. Oscar Chikobela and Sis. Chipego Muchango at their wedding on 27.09.11. at Simutete Hall in Kalomo.
Bre., from left, Haggai, Coasta Kanembe and Oscar Chikobela packing mud bricks for the construction of their Ecclesial Hall at Daphan Ecclesia.
Kalomo Sunday School
I would like to share with others who have the wrong interpretation of the `second coming of Christ,' because some, especially in Africa, believe that Christ is coming to get and take believers to live with him forever in heaven. The statement of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 must not confuse and make us ignorant of the Word. Paul was using a kind of figurative expression to comfort those who seek the Lord.
I was sharing a Bible talk one afternoon on a preaching `outreach' topic on `the second coming of Christ', when I met with someone who said, `It is a waste of time to worship if we're to remain on earth and not go into heaven.' The Bible clearly says believers `shall reign on
the earth' (Rev.5:10) not in heaven. Another passage of Scripture which reveals that the dominion will be `under heaven' is Daniel 7:27.
--Bro. Bargley Muleya
Bro. Muleya on a preaching outreach
Kalomo Sunday School: left to right Twine sister, Dorica and Dolice; Sigma; Sydney; Anner; Monde and Steve.
All along I have been longing to receive the `Gospel News,' but I had no proper address, until of late. Kindly put me on the list of those to receive the magazine. I joined the Christadelphian family in August 1999. I live in isolation, but meet with brothers and sisters once in a while when I am able to pay for transport. My wife, who is also a Sister, and I are 28 Kms away from Kapiri Mposhi Ecclesia. Could you possibly send me a copy of `Wrested Scriptures,' as it will be a helpful book for us.
--Bro. Austen Mwaka
Thank you for the last parcel you sent to me for our Sunday School children. New Testaments which are very interesting and useful for the children to learn about and know the true God. The enclosed books and papers with Bible stories are also very helpful to us.
I have received the five Bibles which are very interesting, for the words are big to read, even for older people. In addition to these copies, could you please send seven more. It is very important to thank those well-wishers, those contributing to making it possible to print `Gospel News' worldwide as it is this magazine that helps to encourage us and enable more people to come to learn the Truth and receive rewards from our Lord when he comes.
--Bro. Chisosa Ostine
Kapirimposhi Sunday School
I am very pleased to let you know that I received Gos- pel News for December 2011. I am presently the Ec- clesial Secretary at Kasumpa, with eleven members as follows: Brothers John Kasanda, Harry Manda, Benson Mupini, Bernard Kabwe, James Kambobe, Bernard Musonda; Sisters Elizabeth Kasanda, Christine Mu- sonda, Josephine Kambobe and Judith Kaniki. Some are able to read and write, but speech can be a draw- back. They have expressed their wish to receive the new Bibles with an abridged version of Bible Basics.
--Bro. Vincent Moses Mwense
I received the NEV Bible with both my hands and with one heart. I now say, thank you so much from the core of my heart. The edition is truly a masterpiece, a very handy insight for the labourer in the Master's vineyard in preaching and witnessing work. The inclusion of Bible Basics, the Bible Companion and of course the commentary, verify the excellence. Congratulations to Carelink Ministries.
--Bro. Elvin Muntemba
It is very encouraging, through Gospel News, to read about God's word from brothers and sisters around the world. Furthermore, I appeal to you to send me 5 copies of the NEV for 5 contacts who are interested in studying the Word of God.
--Bro. Robert Miwele Mpondo
From left to right: Bre. Katongo.. Simumba, Nkweto, Muntemba,
Bro. Kombe, Miwele, Changwe. Front: Bro. Simbao and a
Bro. from Chililabombare. (Robert Miwele, Zambia)
This letter is to inform you that I have moved from Kasaka Ecclesia, Kafue, and am now with Kitwe Ecclesia. Since leaving Kasaka all correspondence has been cut off. This calling is personal, and since it is, I have to advance spiritually on a personal basis: I can ask you to forge ahead with me spiritually, but if you don't want to, you remain, because salvation is personal. Preaching the Word of God is also personal, since it is a personal call. Some brethren travel long distances, risking their lives to preach the gospel to thirsty people, using their resources. But `us' here, since it is a group calling, need to do preaching in a group as if afraid of the unknown, and we think that in a group we feel safe. But salvation is one by one not as a group. Yes, if maybe one is not matured enough spiritually, he needs someone to teach him how to go about it, as an eagle teaching its young to fly, and is then left on its own. So the materials that we receive, plus our daily Bible readings, strengthen us spiritually, and one can `fight a good fight' to achieve the spiritual goal.
But Jesus commissioned us to go out and preach, not preach to our brothers and sisters on Sunday assemblies only I know and have seen that they are good speakers but to leave this and go out into the wilderness and search for the lost sheep and, if found, bring it joyfully in from the wilderness. But who can volunteer, using his resources and energy, that our God has given him? I personally am seriously in need of going out to preach, but lack `material.' Since moving from Kasaka Ecclesia to Kitwe Ecclesia, I have been asking if the Ecclesia has any leaflets as aids for preaching the gospel, but to no avail. Therefore, brother, I request personally from you, if you can send to me 10 Bible Basis, leaflets in great number, Sunday School books and teaching aids, as well as 4 New Testament Bibles and a full Bible for my own use. I hope our God of Israel will bless this request.
--Bro. Phillip Chilambwe
The NEV Bible will go a long way in spreading the Word of God the world over. There are still some people who cannot afford to buy one, especially
here in Africa where poverty levels are very high. This will enable some to have a Bible of their own.
As secretary of the Livingstone ecclesia, I hereby request six Bibles, as we have six students who congregate with us regularly and who are able to read English very well.
--Bro. Likando Ilishebo
We are happy to inform you that our ecclesia is growing; eight members, one brother and seven sisters were baptised in 2011 and four Bible students are enlisted for the 40 lesson Bible course, none of them has a Bible. We are also requesting 12 Bibles, eight for newly baptised members and three for the Bible students. We hope and pray to enlist more Bible students and we will be informing you accordingly should the need for a few more Bibles arise. We hope to hear from you soon.
--Bro. Francis C. Mukabe
I received your note in the `Gospel News' sent to those who receive the magazine. Please do continue sending it to me as it gives me a lot of knowledge when I read and see pictures of brethren worldwide. I find the magazine to be very educative, so please don't stop.
The ecclesia at present has four members, with one student to receive baptism in April, God Willing, therefore I request five newly printed Bibles plus three for our ecclesial library and I live near a school, Lameck Basic School, which has two interested teachers and a school library, so if you can support this order, with God's blessings, I shall be very glad.
--Bro. Charles Kangwa
Please, we need about 10 copies of Bible Basics in Bemba, and we look forward to receiving these.
--Bro. Isaiah Mumba
I much appreciate your kindness in sending me Gospel News and other material.
Please continue with this spirit of love and dedication for the work of the Lord Jesus.
In the Old Testament, oil is shown as a means of worship, purification and healing, and as a symbol of comfort, joy, peace and light. When Paul wrote to the Galatians of the fruit of the spirit, he showed them as `love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law.' So oil is representative of the spirit of service to others, for it is only in relation to other people that these virtues make sense. They are Godlike virtues manifested in their perfection in the life of Jesus, and we have to be transformed into his image.
--Bro. Caphes Sikanyika
Sitting frm the right is Breo. Alexses Mbwende, Ilishebo
Likando, Caphes Sikanyika, and Sister Gertrude's families.
The NEV is easy to read and more explanatory notes from the bible basics makes it extraordinary. I guess this will be a useful tool to all those serious students approaching baptism and for those among the brotherhood who can read English and don't have a Bible.
May God bless all those who contributed to the printing of the NEV. It's easy to read and includes a commentary to help the reader for further references.
As the acting Secretary of our small ecclesia, I think we would first request 20 copies of the NEV
Bibles for our brothers and sisters who are without their own Bibles, and those serious contacts we have. Concerning contacts, I think it helps to loan them for a certain period of time, unless they prove to be diligent with their lessons. This is just my own suggestion, to keep these Bibles for future use, for example, in Bible studies.
It's worrying when we look around the world. The signs of Christ's return are all over the place. Although the U.K. for example seems alright at the moment, there are financial difficulties, especially with the problems in the European Union, as there are countries like Greece, which have no money. This is the time to `lift up our heads' and look for our redemption with prayer and supplications.
It is for this reason, brother, that we must continue to commit our lives to God to the One who created everything, - and to model our lives on the men and women of the Bible, those `of whom the world was not worthy' (Hebrews 11:38).
I was very thrilled when we read in Zechariah 12, that great prophet of the restoration, (v.3), "And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for the people." What a wonderful hope we have, for these things surely speak of the time of our hope of immortality and of righteousness filling this sad world: "Come, Lord Jesus."
--Bro. Gideon Hankomone
Brother Gideon and I are working together in field ministries and am very impressed with the people's response. This encourages me to make preaching and Bible teaching to be my life time-duty. I am therefore appealing to you for help in this work. I formed a group called `Youths in Action' (YIA) with the aim of preaching in streets, schools and many other places. We will also be visiting old people to help them with their household work. Therefore, we are asking for Gospel materials to assist this work old or new are all welcome.
--Bro. Chrivious Chimuka
I and the whole Ecclesia are fine. I am happy to announce that last year we baptized two new members, Bro. Liven Sikabuli and Sis Seviour Sikabuli now we have 22 baptized members here at Michelo Ecclesia.
We still wish to receive the Gospel News magazine: we are grateful to have received a parcel of interesting Scripture literature from you. It was good to read the magazine. We pray that God will be in the midst to bless everything, and so we hope to receive more copies soon. May God be with you all.
--Bro. Ackim Sikabuli
Bro. Ackim Sikabuli
Bro. Winnester Sikabuli
Bro. Dennis Kombe of Ndola Ecclesia, came and baptized three members for us, Bro Jackson Katwamba with the red shorts, then Bro Musonda
Chilufya with a white T-shirt, next to him Bro Stanley Mumba
Mufulira Ecclesia: Left to Right: Sis. Grace Chipata, Bro. Musanda
Mbewg, Sis. Loveness Chileshe, Sis. Catheline Daka, Sis. Silvial
Mumba, Sis. Jane Bwalya. Kneeling: Bro. Kasongo Lameck
We are looking and waiting for our Lord and pray that this is indeed the `time of trouble' which will bring His return, and please God, our salvation.
--Bro. Fred Mumba
It is my privilege and humble time of writing to you now. I, my wife, my children and the rest of the ecclesia are all fine. I have been directed by our ecclesial committee to write to you saying that we require 4 English NEV Bibles. These will be given out to our four brothers baptized last year who do not have an
English Bible, they are eligible to use them.
--Bro. Evans Mwansa
Thank you very much for sending me the wonderful gift of the Holy Bible, just received. It is indeed very pleasing to note that at last the Christadelphians have come up with an in-house written Word of God with additional explanatory notes in line with our doctrinal beliefs. Ndola ecclesia requests 20 copies through our secretary, Bro. Jonathan Simumba, P.O. Box 72313, Ndola.
--Bro. Dennis C. Kombe
Greetings to you in the hope we share. Many thanks for the letters and the Gospel News.
Here in our country it's hot, the later rains are not to be found and the crops are in a bad condition.
It was good to know that the full Bible has just been printed. We thank our Heavenly Father for that. We look forward to having a glimpse of it.
--Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana
We are happy to have brothers who can encourage others to enjoy the word of God. I am happy to receive more literature from you, it makes me strong. Every day I read something from you and I am a happy man to be encouraged by all the information sent to us.
As a small ecclesia, I am requesting at least six full Bibles for members and students. The footnotes are very good and I am encouraged that many people can understand some verses very well after going through these.
`The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance.' (to the full, till it overflows) John 10:10. God is our real life, in Him we live and move and have our being. Learning to enjoy God will release us to enjoy every single
day of our life. Enjoy fellowship with Him. God is concerned about anything that concerns us, and the Bible says that God will perfect what concerns us. He is working in our life at all times, bringing us into His will more completely.
We should have fear of God, but don't be afraid of God in a wrong way. This means we should respect Him and know that He is all-powerful and means what He says. But we should never be afraid that God gets angry every time we fail to be perfect. God is merciful and slow to anger. He is longsuffering and He knows our frame and understands our weaknesses.
Most of us have many things in our life and personality that needs to be changed and God will change them. But the good news is you can enjoy God and enjoy your life while He is doing it. The life we have right now may not be the one we want to end up with, but it is the only one we have at the present time. So we need to start enjoying it find the good things in it. Learn to see the good in everything. Enjoy our family and friends. Don't pick them apart and stay busy trying to change them: pray for them and let God do the changing.
Enjoy your work, enjoy your home, and enjoy ordinary, everyday life. Keep your eyes on God, not on everything that is wrong with our life, your family and the world. God has a good plan for us and He is already starting to work it out. We can rejoice ahead of time, looking forward to the good things to come.
Most people live like they cannot enjoy life as long as they have any kind of problems, but that is wrong thinking. Don't dwell on the mistakes or regrets of the past. Continue to think about the great future you have through Jesus Christ.
I have learned to enjoy where I am, while I am in the way to where I am going, and I strongly urge you to do the same. There is much for God to do in our life, like babies must grow into adults, and Christians must also grow. It is a process that often takes longer than we want it to. We should admit our failures and ask for forgiveness for our sins, being willing to learn from them. If we will do this, God will do the rest. You have stepped out into a new way of living, and I believe you will never be sorry. Enjoy God, enjoy yourself and enjoy the future life Jesus died to give you.
--Sis Gift Lungu
Thank you for this very important notice and news: I am so happy that at last we are going to have a full Bible, written according to God's word, not human doctrines. Yes, we are not re- writing the Bible but simply adding some pages of Bible Basics to help us understand it better. I shall be so glad if you will include me, plus my two students among those to receive copies of the NEV. Bible. My students have completed the 40-lesson course and are awaiting baptism. We stay very far away from town, so are in isolation.
--Bro. Benjamin Makuti
We are growing maize in our field and we are looking at a good harvest: this does not mean all farmers will have the same harvest. This year we want to change our farming pattern, as we want to reintroduce piggery and expand our poultry production and backyard rabbits. We have also ventured into Cademia, at present we have 63 plants.
We are very much looking forward to the return of Christ, but we shouldn't forget our Scriptures which say, `The Lord is not slack concerning His promises, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance' (2 Pet.3:9). For me, the delay means we must prepare ourselves to make sure that we are fuelling our lamps to keep them burning. This can be done through initiating preaching programmes to reach other people outside our fellowship, as well as introducing programmes at an Ecclesial level which will encourage brethren and sisters to grow spiritually and maintain a high standard of doctrine and practice.
Sis. Evelyn, my wife, was very ill and she was said to have ulcers: she was given treatment. So
I am the only one working at the farm, leaving me with very little time to do other things.
In December at our business meeting, we agreed that we should at least have four books written by Christadelphians, and we must read and exchange them with one another. These are:
1. Phanerosis and other writings by John Thomas
2. Come and See the Gospel of John, by David Nightingale
3. The Real Devil, by Duncan Heaster
4. The Law of Moses, by Robert Roberts.
--Bro. Moses Dhlakama
We are requesting a new Bible for Chivi Ecclesia. We also thank our Heavenly Father for the good work C.A.T is doing.
--Bro. Isaac Ngaro
During reading the book of Job, I have learnt that Job was a `perfect' man whose moral integrity was recognized by God (Job 1:1). Yet he suffered greatly. The theological perspective of both Job and the friends seemed to lead them to feel that suffering was a direct response to sin, and blessing was therefore proportionate to righteousness. This was not understanding what God wants from us. The more we come near God, the more God tests our faith.
Approach your Bible reading session in a prayerful and focused frame of mind. Value what you learn.Set attainable goals for yourself. Look for new ways to study the Scriptures. Visualize Bible accounts. Devote time to difficult Scriptures and the explanations of them, so that you understand them clearly.Avoid rushing through the material.Develop a greater longing for God's Word.Finally, meditate on Scriptural passages.
--Bro. Dzingai Sumburera
We do have eleven students on the U.K. course, and nine on oral lessons, none of these do not have Bibles. We would also require another five Bibles for visitors who might attend our services. After the service they would leave the Bibles at the ecclesial hall..
Cell-phones are now being used' as the Network machine was opened on 15 January 2012. To those with phones communication has become much easier. It was very hard for us, the Guruve C.B.M. brothers and sisters, to communicate with other C.B.M. members in Zimbabwe, but right now I can borrow a phone from anyone, providing I pay him US$1.00 for air-time, as I do not have my own cell-phone.
--Bro. Nice Yotamu
Everyone in our ecclesia is appreciating the good work of spreading the good news worldwide. We also pray for you. Let us look at Acts 28:31 and Ephesians 6:19. You have instilled knowledge in us also. Let us look at Proverbs 24:3-5.
I have shown the Bible to our ecclesial members and those on the 40 lesson course and so many liked it. So far 20 of them have requested them and also if possible add some more so that when visitors come they will have Bibles to read, rather than sharing.
--Bro. Johannes John
I have moved from Belvedere to Milton Park because of conditions of work.
I thank God for what He is doing in my life. I also thank God for CAT, because through reading the material you send me I learnt to understand the Word, and now I can more practically do what it tells me. And it increases my faith when I am doing this.
I have experienced many achievements since the time I started this. Now I'm looking toward running my own business or let me say, I've already started it. As the Word of God says, `all things are possible.'
--Bro. Calvin Chitano
Thank you so much for sending us a sample copy of the whole Bible. May the Lord our God
bless this wonderful work. We have three new contacts who have just started doing lessons, and are attending our Sunday services regularly, but our ecclesia no longer has extra Bibles to give. It would be helpful if you could send us three copies. I am convinced that sooner or later these contacts will be added to our number.
On the Gospel News magazines, oh yes, I would like to continue receiving them. I won't allow myself to miss the good and wonderful news from brethren and sisters all over the world.
--Bro. Witness Majecha
I am a regular Gospel News reader, but the magazine has ceased to reach me. Would you please send, or resume sending it to me as before. The magazine is important to me as it keeps me in touch with the whole Christadelphian community.
I am in isolation and sometimes I ask whether I am still in Christ, but I am revived by reading what others think and do in isolation. Read and pray to the Lord our God thanks be given to the Almighty for keeping us informed and educated about the coming of Jesus.
Let's thank God for calling us into His splendid house, for in darkness we have been, when we knew not the true God. Say `hello' to the given light. Fight tirelessly the darkness that surrounds us, seeking to devour our given light. Pray God to strengthen you all.
The days we live in are full of temptation. Many of the sheep of the fold have fallen out and turned to the hyenas in sheeps' clothes, with their sweet tongues and alms to fill their bellies. The lustful hearts of individual members in the Christian family have destroyed the once worked-for faith. Remember to work only for faith that will remain at the end of the day.
--Bro. Steven Tedza
I was very glad and I thank you so much for sending me the NEV Bible, with commentary on each page. It is so nice to look at, open and easy to read every chapter with understanding. My prayer is for the Lord to continue blessing this work.
I am very strong in my preaching effort and there is no-one here to contend with my doctrine experience, as I am doing the work boldly, without fear. The work is very great in this corner of the vineyard. I have more people coming to hear the gospel whom I am helping to know `Bible Basics' and difficult passages of the Bible.
This year, 2012, I am gathering some people who have been taught error by other sects, and am teaching them true Bible doctrine, as many here are based on the Old Testament. Some students don't understand English well: six do, understand English, but they don't have their own Bibles.
Criticism and jealousy are always against our good work I have experienced this for a long, long time. But God is for us, so we do go forward in every situation in the Name of Jesus our Lord.
My eyes are becoming sick to read some very small print without the help of reading spectacles is difficult. I am sending you a doctor's prescription for reading glasses, as my old ones have broken.
I am so happy seeing God's providence every day in my environment. In this last hour I am praying for all brothers and sisters to stand firm in the Word, as many are becoming faint or lost. I am enjoying reading Gospel News to all nations.
--Stanford Kuuzha
I received the new Bibles that will give me power for preaching the Word of God. Romans 15:1-3 says `those who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbour for his good, building him up.' Even Jesus did not please himself.
Would you please give us six Bibles that is our request please.
--Bro. David Ngwenya
We are happy to receive the parcel of Gospel News and books which we like as they contain good building up messages of encouragement from our different brothers and sisters around the world. We also need other doctrinal literature. God has blessed His work here in the refugee camp as we have now grown to the total number of 15 Brethren and Sisters and some others still on lessons, so Bibles are needed especially for those that have not. We also need your prayers so that people around may continue to be thirsty for the truth so that they may learn to escape eternal death.
--Bro Pascal Nyongolo.
Togogara Refugee Ecclesia
I was very glad to receive some New Testaments and Bible Basics from you. Your supply has made our studies a bit easier now. All the ecclesia members have their own Bibles, except students. We are asking if you could please possibly supply 10 English Bibles and 10 Shona Bibles, as this will make our studies much easier.
As I am dealing with students from different places, it would be easier for me to visit them if I have a bike. Some are school pupils, and some are elders in different villages.
--Bro. Tavaremba Mugova
I would like to express my thoughts about the Christadelphian church: it is the church of Truth, because of the verses of the Bibles which we study every day and every Sunday. I would like to thank the brothers and sisters of Triangle ecclesia for coming to church every Sunday, and I would like to say I wish to receive my own Gospel News magazine in my name.
I am sorry that Bro. Kuvarega Mavuvo is not now in Triangle ecclesia, but in South Africa.
--Bro. Clyford Chingwara
I received a pack of Bibles you have sent and I was very pleased to have them. I will try my best to distribute the Bibles to other brothers and sisters of Triangle Ecclesia. Some of them have their own Bibles already, so I will give to those without English Bibles, and the remaining ones will be used for Bible study at our local secondary school. As I have already mentioned about school pupils willing to commence the 40-lesson course, it's now my duty to contact them regularly at school.
If God blesses me for my ambition, I want to raise a big gathering here at Nyikavanhu, as it seems more and more people are willing to join us.
--Bro. Tavaremba Mugova
God willing, will you please send us five complete Bibles for members in Zaka. This will help us to uplift ourselves and others in our area, especially with the help of the Bible footnotes.
In Zimbabwe rain is moderate, but we are only managing to get `D' fertilizers, as `A.N.' is being hidden. Whenever we manage to come across `A.N.' it is too expensive. You buy it at US$40, not including transport. Crops now need topping if not, this year we shall face hunger again. Please pray for us, for God to pour on us His grace. This reminds me of Matt.10:21-26, 28-33.
Brethren and sisters, think of the signs of the times. The Lord Jesus is almost here. As we are baptised into Jesus' death and resurrection to a new life in him, do you know that we are married to God's
Son? God would never like to divorce us, but we are, in effect, divorcing ourselves from Jesus in deeds and works if we sin. Isaiah 54:6; 1 Cor. 7:10: The command we are given, "A wife must not separate from her husband." If we separate ourselves from God or Jesus, where will we be when Jesus comes to establish his Kingdom here on earth? Will we be in everlasting life, or everlasting death? Let us select the good.
--Bro. Svuure Faustino
I thank the Almighty God for yet another milestone you have embarked on after the publication of `Gospel News', the New Testament Bible and now the complete Bible, all in all for one purpose of spreading the gospel unto the uttermost parts of the world. It gives me great joy to know that out there are brethren who think of others before themselves. Most of us the world over are living under very pathetic conditions and as one family we can contribute
In Florida, an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days.
The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!"
The lawyer immediately stood and objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays..."
The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counselor, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said," Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fool's Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.'
Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned..."
You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture to this work through prayers. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, but it is only God who provides upon our request.
My brothers you are not alone in the field, let us keep on journeying together. From time immemorial God is calling for mankind to repent. As we wait for the return of our Master we must be doing his job, resources may limit but it is not a barrier. We need to study the Word of God so much that we may not be destroyed for lack of knowledge.
I am the secretary for this ecclesia and I request you to send me five Bibles for our students on the 40 lesson Bible course. I have gone through some chapters of the NEV Bible and its English is simple to read and understand. It is my prayer, if our Lord delays his return, that we may request the same Bible to be printed in our own languages for the benefit of our folk who are unable to read English.
--Bro. Sibangani Maka
The Gospel News