News from Africa
I am very happy to announce the baptisms of Bro Peter Forlem, Sisters Polina Nden & Njinkem Emasolet on 10th September 2010.
Bro Tazi Christopher
The members of my ecclesia and myself are all in sound health at present. Bro. Moses has a copy of the book, “C.B.M. Worldwide” and he has recommended that I also request a copy from you, so I would be very grateful if you would send me one if possible.
Bro. Tanyinjia Alabong Martin
I don’t know how I can express my thanks to you for the fulfilment of my request. I am trying to see that I photocopy all the leaflets and have enough to give out to those who are interested to read and know God, as many are no more interested to know about their Creator.
It made me happy to hear about the love that brethren and sisters worldwide have shown to the brethren in Haiti since the earthquake that occurred there. No matter what trials God allows to test our faith, He uses them to show us a way out of them. That was the reason He allowed His Son, who was without sin, to go through trials. The Bible clearly tells us that Christ is our example and we must follow His ways, so we rather rejoice in tribulation. Brethren in Haiti, our contribution toward you all is only prayer that despite this situation you may continue to carry on His preaching there, for it is only through this that people see the love of God manifest in our lives.
Thank you for sending us this interesting book, The Real Christ. We have decided that, on Sundays, we should do the readings then use the book to exhort and study a small portion of it. As you know, the worldly life is drawing people’s attention and we do not always place sufficient importance on the Word of God in our lives and pass on the message to others, so we must try harder to devote time to prayer and study of God’s Word and this book will help us.
We are very sorry to announce the falling asleep in the Lord of our Bro. James Njuh on 6th August 2010. He was baptised on 6th July 2008 and has worked for his Lord for those two years. As we feel his absence in the ecclesia we thank God that he sleeps waiting for the return of Jesus Christ here on earth to reward him for what he did.
Bro. Kum Donatus Cheghe
I am hoping that everything is OK with you all; we are all allowing the Lord Jesus to be in control. May He cover us and keep us all in safety.
Bro. Guy Walter
Some of these Apostles did wonderful things in their time; PRAYER is the key. When Peter and John were freed they did not start preaching again right away. They and other Christians met to pray. Prayer brings power for serving God. God answered the believers’ prayers by giving them power to witness for Jesus.
Bro. Aggrey Muyila
I am now aware that we are in the last days, as Paul wrote in 2 Thess.2:1-6, “Now brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by our letter as from us, as though the day of Christ has come. Let no one deceive you by any means, for that day will not come unless a falling away comes first and the man of sin be revealed, (the Pope), the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed in his own time.” We see from the things going on in the world that the coming of our Lord Jesus is near (Rev.1:13). “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it.”
Now brethren, as the Scripture says, “and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32).
Bro. Alfred Wanjala Wanyonyi,
We have received the important book you sent us and thank you, also for the parcel, containing the Christadelphian monthly periodicals, dedicated wholly to the Hope of Israel. As we have read them we have discovered that although they were written a long time ago they contain fresh truths penned by our beloved sleeping brothers waiting for the resurrection. The books have also shed some light to us direct about the history of the Christadelphians, rather than the wrong history that has been circulating around. Our prayers are with those brothers and sisters working for the success of the Gospel News worldwide.
Bro. David and Sis. Jacklyne Wanjala
Comment. We have recently received many volumes of the old Christadelphian magazines and have sent them to various Bros. and Srs. who are so appreciative of them.
Thank you for the parcel and letter. Please continue to send the articles about the Signs of the Times and ongoing events in the Middle East, which are really encouraging. God’s Word is spreading rapidly despite hardships in life. Mr. Kalori Asango Wandera has been very pleased to hear from you and is encouraged by your message. We are still having Bible discussions with him and he has shown keen interest in reading the Word. Would you please send him an English Bible and one in Swahili to help him learn more about the things concerning God’s Kingdom. Preaching methods are changing here and radio broadcasting is commonly used now in this part of our country. Many are lacking Bible Companions so please send us more.
We are studying God’s Word with family contacts who are very willing to know the Truth. They are being loaned some Bible literature e.g. Bible Basics, Gospel News and other articles and we are endeavouring to reach the coming Kingdom. We would like to inform you that stove making is going on also, although on a small scale.
Bro. Manasseh, Sis Doricus, Jackline and Emily Wamamili

Mr. Wandero and Mrs Concepta, and their baby Maryanne, who are seriously studying the Truth.
Times are hard at present with a lot of rain and floods and I have been down with malaria. There is also the burden of caring for the children, raising their school fees, especially for another boy who is in college. But we know that our God cares for us and we thank you also for caring and sending us literature. There is a great need here for Bibles, “Bible Basics”, Bible Companions, Bible Reading Planners and additional reading such as the “Declaration of the Truth revealed in the Bible” and “The Real Christ”. This will give us an added chance to preach the gospel.
Bro. Jacob Okoth
I am writing to inform you that I no longer receive the Gospel News magazine. I would like to continue to receive it so please include my name on the mailing list. I would like to continue preaching the Word and I need your literature support also.
Bro. Gibson Azere
Comment. We have had to limit sending Gospel News to only those we hear from.
As we are approaching the Day of the Lord it is good to keep watch and be prepared, making our garments clean. Rev.19:8. “Fine linen, bright and clean; fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.” 2 Peter 1:5-10 says, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge self control, and to self control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love, for if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them he is near- sighted and blind and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.”
It is essential that we remind ourselves that the Day of the Lord is near and righteousness is a high mark to attain without Divine help, while the world becomes more and more evil. The message of the Kingdom of God strays from the mind of man now and then; cries of war, false prophecies, sickness, lack of love among people, even some believers. Having learnt a lot and yet practising very little, we should remember our first love. When one first comes into the faith one bears very sincere love but as the years go by one can become cool. Let us not be short sighted and blind in the faith; Christ is still coming, and very soon.
Bro. Peter Njuguna
Thank you for your encouraging letter in these last days as we patiently wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also thank you for some interesting Bible materials which arrived safely, which are very helpful to me when preparing exhortations. I would be very grateful for a Bible with a concordance at the back and also “Wrested Scriptures” as these would be very useful in our library for our brethren and sisters to borrow.
Bro. Herman Kisabuli
I very much appreciate the two letters and the gift we have received from you. Thank you for remembering us and being concerned about the miserable situation we have had in Kenya for quite a time now. May our Heavenly Father bless your giving hands to do more for brethren worldwide before our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
‘Gospel News’ has uplifted us very much and the brethren and sisters of Baraton Ecclesia are thankful for the materials you have sent them over the past years and humbly request more spiritual materials such as Bibles, used books, a Bible dictionary, Concordance, encyclopaedia etc. that will help us grow in faith. Thank you for the Present Day Events and Middle East updates that make us aware of what is going on there. We have lifted up our heads for the coming of the Anointed one who is at hand. Please keep it up; the big reward is there with our Lord Jesus waiting to be given you.
Bro. Martin W. Barasa
Many greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am sure that our Lord is at hand due to the signs of the times. We were happy to receive the Bible Basics manuals which is very interesting for our Bible classes which we have arranged from house to house each week. Our ecclesia has sixteen families and we have many friends coming to our meetings and I have also converted the whole of an Apostolic group. We plan to hold a mini Bible School in our ecclesia based on ‘Bible Basics’ and ‘The Real Christ’ and lastly, the youth activities.
Thank you for agreeing with our project for preaching the truth; the brothers and sisters are happy with it. The books you have sent us, including, “The Real Devil” and” The Real Christ” will enable us to preach effectively to those in the Apostolic Church, who we meet with every Friday at present. We kindly ask you for a contribution so that we can buy a tent to accommodate 200 people or more, including interested friends, at our meetings. At the meeting last Sunday more than 200 people attended and we learned more about Satan in the book of Job and I found it easy to answer all the questions. The preaching project will cover the whole of the Rift Valley and it has started from Shimo to La Tema Ecclesia.
Bro. Martin Chemiati
I kindly ask you to send me the ‘Gospel News’, a ‘Bible Planner’ and ‘Wrested Scriptures’. We have been sharing these with Bro. Martin Chemiati who lives four km. away from our village.
Bro. Anthony and Sis Rodah Wafula

Bro. and Sis Anthony Wafula
I am writing to you because I had a tutor from England but have not received lessons from her for the last seven months. I would like to find the way that you can inform her about this because the lessons were teaching me more about the Word of God and I was answering them. Perhaps you can put this information in the Gospel News as I want to continue with the lessons. I am now 17 years old and in Form 3 and very soon I will be baptised in Kisumu.
Rachel Asseyo.
Comment I have sent a copy of your letter to the Kenya co-ordinator and trust she will sort things out for you. I enclose Bible Basics – but do not do this as a correspondence course – continue with the one you are on.
Rachel Asseyo
We are progressing well in the ecclesia but we need a lot of prayers for Kenya because of the politics in our country. I am requesting that you send me the following books please:- The Real Devil, The Real Christ, The Gospel of Mark and The Bible our Guide.
Bro. Daniel Ogembo
If you take two glasses, fill one with clean water and the other with dirty water, there will be a very notable difference. Pour some of the dirty water into the clean glass and you will notice that the dirty water will not become clean. The only way to make the dirty glass clean again is to pour the dirty water out and wash out the glass.
Our lives can be like these two glasses of water. If we allow some “dirty water” into our lives, it will only make our lives unclean. One of our ecclesial members recently attended a funeral and there was a woman behind the pulpit preaching their message. The message she gave was a false message and the songs were familiar Church hymns, but he said it just didn’t seem right. “Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” (1 Cor. 5:6.)
This situation probably didn’t seem strange to a lot of people at the funeral. However, to a child of God, it must be recognised as out of God’s order and contrary to the teaching of Scripture. There are many churches in Christendom today which are being led by false prophets and are being led astray and deceived. Even though the so-called prophets may be highly esteemed by men they are nothing more than glasses of dirty water posing themselves as glasses of clean water; they are not the same. Therefore let us stay true to the Scriptures and “desire the sincere milk of the Word.” (1 Peter 2:2). Christ makes all the difference, (2 Cor.6:17), use the Bible Companion daily.
Bro. Peter and Sis. Jane Omuny
Matthew, Mark, Luke and Paul in 1 Cor.11. refer to Christ’s ‘broken’ body. If the bread was his body, and he broke the bread, it was an intimation of the breaking of his body even if he had not said “This is my body which is broken for you.” Broken bread, broken body involved each other.
The substitution of “given” for “broken” would make no difference, for the body was given in being broken in death, just as the blood, like the poured-out wine, was shed for us in the same act, and this does not conflict with the prophecy that “a bone of him shall not be broken.” (John 19:36). Though no bones were broken, his flesh was broken, and his flesh was his body, in contrast with his blood.
Jesus said, in John 6:51, 55, “The bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world...For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.” His flesh was his body, in the proximate and most visible sense and this was broken in the terrible process of being “nailed to the tree”.
The Lord has chosen to give his broken bread and poured-out wine to represent his flesh and his blood offered in sacrifice for those who knew the truth and “thy word is truth.” (John 17:17.
Bro. Walter Wanyama Wasike

Bro. Walter Wanyama Wasike
Thank you for sending me The Real Christ and Gospel News, which I am happy to read. The books you are sending me help a lot in making us become more spiritually self- sufficient. I was very happy the day I received the parcel with the book, The Real Christ. If I were a bird I would have leapt and flown in the air with joy.
Jesus wants us to be like him, faithful in all our ways, loving and pure in our mind and worthy to be called in truth, a brother or sister of Christ. Jesus said, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven, the same is my brother and sister and mother”. We have a weekly Bible study at home every Wednesday from 8.a.m.-5.30.p.m.
We fell sick and we can’t cope and we are still weak and reading in our beds. The weather has changed and there is a decline in crop output and also a decline in moral standards in the world. All these are signs of the last days, when the Bible tells us that Christ, as our Saviour, will come, as we are expecting him to come. We need to learn more about the Bible, so brother please help us.
Bro. Emmanuel Joumer
I received the ‘Bible Basics’ and other literature concerning the true Gospel. I am very grateful and happy to inform you that they are of great importance to me. I have read Bible Basics with my two friends Adriano and Chrispinus with the help of our elder, by answering questions that arise. We hope very much that you will continue sending us any pamphlets and Christadelphian literature regarding our beliefs from the Bible. I look forward to receiving the book, The Real Christ, please. Your work is highly appreciated and we hope that this young, growing ecclesia will stand by the truth of the Bible. I want to spread the gospel more and that is why I read and try to share it with my friends so that we may grow in faith.
Bro. Nasong’o Haron
I am sorry that I did not write to you in time to tell you that I received the book concerning the Kingdom of God, The Real Christ. It had gone to Webuye, a town that is far from where we now stay, some 40 kilometres away.
In Kenya now, we have a new constitution that people believe will ease their problems. Things are not much different from the previous constitution, although things cannot change straight away. The new constitution cannot change the way people behave. The way forward, whether with this new constitution or not, is to just follow the Word of God that is in the Bible. This is the only guide that can help us to live peacefully, in harmony and with love towards one another; just to follow the law of God as it is in 1 Sam.12:14. “If you fear the Lord and serve him and obey his voice and do not rebel against the commandment of the Lord, then both you and the king who reigns over you will continue following the Lord your God.”
I look forward to the day when people of the nations will change their behaviour and follow all the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, to love our God with all our hearts, with all our soul and with all our minds and with all our strength. This is the day when the problems concerning economic crises, wars, drought, famine, poverty, illiteracy and other problems will cease to exist.
The Real Christ is helping many of our brothers and sisters, together with friends. I personally have not even reached half way through the book but we are discovering new teachings which people have been misled about for a long time. We are taking our time, as an ecclesia, not to rush to finish it quickly, but slowly with understanding and trying to put the exhortations into practice. We are also happy to have received newsletters called “Present Day Events”, which show that the coming of our Lord Jesus is near because of all the national and international crises.
Bro. Nasongo Haron
Bro. Nasongo Haron
You asked how we can spread the gospel to other people. In our ecclesia we don’t have extra Bibles for visitors so I think the best way to begin to spread the gospel is to talk to visitors in our home, our friends and neighbours. So please send us a few Bibles and pamphlets so that we may continue bearing fruit for the Lord.
Life in the Kingdom of God will be enjoyable, without diseases, famine, chaos, wars and so on, but the road to it is very narrow and requires total devotion. 2 Tim. 3:1-17. Every work-person works with the hope of being paid, maybe at the end of the day, the week or the month , but the faithful workers of the Lord will be rewarded with the precious gift of eternal life. 1 Thess 4:13-18.
Bro. Samual Wanga
The Present Day Events leaflets are very informative and tell us of the real situation we find ourselves in right now and as Bible students it gives more impetus to our studies of the gospel. Our prayer now is that we should lift up our heads for our redemption may come even right now when we least expect. Our Master will come to eventually transform the world from all these upheavals and we are fervently waiting for that time. In short Matt.24:3-14 tells it all and we are left with a reminder to be watchful at all times.
This year 2010 SOME areas of Kenya got a bumper harvest after four years of poor harvest and we are thankful to the Almighty for His concern and blessings to His children. Recently when I was cycling down a slope I lost control of the bicycle brakes and as a result fell off and got hurt very badly all over my body. I am recovering very slowly at home, this has awaken me to come closer to God and seek for His guidance and care.
Many people are now perplexed at the situation they find themselves in and some are now eager to know and to learn how they can come near to God because they know that there is a force behind these calamities and upheavals. It has therefore become fertile ground here for preaching the gospel and we should be more steadfast right now than when we began.
Bro. Raphael Aimo

A Bible Discussion Group.
I have moved from Namomoru, where I was attacked by a robber and am now in Hospital at Nyeri.
Bro. Angelo Chege
From 1999 to 2010, eleven years of constant communication, we have maintained God’s message together, being a strong witness for the Truth. I have learnt a lot from you and your family and I was able to meet Duncan in Nairobi. You have made me to grow very strong in the Lord’s business and to learn that if you put your heart to know, you will know. Indeed I have a strong vision or dream to be one of the saints in the day our Saviour comes to set up the glory of God’s purpose on the earth and to give us the reward, salvation, immortality, eternal life.
I want to talk about why I trust the God of Israel. I was baptised on 21 August 1976 in Nairobi by Bro. David Rowley from England. It was one of the wisest decisions of my life to serve the God of the Bible, who has the qualities above any other god in the world. He is the supreme ruler, being the Creator of heaven and earth, eternal, immortal, invisible, Spirit, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, unsearchable, loving Saviour, sinless, lawgiver and judge, merciful and immeasurable. God is one, there is one God.
When I was in the Roman Catholic faith I used to ask the priest the question, Where do people go when they die? What does the God of the Bible teach us? We have the Bible but people prefer to trust in human doctrine instead of putting trust in the God of the Bible. Many so-called Christians have wandered away from the truth; the Bible says that God will make them believe a lie, a strong delusion, the mystery of sin is working in the world today. He has revealed his message through the prophets, Jesus Christ and the disciples. Isaiah 1:2, “The Lord has spoken.” Heb.1:1-3, “God spoke to our fathers by the prophets and hath spoken to us by his Son.”
The death on the cross has proved how God’s power is supreme. He raised Jesus Christ and gave him immortality and power to make us like him. We therefore pray through Jesus Christ our Saviour. (2 Cor. 1:20). “For all the promises of God find yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” (2 Thess.2:11) “Therefore God shall send them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false”.
I was able to give thanks to our God, the Father for your hearty material. Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” When you serve a person he or she expects gratitude or a word of appreciation. There is a joy we receive when we give out but we expect a thank you note. What about if you keep silent? Communication is a two-way system. You serve me and I should also respond.
Jesus healed ten lepers but only one thanked him, the rest did not bother. I thanked you for listening to my request out of your own cheerful heart. I will remember your service for the year 2011, God willing. You have indeed saved me from being out of communication with my brothers and sisters worldwide.
Please continue to pray for my family and still provide me with spiritual help. Eph.5:20, “giving thanks always for everything to God the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Bro. John Owalo Onani
Thank you very much for the book The Real Devil and an update on Signs of the Times. “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that had been made. In him was life and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it” John 1:3-5).
Accepting the humanity of Jesus Christ is a death-blow to the serpent power of the garden of Eden. “Surely thou shalt not die” ceases to be in the language of a true follower of Jesus. Jesus died and rose on the third day and all his true followers have hope of eternal life after resurrection, should they fall asleep in Christ first. Going to heaven at the time of death is a pagan myth with no Scriptural roots. Getting out of our comfort zone is a calling that we must all take the cross and follow Jesus. It is at two way traffic and Joshua was bold enough to tell the Israelites on their way to Canaan that the die has been cast, you either serve the gods your fathers served beyond the Jordan or follow the Lord. Because of the fear of the unknown, we, like drowning men, clutch at straws. We want to follow Jesus while someone else is carrying the cross – a big distortion of what the call entails. We are called to take part in the unfolding drama – not to watch and applaud when our side is winning.
Even if we meet opposition we will never forget the words of the Apostle Peter, 1 Pet.3.15, “But in your hearts sanctify the Lord God. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” Unlike Cain we must be keepers of our brothers despite the limitations. Like Ezekiel, we have been made watchmen. If we warn the wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sins, but we will have saved ourselves. (Ezek.3:19).
The exposition of the Scriptures in the book The Real Christ tells beyond any reasonable doubt that without a proper understanding of the humanity side of our Lord Jesus Christ, man gropes in the darkness of ignorance. Religious study requires research, just like other disciplines.
Bro. Joseph Onyango
The ‘ospel News magazine is helping us very much. We at Tarbo Ecclesia are eight members; three brothers and five sisters and 14 friends plus 35 Sunday School children, most of them orphans who are in need of great care. In the photo enclosed you can see that they meet under a tree, which is dangerous as a branch can fall on them. We appeal to brethren worldwide to pray for them.
We appreciate great help from a group known as S.W.A.K. through a support group under a Chairlady, Irine Murunga and Secretary Jacinta Ivelia. They have supplied the children with learning materials such as books and geometry sets. Each was given 10 books, 3 pens, 3 pencils and one geometry set.
We are in great need of reading materials such as Swahili Bible Basics, Present Day Events, Middle East Updates, etc. In these last days we need exhortations very much so we have planned to meet once a month for Bible School.
Bro. Emmanuel Milimo

Tarbo Ecclesia. From left on the front line is Sis. Beatrice Milimo and from the right and at the back in the white shirt, Bro. Emmanuel Milimo, together with other brothers and sisters, friends and Sunday School children.
Thank you for your letter and parcel of Bibles and ‘Bible Basics’ which are very helpful to myself and my family. May the Lord bless you for that help. We have been supplied with a Bible after baptism but having more copies have been of great value to my family in their study of the Word of God.
Bro. Daniel Simiyu
The Bible tells us that we are with the poor, the fatherless and the orphans always. Our Ecclesia has now started offering free courses on garment making to the orphans and the fatherless. For this project to prosper we need donations of fabrics, sewing machines, literature books and hymn books. The aim of the ecclesia is to train and register the trainees for Government Trade Test Exams so that they may obtain national certificates. Some of our last year’s trainees have already acquired certificates from the Government.
I must thank the Lord, our Almighty God, for giving us life, and so long as we still have life, we should labour for the Lord Jesus. Through our Sis. Mary Clement and our Bro. Trevor Hughes, Tongaren Ecclesia now has a plot for ecclesial use; we have put in a temporary structure where the sewing project is now situated.
Thanks a lot for the leaflet on daily events of Bible prophecy. Also I was glad to hear of the progress of printing New Testament Bibles for distribution which will greatly help English scholars, especially youths and Sunday School children.
God is at work and we are proud that now we are having a full Bible translated into Bukusu language, which is a local language spoken in our region, but because it is still new it’s cost is very high at Ksh.800 each (US$10) Also to buy a copy we have to travel a long distance to another town thus increasing the cost.
Tongaren is the only ecclesia which is very much interested in reading and preaching the Word of God in Bukusu language. We usually operate our Sunday services in our local language. Our ecclesia has 24 baptised members, 11 of whom are brothers and it is good that now a full Bible is available in Bukusu language and God has revealed to us everything written in the Holy Bible through our language. For this we praise God, as reading and hearing the Word of God in foreign languages one might not understand it 100% correctly and that is why Tongaren Ecclesia is not very much interested in foreign languages when giving exhortations at memorial services. We do use our local language for clear understanding.
Bro Isaac Kapa
We are delighted to report the baptisms of Brothers LEONARD and ESHMAEL and Sisters CATHERINE, NADINE, ELIZABETH and TCHISOMO. May the Lord keep them in the way to His Kingdom. Some of these are from the Dzaleka refugee camp, others are the result of Brother Esau’s preaching to his former church; Esau is a Malawian baptized in Norway, as previously reported.
Time has passed without hearing any words of exhortation from you, both spiritual and physical. I am not even receiving the “Gospel News” or “Glad Tidings”. I enclose my new address so that I may receive the magazines. The circumstances of my living are always difficult to solve and I ask the question “Why does God allow sufferings?” Since my husband fell asleep in Christ you always give solutions to my difficult circumstances. I have been writing to you to assist me to solve this problem, through the amazing grace of God but there has been no reply from you.
My problem is that I am failing to manage to pay school fees for my two daughters who are now at secondary school level, where school fees are high. As you know, I earn my living through farming but due to lack of support for farm inputs, such as fertiliser, and enough labour to grow our country’s cash crop, I only manage to grow cassava and groundnuts for sale and maize for food, which is not enough for paying school fees. Because of my difficult situation I always pray to God to give me courage that I may not fall into temptations of evil doings, as 1 Tim.6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” I pray without ceasing that you may reply to my letter and enclose my new address Box 15, Bua, Via Kasungu, Malawi, my old Box has been closed.
Sis. Bertha Khonje
Comment: Now we have your new address I trust you will receive our letters. Hope some Sisters will write and encourage you.
I thank you a lot for all the parcels you have sent me, although I was delayed in receiving them as I have been in hospital for two months with hypertension. My child was burnt while her mother was cooking food but she is now recovering as she has been treated for a week. I returned home from hospital but I am still sick. Although we have diseases which affect us from time to time we thank God that we have been able, with the help of the family and two other brothers, to make bricks to add to and rebuild our house which was burnt. Now its length is 11m and 4.5m wide. We now have a wide room for the church services.
I would like to inform you that we have received the promised parcel, and I called Bro Innocent, as you advised me to do. We opened the parcel together and shared the contents without any problem in my house.
Bro. John Abwe
Bro. John Abwe with friends and family rebuilding their house.
Praise the Lord. I would like you to be aware that the baptism which we were waiting for for a long time took place on 14th Nov. 2010 at Salima. 6 brethren were baptized. Among them, 2 from Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Things went very well. Bro. Mleso assisted us for the transport that we were looking for. May God bless him. God bless.
Bro. Stanley Michael
Here in Dzaleka we are all fine. Thank you for the effort of sending Brethren George Mayimba and Austin Nyirenda to visit us. They planed to come again to interview the candidates of baptism.
Bro. Bernard Ikola
Here at Gonda the work is going well, although we are living in the time of trouble and God fulfilling His promises. God will never fail us, but will help His chosen people to overcome the temptations, through prayer and Bible reading, by which our faith will be strengthened.
I am very happy to have received a parcel of Bible Basics and other material. Don’t forget us in your prayers, and when sending leaflets, magazines or letters: as Paul told the Thessalonians (1 Thess.2:1-7), he wrote them a letter of encouragement. So your letters, leaflets and magazines will communicate with brothers and sisters in England and all of us here, and we will be as one.
Bro. Robert Folley
Greetings in the Name of our Lord, who loves us all and gives us our day-to-day life with its needs.
But it’s sad to let you know that I’ve lost my Grandmother and her brother within a period of two weeks, and it was so hard, but I’ve accepted it because it’s part of life in this world, and all is in God’s plan.
One other thing, I’ve been a long time without contributing anything to the Gospel News – since last January. This is because I have found life hard since November 2009, when my wife started suffering, and she was ill for almost five months. Now she is getting better. At the same time I was jobless, which was another hardship, and a challenge as well, but through our Lord things are now changing, and I am asking brothers and sisters wherever they are to join me in prayers so that something can happen to help us.
Bro. Lucky Mbalale
We are in the time here when the Gentiles are preparing for initiation ceremonies. Such practices usually take place along the river banks for the circumcisions – however we are in danger, especially our boy children, because they go there without permission from their parents.
As we all know, there is nothing we can get from such people, because we believe in Christ, our Master who is our law-giver. Some of them don’t believe in Christ, especially the Yao tribe, as well as Moslems, and they encourage young people to go for circumcision.
Jesus did not teach his disciples about circumcision, but under his new covenant, he only commanded the disciples to preach about the gospel of the Kingdom, and to baptize people who believe in his truth.
Bro. Kenneth Maganger
I am still trying to get a proper treatment for my son’s skin problems, and I thank you for your advice and help.
Here all things are just fine in the Lord. Problems are due to our customs, but when it comes to God’s work, it is still going well. We had been complaining because of the long distance we walked to the Ecclesia and at long last the answer has come. We are now renting premises at a central distance from all of us. We thank the Almighty God for this, and also would like to thank Bro. Sylvester Tembo for his efforts. He is still trying his utmost, and we don’t leave him to work alone, but help him to succeed.
Bro. Dutch Mphayah
Many of us like Gospel News because we are always updated with what others are doing in their respective ecclesias, and because of such news we also become motivated.
I am writing to you to make some comments regarding the book, The Real Devil. Having gone through this book, with my little brain, I have seen that it is another good work that Bro Duncan has produced. I have known Bro Duncan through his frequent visits which he used to make to Malawi and appreciate the way he humbles himself, and also his simplicity. I am very touched by his mention of the ‘self talk’ that some of the Bible characters have had, which again applies to all of us. I really admit that. I also had a look at his explanation of the man of sin, in the letter of Thessalonians, - i.e. it is up to the reader of the explanation narrated in the book as to whom this man of sin belongs. I also appreciated the way he used notes from other writers.
Very pleased with the latest Gospel News. Early December we are arranging, God willing, for a Fraternal at Chilumba in Karonga.
Bro. Sylvester Tembo
Thank you very much for the books you sent me – they are very good. And at one time you sent me an address for Bible Magazine. I wrote to them and they have started sending to me: they are also very good, writing about world politics and the Bible, centred on Israel and her surrounding countries.
Bro. A. Liwawa
I am more happy than you can know, now that I have been baptized into Christ. GOD has really pulled me out of the mud. Although I had my diploma in theology, this was nothing because I was wrongly teaching that Christians will go to Heaven. But now I am truly understanding the Bible. My aim now is to move to every area by bicycle to preach against the errors of many denominations. Don’t forget I was a pastor, leading many with false doctrine, and so now that I am their enemy. I so want them to know that the Kingdom of GOD will be on earth and I that am not their enemy. The former church has now rejected me but I am not discouraged, although I have no money for my proper living. If you were here you will feel sorry for me. People think I and my wife have started a satanic group,
because they don’t know the truth about satan . I thank God I am teaching 24 people from different churches; these people with me are learning through Bible Basics. I will invite you next year, God willing, to baptise them here at Nkhotakota - not now but next year, as they need more time to understand John 8:32.
Bro. Leonard Chaunga
I am still to getting over the weather changes between Norway and Malawi, but I am settling down nicely. Thank God.
Bro. Esau Chirwa
Let us remember that the grace that enabled the Lord Jesus to tread the path of life is available for us; He still serves us as our great High Priest to sympathize and sustain us as we seek to follow in his steps. Whatever we may have to face, let us remember the word: ‘Be strong in the grace that is in Jesus Christ.’ (2 Tim.2:1)
Such is the loveliness of Christ as He trod the path of life, lived in all its beauty before God, and marked it out for his people to follow – a life of dependence upon the Father’s hand of power, confidence in the Father’s heart of love, and subjection to the Father’s will. It is a life of lowliness that finds its delight with God’s poor people – the excellent of the earth; a life of separation from evil.
We find in the Lord, life’s future portion, and its present cup of blessing; a life which has the Lord as its one object and has the Lord ever–present to support it. We have a life of secret joy and gladness that ends at last in the presence of the Lord, where there is fullness of joy and pleasures for evermore.
The very important book The Real Christ and Bible Companions have reached me safely – thank you. In my previous letter I requested a pair of reading glasses, lens clear, 2.75 and not 1.75 – that was a mistake. The old ones are out of use and I have difficulties reading and writing.
Now in Christ we are no more aliens or foreigners, but belong to the family of God. Both Jews and Gentiles are of one body and all can approach God in the same way, through the blood of Christ and his intercession for us. We have the privilege of addressing God as our Father. Jesus said to his disciples, in answer to their question about praying, ‘when you pray, say “our Father in Heaven.”’ (Luke 11:2) This is wonderful, to be able to come to our Creator as our Father. The Son of God was manifested, that he might overcome evil.
It was lovely to hear from you and also to receive the pair of reading glasses lens clear +2.75 suitable for me, also GPL Middle East Update News and Bible Companions. We continue our service of preaching in the Lord’s vineyard ever aware of our responsibility to spread the glorious news of the truth of the Gospel and the life which is in the Lord Jesus. We are now having many new contacts. God willing, a new ecclesia is going to be operated 25km. from here. I am not feeling too well, suffering from backache and nerves (knees) paining too much. Our nearby clinic has no medicine at the moment. Please pray for me.
Bro. Henderson Sosola
Thank you for the parcel of books you sent; they will help with the big jobs to be done in our ecclesia. We have brothers and sisters who have no books, so we are waiting for your help in giving us books for them – thank you very much.
Please, please can you come here? We have boys and girls who are waiting to be baptized. If you tell us the month and day you can come we will be waiting.
Bro. Lyton John
‘He shall build an house for my Name.’ 2 Sam.7:13 shows that Jesus will build a temple for God. God’s house is where He is willing to dwell, and Isaiah 66:1-2 tells us that He will come to live in the heart of men who are humble to His word. Jesus is therefore building a spiritual temple for God to dwell in, made up of the true believers. Descriptions of Jesus as the foundation stone of God’s temple: 1 Peter 2:4-8 and of Christians as the temple stones, 1 Peter 2:5.
The Jewish law categorized certain foods as unclean – a practice adopted by some denominations today, especially regarding pork. Because of Christ’s ‘removing of the Law on the cross, do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink.’ Col.2:14-16. Thus the Mosaic commands concerning these things have been done away, seeing that Christ has now come. It was he to whom the ‘clean’ foods pointed forward.
Sis. Aida Kalungama
Sis. Monica Lamulani of Nkanda Ecclesia was recently baptized
Thank you for the Bible Companions, which have been shared by the Bible readers in my Ecclesia. If possible, would you send me a few Bibles – there are five newly baptised members here and I wish to give one to them.
I was in Mangochi, for door-to-door preaching in Njoka Village T.A.Chimwala. I wish to go there again, and to other districts to preach the gospel, but due to financial problems and transport I find it very difficult, because from Balaka to Mangochi is a very long distance.
Bro. Edson Makwecha
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon wanted to know the world’s future (Dan.2:38). He was given a vision of a great statue composed of different metals. Daniel interpreted the statue’s head of gold as representing the king of Babylon. After him there was to come a succession of major empires in the area around Israel, to be concluded by a situation in which, as the statue’s feet were part of iron and part of clay, so the kingdoms of the world would be partly strong and partly broken. (Dan.2:42)
The present balance of power in the world is split between many nations, some strong and some weak. At the end of the vision shown to Nebuchadnezzar, a stone hit the image on the feet and destroyed it, scattering it far and wide, while the stone itself grew into a great mountain which filled the earth. (Dan.2:34-35) This stone represented Jesus, (Matt.21:42, Acts 4:11) – references referring to Jesus as ‘the stone.’ The mountain which He will create and which will fill the earth represents the everlasting Kingdom of God, which will be established at Jesus’s second coming. This prophecy is in itself proof that the Kingdom will be on earth, and not in heaven. (Heb.2:9): ‘But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone.’ Luke 1:32: ‘He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of his father David. (v.33) And he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his Kingdom there will be no end.’ And we read in Rev. 11:15: ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever.’
We listen and wait for the coming of Jesus Christ to this world to be King of Kings, and must pray and keep his commandments in our hearts.
Bro. Lyton John

One family of Nkanda Ecclesia

Sister Janet Mujiwa of Nkanda Ecclesia
Truly, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few; that’s the situation we are all in with Gospel preaching.
Here in Chileka Ecclesia, Zomba., we are meeting people door to door, especially as our fellow brothers and sisters preach, and we discuss and read the Bible. We also invite people from other denominations to attend our services. In this way we convert people to the flock of Israel in hope and faith.
With the help of our Lord this work is going well and gives us an increase of brothers and sisters. We usually meet once a week on Thursdays. People from other denominations seem to be interested in learning the Truth from the Bible.
We must keep on waiting and praying day by day for the return of our Lord Jesus.
Bro. Kenneth Maganger
Thank you for your letter and for sending me the Bible. Can you please send me two Bible Basics in English and eight in Chichewa. When I went to Karongo the people took all my books and Chichewa Bible.
Bro. Bernard Kawonga
We have lost, by the falling asleep in Christ, a very good Sister, Matilda Sanjama, who was wife to the former Secretary, Brother George Sanjama, she died while he was in South Africa. She died from meningitis and has left three boys, Charles, Hackwell and George Jnr. Charles 17 and Hackwell 15 are baptised and they do understand that she is just waiting for the judgement day when, God willing, we shall all meet in the Kingdom.
I was happy to read in Gospel News about Claude, my friend. I knew him when I was at the operations telephone bureau at Chinamwali Market. Every day he came he used to chat about Rwanda, his home. I am happy he was baptised and we do still communicate on the phone.
Bro. Samson Banda
Health and blessing in the Name of our Saviour who will return at the sound of the trumpet. It will be a great event undreamed of by man and we shall see Him whether we will have died or whether we are alive. Bro. Graham Bacon’s death has come to my mind. This great brother was present at my baptism. He was a flight engineer for Qantas when it was flying to the island and he wrote many leaflets about prophecies. He died at 79, in the Lord. May God bless you and the team who are working behind the scenes.
Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz
I am suffering from weakness nowadays which I somehow understand to be what Paul said hindered him from doing good, (Rom.7:15). I am still receiving “Gospel News to All Nations”, please keep it up. Is it still possible to enroll a brother onto the reading list? If it is, then it is Bro. and Sis. Ibeka Thomas, P.O. Box 6522, Aba. He is a brother behind the building of our ecclesia and works hard for the Truth.
Bro. James E. Ogbah
Thanks a lot for the Bible Basics! I am a student in one of the universities that is 4hrs away from my ecclesia hall, because of that I really need books like Bible Basics for comprehensive studies of the Word and to spread the Gospel to numerous people around me. Once again I appreciate all your efforts both in preaching the word and in uniting all our Brothers far and near through your wonderful work in Gospel News.
Sis. Lydia Ojike
Our congratulations and good wishes to Brother Thomson who was joined in marriage to Miss Gracious Timothy in Zimbabwe in August. We pray our Father’s richest blessing on their marriage and look forward to meeting Gracious when she is able to move to SA. .
Brother Thompson and his Bride, Gracious.
South Africa
Bro. Gary Smith of the Yeoville ecclesia reports on the Family Conference:
“The Dragon’s Peaks are nestled in some of the most picturesque natural surroundings, just outside the little town of Winterton, in KZN, close to the border with Lesotho.
Here the International Family Bible Conference got under way. Six of us from Yeoville ecclesia attended - it was a first conference for some of us! It was nothing like anything we had ever experienced before, in many ways than one. The presentations by both the main speaker, Bro. John Pople and others on the variety sessions, and reports from the various P2P teams were so Biblically enlightening and spiritually edifying. In fact, it was such a spiritually uplifting and life changing experience that I am not the same person any longer – and I don’t think I want to be any more!
The Lignum Project at the Yeoville BEC, led by Bro. Roy Marshall from the UK, was a great success. Bro. Roy conducted woodwork master classes in measuring, sawing, cutting, planning. bolting, mitring, screwing, designing simple wooden furniture and artefacts, showing the participants how to produce products to a professional standard.
The Project ended with the Graduation evening last Wednesday. Bro. Roy presented Certificates of Competence in Woodwork to the brethren and sisters who attended – they proudly showed their handiworks and took them home afterwards.
Our hearty thanks to Bro. Roy for giving so generously of his time, expertise, equipment and finance in coming from the UK to teach us.
The evening was rounded off most enjoyably by Bible games and quizzes organised by Bro. David.
Bro Roy Teaching
Thank you for the interesting letter and constructive comments to my previous letter. “The Gospel News”, “The Real Christ” and the sheets on world affairs are so helpful, and thank you for including my article. Sorry, but I have not yet received the second-hand Bibles you sent by sea mail; I will let you know when I receive them. Bible Basics are so useful in our preaching and we loan them to our friends to read at their homes and return them with comments for discussion. Bible Companions are needed very much by our brethren and sisters and some of our contacts and friends as they are good Bible readers. Please send more copies.
Lumino and most eastern south ecclesias are serious with Rotational Bible Study and a new preaching system of helping the elderly and the community at large, as mentioned in my last letter, by cleaning the boreholes and so on.
Bro. Godfrey Egessa
Bre. Fredrick Ojiambo and Godfrey Egessa, Elder Brothers from Lumino Ecclesia
Here in Busia Ecclesia we are organising for the baptism of our contacts, who are ready to join us very soon. I thank Bro. Wandard for teaching me the Gospel of God and introducing my name to receive Gospel News. I was a pagan from birth but when I joined secondary school Bro. Wandard taught me the gospel and I felt I must join that religion. After that Bro. Frederick spread the gospel to our family whereby my mother joined the Christadelphian body and now we are very happy “in Christ”.
Finally’ I thank all those people who are spreading the gospel of God and that you are sowing seeds which you will reap when Jesus Christ comes to introduce his Kingdom on earth.
Bro. Mangeni Rogers.
Thank you for Gospel News and spreading the Gospel world-wide. Please send us a box of Bible Basics through P.O. BOX 79, KABERAMAIDO,UGANDA and it will reach safely. And may you include some Sunday School materials which contain questions and answers both Old Testament and New Testament? Bro.Opio Bosco
I have not written to you recently because I was sick and admitted into hospital. When diagnosed they found that I was suffering from typhoid fever but now I thank God that I am recovering and well enough to attend the memorial meeting again.
Thank you for all the literature you have been sending. I
believe that God will bless the continuation of the literature,
causing many to understand the Truth.
I have also enclosed two photographs, one about the borehole constructed and sponsored by the C.B.M. at Butiru and the
other showing Bro. Boniface Masakala handing over a
disabled bicycle to Sis. Esther Mukeya of Butiru Ecclesia. The
ecclesia thanks the linkman for supporting those in need, for it
is written that when Jesus returns to commit judgement He will
consider such a spirit.
Bro. Boniface Masakala

Left Bro Boniface Masakala and bro Francis Makosia
Bro. Boniface Masakala handing over a disabled bicycle provided by Bro. John Mathias.
I have been extremely busy moving up and down, surveying land. We are situated about 15Km from town, but because of the big forest and heavy rains which destroy our roads, it is sometimes dangerous.
It is beautiful, we have abundant rainfall, but unfortunately the young and energetic men, although they have farms, don’t work as hard as they could, It makes me feel very sad. We sometimes give up to 100 hectares of land, but you find the owner is doing nothing.
Today a man came who has been borrowing my books, e.g. Bible etc. He says, given all the chances and support, he could open a Christadelphian Church in his area. I explained everything accordingly. So all he needs is your encouragement. Please write to him now; Wilson Sinyanga, care of my postal address. He is an educated and very intelligent person.
Bro. Duncan’s baby is cute. I will send photos of us in the next mail. It is difficult to see a photographer here. Thank you for all the books: I am reading them and they help me.
The local Pentecostal Church has supplied one member with a lap-top in our village: he uses solar and a battery to switch it on. We wish we could have the same – to flood you with real events happening here every day.
Please keep on up-dating me with the latest information
Sis Jane Bwalya Daka

Photo: Sis. Jane at her office reading Bible Basics

Sis. Jane in her sitting room at the Palace
I am happy to announce that I have secured a job, therefore I would like to extend my gratitude to all brothers and sisters who encouraged me during the time I was undergoing some problems. May the Almighty God richly bless you all. Myself, I have seen the hand of God lifting me and guiding me to the promised land, and for this I praise Him.
However, I would like to extend the warning to all brothers and sisters to remain faithful and never doubt God – God never fails. Let’s give thanks to Him with our warm hearts, like the seeds sown in good and fertile soil.
Lastly, let’s see to it that we keep going on the path that leads us to the Kingdom of God. Let’s not change to be like the world around us and where there are global problems. As Christadelphians, let’s strive hard to achieve our goal at the end of the race.
Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa
My wife Josephine was successfully interviewed and baptised. Now she is a full-time, baptised sister, joining the rest of the Christadelphian sisters and brothers worldwide, made possible by the blood of our Lord Jesus’.
Thanks for sending the book ‘The Real Christ.’ Indeed, Christ is real, and will come back, though not even the angels or Jesus himself know the time, only God Himself knows the time and day of our Lord Jesus’ return.
I would like to tell you these thoughts: many youths today hate farming and regard it as a dirty job, yet the Bible teaches us of God’s care of nature, e.g. Psalm 65 reminds us that God cares about the earth, with its fertile soils and everything in existence that God created.
However, there is a ‘taboo’ in our many cultures about touching dirty things like compost and cow dung, and education also reinforces this idea. Many people go to school in order to get a better, ‘cleaner’ job than farming. How did God then view the dirt that we shun? In the Bible poor and humble people are lifted high. Dirt and manure are at the heart of Jesus Christ’s place of birth message. The humble, probably dirty, shepherds in the fields at night are the first to be told about the Christ child, whom they saw wrapped in a blanket in a manger – a cow’s food trough. The message for us, too, as farmers, people on the margins, is to look among the poor to see God at work, as Christians in this tortuous world. Care of the poor, e.g. the orphans, the blind, disabled and many more needy, will signify true religion at the end of the age, when acceptance and praise will be shown by the Lord after judgement.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
Bro. David Nicholls, the linkman for Zambia (North) and his wife, Sister Linda, had a successful visit to Kabompo Ecclesia and witnessed the good hand of the Lord working in Kabompo. Many people attended Four Bible students, Josephine Mukuma (wife of Bro. Wellington Mukuma, a fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ as well as Stephen Nkumbula, Peter Bulaya (my father-in-law), and my young brother Jonathan Kaambeu, were baptised in the Chikonwelo river.
Bro. Nicholls, told me to share the Bible Basics you sent me with Bro. Noah Kadyapu of Zambezi district, about 100 Kilometers west of Kabompo. Bro. Noah was accompanied by his wife and Sis. Beatrice, and eight Bible students from Zambezi. The use of Bible Basics is very much recommended by all Bible students in Kabompo, and Zambezi district. We are building a good library here and ensuring the books are well kept and lent to Bible students.
From Lelavana Farm my brother Jonathan’s Bible study group has been motivated by his baptism and 17 Bible students trekked the 45 kilometers from Malolwa to Kabompo to take part in the Bible studies conducted by Bro. David Nicholls, Sister Linda, Brother Dennis and Brother Silas. Others were 7 Bible students who travelled another 25 kilometers From Manyinga, one from Katendura East and 5 from Katendura West, about 15 kilometers away. The Bible studies lasted two days.
We are thankful that many people are being called to the Ecclesia, the body of Christ. As stones being shaped in the likeness of Christ, the ecclesia at Kabompo will grow, adding many to the worldwide ecclesia, as we wait for the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to set up his Kingdom worldwide, with its capital city in Jerusalem.
CAT efforts in sending us many books and preaching material has begun bearing fruit, and we have had more baptisms in addition to those above. At the North-Western Fraternal Gathering held here at Kabompo we baptised Boyd Chipoya and Douglas Chindumba of Kabompo and Daniel Bulaya of Zambezi. The members of our Ecclesia now number 20.
Last but not least, kindly pray for me and my wife Meldah: she has been in Kabompo district hospital once again for almost a month. Yesterday, after being very ill, she was discharged but still cannot walk on her own. I am overwhelmed by the Lord’s mercies that she is now able to sit, eat and talk. She is now at home, where we are nursing her. I am thanking all our brothers who visited her in hospital and prayed for her recovery.
Bro. Reuben Kaambeu
Being the ecclesial librarian and treasurer, under authorization of the ecclesia, I have distributed the booklets you sent (on ‘Suffering,’ ‘Baptism,’ and ‘Jesus Christ is Coming’) to about 200 people in different areas of Kabompo and shall be paying them regular visits, to make sure that they understand the Truth fully. I received an overwhelming response from each individual who received the leaflets, and am requesting that you please send us more leaflets covering all the topics.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
I attended the regional Bible School grouping in Lusaka, and we learned a lot of things there. We had Study (1) ‘Jesus Christ, his nature, death and resurrection,’ by Bro. Martin Tembo of Matero Ecclesia, Lusaka; Study (2) ‘Armageddon,’ by Bro. Henry Mufalo of Kasaka Ecclesia. Study (3) ‘Elijah the Tishbite,’ by Bro. Kelly Simayumbula of Kafue ecclesia. Study (4) by Bro. Martin Tembo of Matero, Lusaka. Study (5) ‘The Names of God,’ by Bro. Sydney Kunda of Kabwe ecclesia.
The total number of brothers and sisters from Kapirimposhi, Lusaka, Mazabuka, Lusaka, Kabwe, Kafue, and Mufulira was 40. The daughter of Bro. Sydney Kunda of Kabwe ecclesia, Josephine Kunda, was baptised at this Bible School, so is now our sister in Christ.
Sister Lynda Nicholls gave me the student’s Bible Dictionary; it is a very nice book. Also, brother, do you have a book containing questions regarding baptism? If so, could you please send me one.
Brother, from the things that are happening here, and what people are doing, shows exactly that we are in the last days. Some people are behaving just like animals. They do whatever they want without any feeling of shyness or shame – they can insult you in public, and the way they dress is unacceptable. Prostitution is rife, especially amongst the young people. By the year 2030 most youths will be affected by many diseases. We pray for the coming of our Lord when all these things will change.
Bro. Greenwell Kunda

Michelo Ecclesia Members (Kalomo)

Bro Ackim Sikabuli & Sis Maria Siachitema (Michelo)
Sister Elisabeth Kasanda and myself are keen readers of Gospel News : it is e very helpful to all those who want to grow spiritually to read different articles by different writers, - just as books in the Bible – so helpful as we journey together to the Kingdom.
I am happy to inform you about our ecclesial news. Formerly Kazembe Ecclesia was divided into two separate groups; there is a river named Mbereshi, which is between the villages of Kasumpa and Mbereshi, with brethren and sisters in both villages. Mbereshi was the meeting place, where the meeting hall had been bought by CBM. Kasampa residents, where I belong, were suffered to walk 14 Km and cross the river to the meetings, making 28 Km return journey. All the Sunday School children could not make it, and now God has at last answered our prayers. Our newly born Kasumpa Ecclesia has six brethren and four sisters, with twenty-two Sunday School children.
I have clocked 70 years since 1940, and 16 years in the Faith on 12th August 2010 and praise the Lord for His saving grace.
Bro. John Kasanda
I am very glad to let you know that Brother Dennis Kombe has decided to transfer those in Nchelenge District from Mbereshi Ecclesia to Kasumpa School. The whole assembly of nine, short of Bro. John Kasanda who is presently in the Copper belt, decided that I should exhort.
The topic I chose was, “Let the Ecclesia at Kasumpa be an assembly of righteousness and good faith in the Lord.” This topic was based on the readings in Deut 33 and 34, Isa 6 and Col 3 and 4. I touched on issues affecting leaders, such as Moses and his brother Aaron. (Abihu and Nadab, Lev.10:1,2 were mentioned – their disobedience which led to death.) I encouraged them to remain faithful, and abandon the parables of false teachers.
In conclusion, we had an interim election of Secretary, Treasurer, Committee member and Visiting Brother. The Secretary, Bro. John Kasanda was elected in absentia; the new Treasurer is Bro. Kabunda Kamana; the Committee member is Bro. Benson Mupini. Then I was elected as a visiting brother.
I am very pleased and honoured that the true light has now shone brightly from the Lord and I have received the seven G.C.E. Certificates from Cambridge, including the original, which you arranged for me. I feel the G.C.E. School Certificate will suffice temporarily.
Bro. Vincent Moses Mwense
I am happy to inform you that I completed the course I was doing in Metal Fabrication & Welding here in Kitwe, got good results and am now working – this is my 2nd month of work! I thank you (and all bre. and Srs.) for all help and prayers that I should do well and eventually get to do something. And I thank most sincerely the Lord Almighty for giving me knowledge, ability and strength to do so.
I am glad too, to let you know that I was privileged to accompany Bro. David and Sis. Lynda Nicholls from the UK and Bro. Dennis Kombe on a trip to North-Western Province of Zambia, which produced four baptisms in Kabompo, one in Solwezi and e0n in Kitwe. It was such a ‘FRUITFUL’ trip, and we thank God for His love and faithfulness, adding another group to our number.
Always remember that you are ever in my prayers, despite no regular communication. And I miss you a lot.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba
I received the book ‘The Law of Moses,’ as well as other material – thank you so much for the good gesture. Kitwe Ecclesia is going through many difficulties, materially and spiritually; we need your prayers.
If you could send me three English Bibles for the purpose of preaching the gospel, I would be grateful: I will lend these Bibles to those who want to study the Scriptures, and they will give them back to me after their studies.
Bad things are happening in this world – I wish the Lord Jesus to return soon to this earth.
Bro. Robert Miwele
Bro. Robert Miwele in 2006 at Kitwe Main Basic School
From left to right: Bro. Geoffrey Chabala and Bro. Robert Miwele at Copperbelt

Regional Group held 2nd – 5th April, 2010. From left to right: Bro. Jackson Nkweto, (Kitwe Ecclesia), Bro. David Katongo (Mufulira Eccl.) Bro. Changwe (Ndola Eccl.), Bro. Robert Miwele (Kitwe Eccl.), Bro. Simumba (Ndola Eccl.), Bro. Silas Chishimba (Kitwe Eccl.). At Front: Bro. Elvin Muntemba (Kitwe Eccl.) and Bro. from Chililabombwe.
Bro. Francis Odiko of Ghana is right in what he wrote in Gospel News, for example, we cannot expect good results from contacts we visit once a year. There is a need to make a follow-up during the twelve months period to encourage those who are interested to study the word of God.
I explained in the Gospel News how preaching in general is known by Africans. I was misunderstood by some people. I did not say that Christendom is better than Christadelphians. The method of their preaching is what Africans are accustomed to, though their teaching is not in conformity with Bible teaching. They constantly preach lies, but we should be constant in our preaching of the true teaching of the Bible.
Many thanks for the Bibles you sent to me.
Bro. Robert Miwele
There is misunderstanding about the Moslems and their religion, so if you have some copies of a booklet about this topic, could you send it to me, as I would really like to have it. I pray day and night that I may find answers to such questions, and am grateful to find a Christadelphian Ecclesia, because they teach about the Word of God and explain it accurately.
I would really like more books to read so that I can know more about the Scriptures: such material as Bible Basics study manual, and more booklets on the devil and Satan, and Angels.
Thank you for your help, and I know the Lord will bless you and your family as we wait for our Lord Jesus to come.
Bro. Joshua Banda
I am glad that your loving-kindness and your endless support will continue to be with me as I grow in the things of the Kingdom.
I am so happy that God is protecting me in hardship and He is sustaining my life every day. Thank you for those historical magazines, five volumes of them I received without any difficulty and they are good and inspiring.
Bro. Stephen Siamabi
The book, ‘The Real Christ’ is really excellent and well written, as it covers the plain message of Jesus Christ and the gospel in a nutshell. It is very good for group study, and it will help in suggesting topics to look at, especially with regard to false ideas of the Trinity, which has brought a lot of confusion among different religious bodies in the world.
I have had one illness after another; I have had a skin infection for the past few days. My skin was looking different, some kind of weathering. I saw the doctor who gave me an injection with a red liquid, and some other medicine, which gave me a lot of pain at night – I feel as if my skin is melting, so please pray for me. But I am not so bad, the doctor said it’s a normal disease and anybody can contract it (I was worried about this). I had to take the drug once a day for ten days, and now I feel a bit better on my sixth day.
We must stand firm to the Truth regardless of what happens to us. God has not delayed His plan, and the time will come, I strongly believe it to be near, when Christ will return and God will establish His Kingdom, when Christ shall rule and there will be justice for ever in the Kingdom.
I am very pleased to receive regular copies of the ‘Signs of the Times,’ which keep us abreast of what this world is coming to – they contain vital information about world affairs and their meaning in the Bible.
What a lovely idea to print pocket New Testament Bibles. In Africa it is difficult to buy a Bible, as most of the Brethren and Sisters have no work or are poor; so to make them free to contacts is good, as they need to read the word of God themselves. It is not always a good idea to hear just what the preacher says, but noting references as well and reading the Bible is very important.
There was a group of Christians in Paul’s time at Berea who knew that Paul was a good preacher: no matter how he taught the gospel they used to search in their Scriptures to see whether Paul’s teaching was right or not. There is also this vital idea of daily Bible readings that we do when we have a Bible.
Bro. Gideon Hankomone
At the moment I am enjoying reading the books you sent me and I say ‘many thanks’ to you for your love.
Bro. Harris Mulongesha
Matthew is the first book in the New Testament section of our Bible, and was written by Matthew, one of Jesus’ disciples. The Bible has two similar Gospel records written by Mark and Luke. These books are known as the Synoptic Gospels. Why? Because all of them mainly look at the life of Jesus, but each of them contains its own particular emphasis about Christ. John’s Gospel follows a different style.
Matthew begins by tracing the family history of Jesus Christ, starting from Abraham to Jacob, the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus the Son of God, who is called Christ. Matthew in his writing recounted various incidents concerning the birth and life of our Lord Jesus. His book was a carefully organized Gospel, because he was writing especially about his interest in what Jesus had said, e.g. the parables about the Kingdom of heaven and the Sermon on the mountainside, chapters 5-7, and chapter 25 is about the end of time. Importantly, Matthew makes it clear that Jesus is the true Messiah who is spoken of in the Old Testament.
So, brothers and sisters, let us read the Bible every day so that this true Messiah, when He comes back again to be our King, will find us prepared to receive Him.
Bro. Joseph Mulawo
Our small Banket ecclesia would like to thank you for your support regarding our Library. Brothers and Sisters really enjoying reading various books and magazines which you sent to us. We really appreciate your work and love shown to us. The supply of spiritual material has helped us with our teaching, and enabled us to experience love and peace in Christ Jesus.
Our sincere gratitude goes to our Sister Jean in the USA who acted swiftly after you had requested her to send some second-hand books to us for the Library. This has been a great wealth to us, and we are much delighted. May the merciful Lord whom we serve richly bless you for the services you are doing in helping many know more about the Lord on this journey to the Kingdom, which Jesus is about to set up on earth when he returns as King of glory.
In my area we have had sporadic rainfall and last season crops almost failed. We are really very hungry but we are resilient to the hardship we are confronting. I am very concerned with the welfare of my brothers and sisters in my ecclesia. Banket ecclesia consists of ten members, six brethren and four sisters. The little I get from my garden I share with them. Down here everyone is busy running to and fro in the fields making some preparations – hopefully the rains are about to start.
Bro. David Banda Yelulani
I am a member of Masvingo Rural Ecclesia and am now alone here in Beitbridge since the death of Bro. Joshua Pakali in March 2009. We had about three students who had finished their lessons and we also have new students who wish to resume their lessons. Bro. Joshua had many students but due to his absence I nearly lost them because I did not have their contact addresses and the postal box keys were lost and the literature which was in the box taken by his workmate has lost the keys.
I would like another ecclesia to open in Beit Bridge. I have reopened the postal box with the help of Bulawayo Ecclesia and once a month I go to Bulawayo with the students who have finished their lessons. I plan to join others in Triangle for a seminar with the company of my students and I hope they will learn more from God’s Word. I am appealing for supplies of “Bible Basics” and other publications which might make it easier to preach to the students from prophetic African churches. I had been receiving the Newsletters but due to change of contact they have been lost.
Bro. Jacob Masvingise
I have hope that in the Lord, we all will get those reserved places for us in his Kingdom. I am an unworthy one, a least member in Christ, who cannot forbear to write briefly to you, for I cannot keep to myself this unspeakable joy and love that you show to us. On behalf of the Chinhoyi ecclesia and Zimbabwe at large who are so far away from you, we wish one day we could see you. The Lord will one day give us this joy in the kingdom where we will share our love together.
Bro. Gift Lungu
I am glad to let you know that three people are now taking the 40-lesson course – two ladies and one man. I am doing everything to encourage them to go through all the lessons.
Here are some wise words to benefit our brothers and sisters:-
· Know where to find God when you do not know what to do
· Never seek an earthly messiah
· Do not be blinded by negative thinking
· Pass on the positives
· Faith is not faith until you do something – action is required
· Never limit God’s ability
· Shut the door of doubt
Bro. Benjamin Makuti
Paul says, “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.” (2 Thess.3:1-2)
Let us not weary in doing good to others. The Lord waits with the reward for such. As devoted ones to God no barrier should come in our minds. The Word must go and reach where it must and faith and deeds must work hand in hand. James 2:14-26. Let us not look at who is who but just say, “The Lord has given us this person to fulfil his Word.” Let us have peace, love and harmony in our hearts.
The photo shows our Ecclesia wearing T-shirts that the C.B.M. provided for our members; we thank all those who contributed in cash and kind for these to be provided.
Bro. Farai Phiri
Chegutu Ecclesia
I would like to express the good work of God which the brothers and sisters of Chipinge District are doing in spreading the Word in our area. The name ‘Christadelphian’ has now reached every corner, even as far as from Tamandai to the Mozambican border people are now talking about Christadelphians and how the teach they Word of God. Bro. Moses Dhlakama has established a weekly Bible meeting programme for us at Chipinge North. We meet and break bread with Bro. Moses and Sis Dhlakama, Bro. Simon Madhimba and myself of Ratelshoek, with some Bible students. After every meeting we have a meal of the little we had donated to serve our friends who would have come from a distance. Brother, I am kindly requesting you to send me some Bible posters, leaflets and any material which teaches the Word of God. I once saw a bag publicizing Bible Basics, please could you send me some, if you have them, and may I also have Shona lessons for my wife.
Let us all work for the Lord in good faith. Pray for us and our situation. May the God of Grace be with you all. Thank you.
Bro. Farai Makandeni
Brethren and sisters from Mutema came and joined us at our memorial service held at the farm. We also had six visitors who attended; three are studying the Truth and the other three have not taken the decision yet. We have already talked to them and showed them the importance of studying the Bible and being baptised.
We have finished harvesting as this year we did not have much, but we want to thank God for the food we have, to stop us going hungry.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama
Thank you so much for the books you sent for my spiritual food; “The Real Christ” and an English translation of the Shona book (Zoinotauro mu Bhaiben), “What the Bible Says”. This helps my wellbeing in the wilderness journey to the Kingdom of God. Everyday I am glad to read the gospel and will stand fast until the Son of Man appears from the clouds in glory.
The book ‘The Real Devil,’ a Biblical exploration of the Devil is what I’ve always been looking for – I don’t want to give way to sin in my life-time. I want to keep looking at the Word of God and preaching the true gospel to anyone who will listen. At the moment I am searching the book every day.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha
Thank you very much for your letter which made me feel very comfortable, as if you were just near me. As I told you long ago I am no longer getting any letters from other brethren and sisters but it’s all o.k. as long as I get more books to read. Our Lord Jesus Christ is still keeping an eye on me, caring for me daily as I am in better health at present but my eyesight is continually dimming and I know that happens as one gets older, as well as losing sense of smell and hearing, etc.
The book you sent me ‘The Real Devil,’ is a useful book which I can’t miss a day to reading. I have learned a lot from its contents – it is very interesting and explains how we misunderstand about Satan, the devil, demons and the serpent. These are the problems I did not understand from my youth, many years ago. Now, since I found the Truth in Christadelphian doctrine, I started to believe how these words or names have come to be used by many.
The interesting points I have picked up, to mention a few, are:-The serpent in Eden; Job’s Satan; Lucifer, king of Babylon; the sons of God and daughters of men; and Legion and the Gadarene pigs. These references were very hard for me, but through reading some of these books I now know the real meanings of such things. I can’t say more about this book, all I can say is that ‘The Real Devil’ is an excellent book.
Also, I thank you for the Bibles you promised to send me by sea mail, which I have just received. I am very pleased with the special book ‘The NIV. Pocket Concordance.’ I have never seen such a lovely book as this one, but by the grace of our Lord, I have it. The NIV. Bible I was looking for all the time is the one you have replaced – even the Revised Standard Version, likewise. The Gideon’s NIV. Bibles are the other Bibles I have never seen before: truly the Lord’s hand is working everywhere; thanks be to God, the Heavenly Father of our Master. It is very kind of you to help many to understand the Word of God. The Wrested Scriptures book and others are best for helping other people who seek the Truth.
Bro. Maxwell Mlakah
Today we are living in a dangerous world full of all sorts of diseases such as Aids, also earthquakes, flood etc. to overcome. What shall we do? We are to look somewhere. Where? The Children of Israel, when bitten by dangerous snakes, looked at the snake which was on a pole. The same with us today; when we are in trouble we should look to the cross of Jesus to be healed from such obstacles. God looks on us in our trouble to see how we react to this chastening; whether we believe and trust in him. God is merciful, gracious and longsuffering to us and ready to forgive us if we repent. Read Num.21:4-9, John 17:12-19.
Bro. Svuure Faustino
Near the entrance to the garden of, Gethsemane, Jesus left three of his disciples, bidding them pray for themselves and for Him. With Peter, James and John, Christ desired their presence near Him. After a season of watching and praying, they slept at a little distance from their Master. He desired them to spend the night with Him in prayer – he said, ‘watch with me.’ The conflict was terrible. From his lips comes the bitter cry, “O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” (Mark 14:36) “The hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.” (v.42)
Bro. Melusi Ndlovu
Looking upon the smitten Lamb of God, the Jews had cried, ‘His blood be on us, and on our children.’ That awful cry ascended to the throne of God. That sentence pronounced upon themselves was written in heaven. That prayer was heard, the blood of the Son of God was upon their children.
When Christ returns, “Then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory, and before Him shall be gathered all nations.” In the place of a crown of thorns, He will wear a crown of glory (Mark 9:3). Those who mocked and smote Him will be there, and their cry ‘His blood be on us and on our children,’ will receive God’s answer. In awful agony and horror, “They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him” (Zech 12:10)
Bro. Bernard Maimba
The Gospel News encourages some of my neighbours to do the course. I have two people who want to start it. For my eye problem, the doctor said I can’t be operated on because it will cause me blindness. I have no sight in my right eye and it is always painful. I was told to use some medicine to reduce the pain – some days it is reddish and swollen. The left eye doesn’t function well.
Thanks for the Gospel News and Glad Tidings, which I receive every month. My neighbour is interested in reading these books, and has applied for the question papers. My husband now wants to join us and has started the course.
Sis. Esther Chigiji
Comment: Bro. John Butler tells me that the medication you need has now been sent to you.
At present we have students from most parts of Manicaland province. We are trying to make sure that Christadelphian doctrine is heard by every citizen of Manicaland.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere
How the Bible changed my life.
I was invited by a fellow employee of the Triangle Sugar Estates in the Lowveld of Zimbabwe, Johanner Maklahe, to attend a meeting of the Christadelphians in Triangle, and after studying the Bible my mental state began to change. I gradually developed a desire to live and to be happy. Motivated by this state of mind I decided to cut my hair short as I had let it grow as a sign of my discontent and rebellion. Then I realised that if I want to be acceptable to God I had to quit the bad friends who were not for God. The first time I attended a Bible meeting, I noticed a pamphlet, “Who are the Christadelphians?” and a book “The Christadelphians, what they believe and preach”. I also noticed a book ,“Do you believe in the Devil?”. “Trust in God with all your heart and do not lean to your own understanding.” Prov.3:5-6. My life changed all of a sudden because of the Bible meetings and studies. I also thank Bro. Moses Dhlakama of Chipinge Rimbi, Bro. Rhobson Sithole of Bulawayo and the late Sis Christine Filer for her support and advice about the way the Christian should behave in his new life in Christ.
Bro. Kuvarega Mavuvo
I would like to thank you for the “Gospel News” I have found them very interesting and have shared them with other Christian churches who found them to be very useful. Please, if you have some more magazines from past years they would be very welcome. Thank you for the photo of you and your family. I am having problems in reading and wonder if you could help me with some reading glasses.
Our ecclesia at Triangle is now growing as we are having students coming to our meetings, although they are taking too long to get their Bible lessons. We are praying that our Bible studies may continue.
Bro. Mobie Siziba
Brothers and Sisters who are scattered throughout the world, I greet you all in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to remind you once again that without faith it will be impossible for us to enter the Kingdom. We should learn what most of the brothers and sisters did in the New and Old Testament times.
We learn of Abraham: God gave him a son when he was at an advanced age, but God told him to sacrifice his only child, and he obeyed, taking his son to Mt. Moriah. Genesis 22:12: The angel of the Lord called to Abraham, “Do not lay your hand on the boy, or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.’ He had faith in God because he knew that God had given him the son of promise – and also if He took him away from him, he could be restored to life. That was true faith which Abraham had.
Abraham was justified by faith: Romans 4:3: “For what does Scripture say: Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.” So since we were baptized into Christ, having faith in him, we should follow his example. We will have peace with God through faith. Romans 5:1: “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Bro. Abel Dumbu
Thank you for sending the two books, ‘Bible Basics’ and ‘The Real Christ.’ I am already busy with Bible Basics and find it a really good work. The book is full of clear explanations of day-to-day questions, and of the Bible itself. Hopefully I will be reading ‘The Real Christ’ in a few days. I really appreciate the love and support you have shown and pray the Lord gives you strength and guidance for such work. Your time and efforts are not wasted, for we are getting much from you. I read with interest the Middle East update and see how most events fit some Bible prophecies.
Thank you for correcting me on my article on ‘Suffering.’ At times one knows what one wants to say, but fails to express it. But please publish it, as I hope others can learn from me.
Very sad news, brother;I lost my Shona Bible and hymn book, also the Bible Reader’s Companion last week. It really feels like losing one of the most valuable treasures, for without these three books I feel like a blind man. I don’t have money, or I would have bought another set. I would appreciate any type of help you may offer.
Bro. Servious Makondo
Comment: I am pleased to say that your linkman, Bro. John Butler, on hearing of your loss, immediately arranged for the books to be replaced. MH