Preaching – A Sister’s Perspective In Jamaica
I visited Jamaica, West Indies, this year for the purpose of preaching the Gospel. As usual, at home and abroad, my method is confronting a person face to face, stopping them in their tracks, as was done in the days of old as written in the Bible. The Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8, Amos, as he followed the flock, Amos 7:15, Jesus, tired and hungry preached to the woman at the well etc. As I travelled the highways and byways I met people in Negril, Montego Bay, taxis, buses, business places, markets, etc. or just on the street. With leaflets in hand each morning and afternoon I managed to give out over two thousand leaflets, booklets, etc. and had numerous requests for more.
The potential for preaching is great. I am writing to encourage any brother or sister who has the opportunity and is able to travel to Negril, Montego Bay or the surrounding areas to do so without hesitation. I must emphasise that it is a very challenging experience, (being alone), no air conditioning, T.V., radio or cellular, just a room (self contained) which I consider to be luxurious when funds are limited. My lovely brothers and sisters, there is no joy and fulfilment in this world like using your holidays in preaching the gospel message. All that is needed is willingness, sacrifice, energy, enthusiasm and most of all determination, the “helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” Eph 6:17, and our reward will be great.
The enclosed pictures are of brethren and sisters from some of the surrounding ecclesias in Jamaica, West Indies.

Brethren and sisters at Broughton Ecclesia, on Sunday morning.

Brethren and sisters from Harvey River Ecclesia on Sunday morning at the home of Bro. Clifford.

Sisters from Harvey River Ecclesia accompanied by Sister from Canada.