Where are you? | Genesis 3:9
You could probably give an easy answer to this question, which would describe your exact geographical location. That information would be useful to someone who was looking for you.
God asked the question of Adam after he disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. God knew, of course, exactly where Adam was. There was more to the question than geography. Like the one the Pharisees asked Jesus, it is one of the deep questions of the Bible.
Asked at one level, it has much deeper significance at other levels. Adam was hiding from God, covering his shame and guilt. He was hoping that God would not find him. He was actually lost in a very deep sense. He had moved into the domain of sin, and out of fellowship with God.
God poses the same question to us at any time, and at all times. He asks, not because He doesn’t know, but because we need to answer it. To do so we have to look at ourselves, ask where we have got to, and where we think we are going. You may have got to a dead end, spiritually speaking. You may be drifting away from Jesus. You might be completely lost, bent on getting as far away from God as you can. You could be so confused that you don’t know where you are, but facing up to the question might at least help you to acknowledge your lack of direction. You could be successful in your professional or business career, but “where are you?” in the sense that really matters?
Bro David B Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)