An Encouragement From a couple seeking the Truth
I hope that this finds all well with you! I wanted to let you know I received the Bible Basic books. THANK YOU! We are so excited to read them. Also thank you for your emails. My husband was so moved by Bible Basics that he really wants to get them out there to people whom he has spoken to. He is re-reading it and seems so excited, which in turn blesses me.
If I may give you a little history about our lives in searching for truth: my husband was raised a Baptist. He has been a devout reader of the Bible for many years. I was raised a Mormon, but only by name really. as my family did not practice the teachings. Anyway, I met my husband 20 years ago and he got me studying the Bible for myself. Since that time we have attended almost all churches. Some we were happy with for a time, but then we would ask questions and, well, the answers given just didn’t satisfy the search. It has been discouraging at times and we have all but given up with “organized religion.” My husband was studying with the Mormon missionaries and that opened up a lot of new questions. Some things are obviously not in line with the Bible, but it put the longing for truth back into our hearts.
Then James found Bible Basics in the library and, well, here we are, feeling that finally answers may be there. It is such an honest search we have, and we know God has the answers – it just is not always so easy to find them. I thank you so much for your help and for the book. I still have not read the whole book, as I just would glance through the one James had, but now that I have my own copy it is quite exciting to begin. And, like I said, James is reading it again to really ponder the things brought out in the book. Again, I sincerely thank you for all your kindness in sending the books. If you are able to send a few more that we can share with our kids and others, it would be much appreciated!
May God bless you each and every day! Respectfully. J.V. Canada,
There have been a number of baptisms from contacts that have read Bible Basics in Public Libraries. We are now in process of sending a new book “The Real Christ” to Libraries, so far about three hundred have been placed. The cost of this is about £5 a copy and any who would like to financially support this project, help would be appreciated for sponsoring copies. MH