For Us Today
People today who claim to be following the Bible must also work out in detail how to love God and how to love their neighbours. If our nation is organized in such a way that the wealth is enjoyed by a few while most of the people are poor, we are not loving our neighbours. If our churches are only giving their members the chance to enjoy music and meet friends, we are not loving God.
The books of the law in the Old Testament show us that every detail of our lives – in our homes, in our economics, in our eating, in our praying, in our politics and in our social life – must express our love for God and for other people.
We cannot do this in exactly the same way as people did in Old Testament days, but we must do it in a twenty-first-century way today. Is it that we refuse to read the Old Testament laws because we do not let our love for God and other people affect everything we do? Is it that we want to keep God out of our money or our sex life or our politics or our studies? The Bible laws show that we cannot do that. Read Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7; see how Jesus deepens Old Testament laws. See how he stresses what is “in the heart” – our attitudes, intentions and motives.
Bro Willies Simobwe (Chambishi, Zambia)