Mastering The Weight
The Bible is plain and emphatic that we all have descended from Adam. Therefore being descendants of Adam, we are under the law of sin and death. If all this had ended here we would be pitied, but thanks to our God for His unfathomable love.
Every son of Adam has a ‘weight’ which without the intervention of God would bring man to an end without any further hope. Now because of what God did through Christ, the weight in man can be mastered. Let us admit we all have weights. The writer to the Hebrews says, “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles” - The weight that hinders progress in our walk in Christ. It is not my duty to point out the weight or sin of any of us, but if we can take a close self examination of ourselves, we can be good witnesses of ourselves. Jesus made mention of the foot and the eye; if these cause us to sin, it is better to cut them off. The implication is that having established the area of our failings, or weight, we had better stop doing that particular thing which causes us to stumble and fall.
But with our own strength this is quite an impossibility. The sin burden in us has to be surrendered to Christ who is always very willing to relieve us. He said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Yes indeed the burden of sin is wearisome. This is why the writer to the Hebrews says, ‘it is a weight which needs to be laid aside’, so our progress in the race before us can be won.
Bro. Sylvester Tembo (Mzuzu, Malawi)