Slowly But Surely (Faith of a Canaanite woman, Matthew 15:21-28)

May all brothers and sisters take an example from the Canaanite woman who exercised great faith in the face of great trials and temptations, despite being discouraged by the disciples. She cried out, “Son of David, have mercy on me”. The Canaanite woman did not give in to despair and defeat, because she had a vision from her very positive faith. (So let us press on as given in Phil 3:12-14, until we take hold of it. Christ loves those who have their vision; the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”) Remember, our vision is our weapon, our direction, our path and our strength.

The Canaanite woman was not put off by the cold treatment of the disciples. She did not change her character of love and perseverance. She remained focused slowly and surely, not dejected. As Christians, we children of God must likewise exercise and possess these characteristics. The kingdom of God is not for those in a hurry; here the woman was slow, sure and persistent . Let us change our attitudes, stop rushing, stop worrying, (Luke 12:22-31). There is a time for everything (Ecc 3:8).

The woman had the following characteristics: love, patience, faith, forbearance and perseverance. She knew without doubt that what she was asking was coming, slowly and surely. We are being exhorted. Whatever we are asking for, we must not give up. Keep on pressing and it will come slowly and surely. The woman had knowledge that of wisdom and understanding for she knew that man reaps what he sows. On this occasion she saw youth, love, patience, perseverance and forbearing in Christ. By saying “Have mercy on me, Son of David”, she did not limit Jesus. All she wanted was deliverance for her daughter. Are we focused on our visions, dreams, talents like this woman? She knew very well that Jesus was the turning point.

The greatest lesson we can learn is that Jesus eliminated the element of racial discrimination. In origin the woman was a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel, she was not Jewish. Jesus demonstrated that his ministry was not “For the Jews only but also for the Gentiles” (ie everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, Rom 10:13).

Bro John Wilo Wise (Mazowe, Zimbabwe)

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