No Lame Excuses, Brothers & Sisters

When things go wrong, for some it seems an excuse that God does not love us or listen to our pleas for help when we are troubled. Inability to service hire purchase bills, school fees and other utility bills, one blames on a loveless God.

Yet the God we glorify is a living and loving God. The one thing that we know for sure is that God’s time is the only time and the best time. He gives to whom He wills and takes away from whom He wills. He allows it to rain even in the field of robbers, prostitutes, the righteous and the unrighteous.

Now let us look at some inspiring Bible characters who stood the test of time and defied lame excuses to do great works for the Lord:

1. Abraham was too old for anything yet he was a righteous man who was used by God, had a son in old age, was called a friend of God and it was credited to him as righteousness.

2. Joseph was young and abused by his own brothers, and his father thought he was just a day dreamer, yet he ruled Pharaoh’s household. He also fed the whole of his family during the famine years.

3. Rahab was a prostitute, yet she saved men of God from imminent death.

4. David pretended to be mad, had an affair and ran away from his own son, yet he asked for forgiveness and was promised a seed who would rule over his household.

5. John the Baptist ate locusts yet he preached Christ crucified.

6. Naomi was a widow yet she believed in God.

7. Job was bankrupted, suffered untold pains and losses, yet he did not dishonour God

8. The disciples fell asleep while praying, but they did not abandon Jesus. They continued to preach.

These are some Bible characters, who could have made excuses yet God continued to use them. The next time you think you have an excuse for not obeying/serving God, remember the above and many others like them.

Bro Itai Temb (Sanyati, Zimbabwe)

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