Chapter 5 An Examination Of The Specific Bible Passages Which Mention The Devil And Satan
Preface: Misunderstood Bible Passages
We have
explained at length in earlier chapters that 'Satan' and 'Devil' in the
Bible are renderings of Hebrew and Greek words which basically mean
'adversary', 'false accuser', 'opponent'. They can refer to persons,
good or bad, who play that role. But sometimes in the New Testament,
they are used more metaphorically to refer to sin, in various forms,
and to systems which oppose the Gospel. Sin must be manifested through
something; one cannot have abstract diabolism, it must always be
manifested in a person or system of things. It is for this reason that
the Devil is personified; because sin (the Devil) cannot exist in the
abstract, it can only be found within the human heart and person.
some passages, notably in Revelation, the Devil refers to sin
manifested through a political system, notably that of the Roman
empire. In others, there is reference to the Jewish system which was
the great 'satan' or adversary to the early church.
the following assignment: ‘Give a brief Biblical history of the Devil,
according to your interpretation of Bible passages'. The responses
would be highly contradictory. According to ‘orthodox’ reasoning, the
answer has to be something like this:
a) The Devil was an angel in heaven who was thrown out into the
garden of Eden. He was thrown to earth in Gen. 1.
b) He is supposed to have come to earth and married in Gen 6.
c) At the time of Job he is said to have had access to both heaven
and earth.
d) By the time of Is. 14 he is thrown out of heaven onto earth.
e) In Zech. 3 he is in heaven again.
f) He is on earth in Mt. 4.
g) He is “cast out” at the time of Jesus’ death, according to the
popular view of “the prince of this world” being “cast out” at that
h) There is a prophecy of the Devil being ‘cast out’ in Rev. 12.
i) The Devil is “chained” in Rev. 20, but he and his angels were
chained in Genesis, according to the common view of Jude 6. If he
was bound with ‘eternal chains’ then, how is he chained up again
in Rev. 20?
All this is contradictory- moreover, Heb. 2:14 states
that the Lord Jesus "destroyed" the Devil at the time
of His death. And if the Devil was cast out of Heaven in Eden, how
come he appears to talk with God so freely in Heaven itself afterwards?
Quite simply, the orthodox story just doesn't add up. It's literalism's last gasp.
5-2 The Serpent In Eden Genesis 3:4-5
5-3 Sons Of God And Daughters Of Men Genesis
6: 2-4
5-4 Job’s Satan Job 1:6
5-4-1 The Satan In Job: A Fellow Worshipper?
5-4-2 Job's Satan: An Angel-Satan?
5-5 Lucifer King Of Babylon Isaiah 14: 12-14
5-6 The Anointed Cherub Ezekiel 28: 13-15
5-7 Zechariah 3
5-8 The Temptation Of Jesus Matthew 4: 1-11
5-8-1 Jesus In The Wilderness: A Study In The
Language And Nature Of Temptation
5-8-2 The Wilderness Temptations: A Window
Into The Mind Of Jesus
5-9 Unclean Spirits Matthew 12: 43-45
5-10 The Devil And His Angels Matthew 25:41
5-11 Satan Takes Away The Word Mark 4:15
5-12 Satan As Lightning Luke 10: 18
5-13 Satan Entered Judas Luke 22:3
5-14 Peter And Satan Luke 22:31
5-15 Your Father The Devil John 8:44
5-16 Oppressed Of The Devil Acts 10: 38
5-17 Child Of The Devil Acts 13:10
5-18 The Power Of Satan Acts 26: 18
5-19 Delivering Unto Satan 1 Corinthians 5:5
5-20 The God Of This World 2 Corinthians 4:
5-21 An Angel Of Light 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
5-22 The Messenger Of Satan 2 Corinthians 12:7
5-23 The Prince Of The Air Ephesians 2: 1-3
5-24 Giving Place To The Devil Ephesians 4:26-27
5-25 The Wiles Of The Devil Ephesians 6:11-13
5-26 The Snare Of The Devil 1 Timothy 3: 6 -7;
2 Timothy 2:26
5-27 Turned Aside After Satan 1 Timothy 5:14-15
5-28 Resist The Devil James 4: 7; 1 Peter 5:8
5-29 Chains Of Darkness 2 Peter 2: 4; Jude 6
5-30 The Body Of Moses Jude 9
5-31 The Synagogue Of Satan Revelation 2: 9-10,
13 & 24
5-32 Michael And The Great Dragon Revelation
12: 7-9
5-33 The Devil And Satan Bound Revelation 20:
2, 7 & 10
Digression 5: "The man of sin" (2
Thess. 2)