4-7-1-2 Examples of Bible Study by Questions
Please read: 2 Sam. 11 & 12; Psalms 38 (after the sin, before confession), 51 (confession) & 32 (joy of forgiveness).
1. Ps. 32:1,2 cp. Rom. 4:6,7. Why the change in pronouns (" he..the man" cp. " they" )?
2. Where are the NT allusions to the following Bathsheba language, and what does all this teach us:
Ps. 32:4,6 (" An heavy burden...too heavy...bowed down" )
2 Sam. 11:2 (" very beautiful to look upon" )
Ps. 32:2 " Imputeth not iniquity"
Ps. 32:2 " No guile"
Ps. 32:6 " A time when thou mayest be found"
What are the NT connections with 'finding God'? What does it mean, to find God? When do we find Him?
The sin was " in thy (God's) sight" (Ps. 51:4)
3. Interpret the parable of 2 Sam. 12:1-4; the two men; the city; the many flocks; the one lamb; nourished up; lay in his bosom; unto him as a daughter; a traveller (cp. Lk. 11:6). What was the relationship between Uriah and Bathsheba? Do you think Bathsheba was satisfied with her marriage to Uriah bearing this in mind?
4. Was the sin a one-off slip up or part of a longer term relationship? David watched her from the roof top; what are the Biblical associations of the roof top? (cp. 2 Sam. 16:22). Is it significant that they got married afterwards? Is this how most oriental kings would have got round the problem? Consider: How well did David & Bathsheba know each other? How near did they live to each other? (So how are we to understand 2 Sam. 12:3?) Was Bathsheba spiritual? Or just a dumb blond? Was David spiritual at this time (cp. Ps. 30:6)? Would he have fallen so deeply just at the sight of a beautiful woman? David lay with her " for (because) she was purified..." after washing, in obedience to the law (2 Sam. 12:4) ; what does this imply? The sin occurred at " eveningtide" ; what connection between washing, purification and the evening? What part of the Law does 2 Sam. 12:9 refer to (cp. Ps. 51:16)? What other connections are there between sexuality and spirituality? Gen. 39:6,7 Hebrew text is one.
5. Was Bathsheba guilty or innocent? Are we helped to an answer by Ps. 51:4; 1 Kings 15:5; and 2 Sam. 11:4 is an odd way of putting it (it's usually the other way round).
6. Why wouldn't Uriah sleep with Bathsheba? What can we imply from the emphasis on messengers in 2 Sam. 11:3,4,5,6,19,23,27? Could Bathsheba read or write?
7. Did David spiritually crash after the sin? What evidence is there within Ps. 32 and 51? " My sin is ever before me...I will declare mine iniquity; I will be sorry for my sin" (Ps. 38:17,18,22) implies what?
8. Ps. 51:13 implies David's experience of forgiveness motivated his preaching. Ps. 32 is a 'Maschil' psalm ('for instruction'). What other examples are there of preaching being preceded by experience of sin and forgiveness (there are at least 5 others!). Should we preach on the basis of our own personal experience ('Let me tell you what the Lord did for me, my friend...')?
If you're still keen:
9. Ps. 51:11,12 means ?
10. What allusions to David, Nathan & Bathsheba in 2 Cor. 7:7-11?
11. Ps. 38:17,18; 51:3; 32:10; what other connections between sin & sorrow? What does this teach us?
12. Sometimes the Bathsheba Psalms speak of David's " sin" , other times " sins" in the plural (Ps. 51:4,9; 51:3; 32:5 cp. 38:3,4,18). What might this mean?
13. What was the state of David's health after repentance? (Ps. 32:4,10; 38:6,7,11). It has been observed that there are many connections between Psalms prophetic of the crucifixion, and those which allude to the Bathsheba incident and David's subsequent health problems. What does this teach us about the nature of Christ's sufferings?
14. Ps. 38:11 = ? Was there a falling out of love with Bathsheba? Is " lovers" an intensive plural?
15. What connection Ps. 51:6 & 32:7?
16. What connections David's sin and Adam's? There are at least 11 clear links between Gen. 2,3 and 2 Sam. 11,12,16.
1. What is / who are the elohim in Gen. 1:26? Is this definition true for the other times elohim is used in the early chapters of Genesis?
2. Read Ex. 33:11-23 and 34:4-6. Did Moses see God Himself or an Angel?
3. We know that Angels are limited in power compared to God. What do the following passages imply about the abilities of the Angels, and the way in which they work:
Their power: Gen. 32:24-29; Dan. 10:13; 9:21 AVmg.
Their knowledge: Gen. 22:12; Dt. 8:2; Zech. 1:12; Mt. 13:27,39;
Their liability to emotion: Ezek. 8:5,6
Their decision making process: Gen. 18:17, 22
4. How are we to understand the 'Language of limitation' which Scripture abounds with- e.g. Gen. 2:2; Ex. 31:17; Dt. 32:20,27? God is almighty, knowing the end from the beginning. As such, he does not " repent" (change His mind). Yet there are ample examples of where God does do just this. 1 Sam. 15:28,29,35 is a classic. What is the explanation?
5. Consider the following examples of God 'repenting'. For each, try to explain it away in terms of God Himself changing His mind, and then think how an understanding of Angels could do better: Ex. 4:24; Num. 14:34 AVmg.; Ex. 32:11 mg.; Hos. 12:4; Jud. 2:1 cp. Zech. 11:10,11. If you like this line of approach, consider the following examples, of where 'God' says He won't do something; and then does: Ex. 33:3 cp. 34:9; Dt. 4:31; 31:6,8 cp. 31:17.
6. What does 1 Kings 22:19-23 imply about how the Angels are organized? What other verses / Biblical ideas can you bring to bear on this idea of a Court scene in Heaven? [Ps. 89:7,8 is interesting]. Where else do we read about things running to and fro from God?
7. Compare Ex. 12:23 and 1 Cor. 10:10. Who was " the destroyer" ? Do we have Angels in conflict here? And if not here, what about in Ez. 9:1-6? And who is the " Prince" of Dan. 10:13?
Guardian Angels?
8. What evidence is there to support the idea that we each have one specific 'guardian Angel'? Square that evidence with Heb. 1:14; Lk. 11:7,8; 15; 15:6-10?
9. What is the connection between: Ex. 23:21,27,18 - Dt. 31:3,6,17 - Heb. 13:5?
10. Who are the " Angels" of Rev. 1:20. The church elders? Or...? How can the " Angels" of these ecclesias be rebuked and repent?
11. Who is singing in Rev. 5:9,10? Note the context.
12. List / name as many passages which directly or indirectly associate Angels with the judgment seat. My list is: Directly: Mt. 13:41; Rev. 14:10. And indirectly: Lk. 12:8,48; 1 Cor. 10:10; Ps. 35:5,6. And in Lk. 19:24,25 who are " them that stood by" ? Perhaps put the ideas / verses on cards, and juggle them around to make a possible picture of the judgment seat- from an Angelic perspective.
Angels in the first century
13. Why do you think the Holy Spirit is personified in the N.T.?
14. What does the " holy Spirit" refer to in Is. 63:7-11? What similarities are there between the Comforter passages (Jn. 14 and 16) and the wilderness Angel?
15. Use the answer to no. 10 to get more insight into: Jn. 16:13; 15:26; Jude 5; Heb. 3:7-11; Acts 7:51; and Acts 2:3 recalls which O.T. passage about Angels?
16. Who does Rev. 1:1 refer to? Christ? Angel? Saints?
17. Who's speaking in Rev. 3:5?
Please read 1 Samuel 17
1. A big man falling to the earth, hit by a stone; reminds you of what?
2. Goliath died from a wound in the head ..... = ?
3. It is stressed four times that Goliath was covered with brass (17:5,6)...
4. What were the two things that the men of Israel spoke about (17:24,25)? What does this point forward to?
5. How does Rev. 5:3-5 fit in?
6. Consider 17:54. What might 'Golgotha' mean? And note " Ephes-dammim" = 'border of blood', cp. Acaldema.
7. What were Israel supposed to do every morning and evening? How does this connect with 17:16?
8. What was David's occupation at the time? What is the typology of the following: 17:55; 17:28-30; 17:32; 17:46,47; 17:49.
9. How does 17:8,9 enable us to enter into the tension in the mind of Christ as He faced the cross? Is Rom. 6:17,18 a conscious allusion to this scenario?
10. Do you see the connection 17:51 and Col. 2:15 NIV?
11. David ran (17:22) = ?
12. 17:52 = ? And " Sharaim" = ?
13. Saul was the physical giant of Israel. What's the significance of the fact he didn't go and fight Goliath?
14. David was told to go by his father (17:28). What passages about Christ does this connect with? [If you really can't think of anything: Gen. 37:13; Lk. 20:14; Jn. 4:31].
15. David left the sheep to go and kill Goliath. Compare this with Lk. 15:4-6. So what does the shepherd going out into the night, up into the mountains (cp. Abraham & Isaac) refer to? (Cp. 1 Pet. 2:25 with Is. 53:5,6).
16. David seemed surprised no one else would take up the challenge. What evidence Christ felt the same?
17. David took his strength from the fact that " the armies of God...Yahweh of hosts" were with him (17:26,36,45). What do these titles refer to?
18. Why did he take 5 stones? Did he think the first one would miss? And the second...the third....?
19. Consider the relationship between Jonathan and David immediately after the victory against Goliath. What does this represent? What NT concept does 2 Sam. 1:26 look forward to?
The Political Aspect
Goliath = image of Dan. 2; therefore there must be some latter day reference here.
20. Lion, bear, brass, iron are all mentioned in the record (17:5-7, 34). What connections with Daniel?
21. 17:1,2 gathering together = ? 17:47 " with sword and spear" = ? What else happened at Azekah (17:1)? What other invaders were destroyed by (sling) stones?
22. Goliath was the champion (Heb gibbor ) of Israel's invaders.... last days = ?
23. 'Goliath' = 'to lead and go into captivity'. He was a great blasphemer.... what connections with Rev. 13:5-10?
24. What difference between the Philistines and Israel in terms of military hardware? But Goliath was killed with his own weapons...
25. 17:46 = what famous latter day invasion passage?
26. The carcasses of the Philistine invaders were given to the fowls and beasts to eat. What other Biblical references to this, and what do they suggest this typifies? (NB Rev. 19:17-21; Ps. 79:2,10,12).
For the enthusiast: What connections 1 Sam. 17 with Psalms 8 and 144, and between them and the NT?
1. The first Assyrian invasion is found in 2 Kings 15:19,20. What does this imply about the material prosperity of Israel at the time of the invasions (cp. 16:8; 17:4)? And therefore in our last days...?
2. Compare this with Jud. 14:14 (Heb.) and 15:11,12. What present Israeli policies might this refer to? Does it imply any change in Israel's way of dealing with the Arabs / Assyrians?
3. What was going on in Israel politically in 2 Kings 15, at the time of the invasion? Are there Biblical reasons for thinking the new Israel will be going through something similar?
4. How did Assyria (and Babylon and Egypt and the Philistines and all the other typical latter day invaders) compare to Israel in terms of military hardware? How do you imagine the Israelites felt when faced with some of those new fangled weapons? Is that how they now feel? What changes might we expect in the light of this?
5. How many Assyrian invasions were there? Relevance for the last days? Which part of Israel did they go for first (2 Kings 15:29)? Any indicators, Biblical or otherwise, that this might be replicated in the last days?
6. What did the Assyrians do to the Israelite population first of all? Last days relevance? (What did Hitler do to them first of all?). How does this tie up with Is. 11:11,16; 27:13 and a 'second Exodus' scenario?
7. Before the main Assyrian onslaught, there was a softening up period of raids by local Arab tribes (2 Kings 17:20). Significant?
8. Complete the following table:
Ezekiel 38 | Assyria (spoken of in Isaiah) |
:4 |
:7 |
:8 |
:9 |
:11 |
:12 |
:19 |
:22 |
:19,20 |
39:10 |
9. What else was Assyria up to while planning to invade Israel? Stuck? See 2 Kings 19:11; Is. 8:4. What sort of modern countries is that talking about?
10. A few years before the Assyrian invasion, Israel had recaptured Elath (2 Kings 14:22), Damascus and Hamath (2 Kings 14:28). What do we read about these places in 2 Kings 16:6; 18:34; Is. 7:8? What does this point forward to?
11. 2 Kings 16:7. Who was Israel's father and master? So what is Ahaz really saying here (cp. 2 Kings 16:10,11)? Other proof of this? But how about Ez. 23:7? Last days?
12. Israel ransacked, mass deportations and murder, then Jerusalem surrounded. Within her walls were a few faithful, and many faithless " sinners in Zion" (Is. 33:14). What famous last days passage does this ring bells with?
13. Isaiah then arises, inspiring faith through speaking forth God's word. Who does he typify? Note his partnership with Hezekiah (= ?).
14. The final onslaught lasted 3 years (2 Kings 17:5). Significant?
15. There is a difference between Israel and Judah in the Assyrian invasion. Is this significant in the typology? Some from Israel came to take shelter in Jerusalem (cp. Lot's wife and Mt. 25:8, see the connection?).
16. The Assyrian army was split into 3 groups, under Tartan, Rabsaris and Rabshakeh. Where else do we read about Israel's invaders attacking in 3 groups?
17. 2 Chron. 32:18 implies a propaganda war and a mental wearing down of Israel. Any other typical or direct evidence for this in the last days?
18. Who is the King of South who Israel trusted in, as per 2 Kings 17:4? Last days? How did Israel feel at 2 Kings 19:9?
19. What connections Dan. 11:40-44 and the Assyrian invasion?
20. Hezekiah's prayer brought about salvation from the Assyrians. Indicating? " Thou art the God" (2 Kings 19:15), he said, alluding to 1 Kings 18:39. Significant? He also alludes to 2 Chron. 20:6. Why?
21. The rage of Sennacherib is stressed (2 Kings 19:27,28). What other passages speak of rage against God's people? Who does Sennacherib typify? Note the great emphasis of his personality and charisma. What was he offering in 2 Kings 18:31,32?
22. Zech. 13:8-14:4 shows that this type breaks down (especially cp. v.2 with 2 Kings 19:32). What does this passage mean?
23. What do you make of comparing 2 Kings 19:31 with Is. 9:7?