“Comfort ye my people”
There is a comfort now in prospect of the substantial comfort that God will bestow in the blessing and exaltation of His chosen in the day of Christ. All the groanings of the saints that the spirit has preserved in the Word are mingled with this comfort; and by the same comfort may we comfort our hearts in the present time of waiting and patience.
God is observant of all our ways; and God never forgets. Christ’s eye is over all the ecclesias, searching the hearts, trying the reins, that every man may receive according to his ways.
Therefore our tears and our sighs at our present desolation are not lost, though unseen of men. Our troubles, in this respect, are pleasing to him. In due time he will wipe away the tears and fill our mouth with laughter. In this respect we learn to rejoice even in tribulation.
Bro Robert Roberts