BANKET | Bro Kennedy Zonzi
I am a newly baptised brother with the Banket Ecclesia. I was baptised in September, and wondered if you could possibly send me a NEV Bible please.
The forty Bible lessons that are required for a Bible student to study I have completed, with the help of my tutor Bro David Yelulani. At present I am doing the 14 lessons that are done after baptism, and I find them very interesting.
BULAWAYO | Bro Ambrose Tanyepana
Many thanks for the Bible Message Calendar what a gem of a calendar that has pictures and messages concerning the splendour and glory of God.
We are all in good health and the rains are falling, but it’s too late because most of the crops are a complete write off.
CHIPINGE | Bro Simon Madhimba
MATHABISA | Bro David Ngwemya
I and my fellow brothers are fine. I am still roaming about in my area preaching the Gospel to tell people about the Word of God, the Bible – to repent and be baptised.
God created the heavens and earth, and us human beings, but we do not always understand or alas follow His laws as we should, because we have Adam’s dying, sinful nature. We are like crabs that walk sideways and backwards. God said “All souls are mine, as the soul of the father, also the soul of the son is mine.” God said, “The soul who sins, he shall die.” Ezekiel chapter 18:4. God said, “Whether you are rich, poor or clever, you will return to the dust because you are children of men.” Psalm 90:3.
Let us read the Bible every day and teach the people the truth, so that by God’s grace and mercy we will have eternal life in the Kingdom.