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BARATON | Bro Martin Chemiati

The Bible Basics Reading Class is doing well and we are finding “Wrested Scriptures” by Brother Abel a great help in further understanding the doctrines and the comments in Duncan’s NEV Bible. We are in urgent need of more of these books please. The books you send me are changing the minds of many as they learn that the other Churches do not teach the truth.

Since the recent death of my wife I am finding it increasingly difficult to look after the family and also visiting the local Ecclesias, plus alas not being so well myself lately. Jesus’ return will bring these problems to an end and my happiness is that we are going to be given permanent eternal perfect life with Jesus in His Kingdom when sorrow and crying will flee away.

Sisters Leaving the meetings after their two day Bible School

Sister Everyone presenting the Sunday School awards

BUNGOMA | Bro Nasongo Harron

We are all doing well. Recently we received new friends in our ecclesia, two men and one lady.

Brothers, all the gospel literature that you have been sending to me was of great value and has imparted knowledge of the gospel in a positive way thus building our strength in the true gospel.

It takes a courageous soul and good heart to spread the gospel. We know that God is on our side and may you put on the armour of God relentlessly. Even if the environment is tough we know that He will open ways to get people to spread the gospel to the entire world.

We know very well that when we go to the Church we go there to get the Word of God and to have refreshment of the soul so as to know more about the Truth. But other people are trying their level best to gain what is not? They believe in the crosses, that they make with their own hands, they do not have the true gospel. We believe in the Almighty God and in our Saviour, Jesus Christ, so that we can be saved and enter into His Kingdom when he comes to reign as King forever and ever. May he soon come.

Bro Harron with four friends who are regular readers of Gospel News

CHWELE | Alice Watwati

I am a Christian and have been following the Evangelical World Christian Church, however your members David and Jacklyne gave me some very interesting Bible based booklets which are enabling me to gain more real Bible knowledge and so am joining their meeting.


The drought in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya, especially in Turkana West- county where Kakuma Refugee Camp is located, is causing hunger due to the shortage of water.

At Kakuma there are 4 water bore holes amongst the 10 serving refugee camps which have dried up because of the lack of rains from the Ugandan mountains that always flow to Kakuma. Animals (goats, cows etc...) are dying because of the lack of water and grass.

The drought has also made the price rise of charcoal and firewood for cooking food.

KALOBEYEI | Bro John Lwamba Katembo

Yes, the preaching work we hold every Saturday in Kalobeyei Refugee settlement is progressing. We pray and hope that it will bear fruits in the near future. Three Brothers from our ecclesia hold Bible discussion there with our friends - we thank our heavenly Father one friend has now been convinced and has requested to be baptized.

We are now planning for Bro Isidore to start teaching him the 40 lessons step by step twice a week and at the end the baptism would be arranged. Also Bible discussion with other contacts is ongoing. But the challenge we face in the preaching work activity is the transport as always, to go to Kalobeyei by foot is 15kms. We have received the parcel containing 20 Bible Basics books from Christadelphian Advancement Trust to be used for the preaching work in Kalobeyei and Kakuma.

Prayer Request | Pray for rain

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Kakuma Refugee Camp during this time of terrible hardship and that the rains may soon come to bring the drought to an end.

KITALE | Sis Caroline Nanjala

Many greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is at hand if we take account of the signs of the times. As we’re nearing our Lord’s return, things are changing speedily, and we’re happy of it because our salvation is close by.

My brother, the work is too much, and needs very deep reading and comprehending. Recently we have overturned a full Church of about 31 people who are now in the class.

MWKHUPO | Bro Robert Wafula

Not all of us have Bibles, hence my requesting some for baptised members and there are others wishing to be baptised who do not have Bibles.

SINDO | Bro John Owalo Onani

The salvation journey towards the Kingdom helps me learn from the book of Joshua how the God of Israel gave support and magnified his servant to settle his people in the land of Canaan, facing challenges and human weakness and demonstrates God’s amazing love, mercy and grace towards us.

From my childhood my earthly parents taught me two important words – obedience and humility. They died out of the Truth but what they taught me has made me to be what I am today. In the book of Philippians 2:5-11 you get an example of what made Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be our Saviour, advocate, mediator, author of our salvation and a faithful witness to the Truth. Phil 2:8. “And being a normal man he humbled himself becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and realise the prisoner was YOU.

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

Matthew 6:14,15


The Ecclesia has expanded and have been doing a lot of preaching at Webuye 60 km away, so a new Ecclesia has been formed there. In the photo above is the Webuye group with Bro Emmanuel Milimo of Tarbo.

TONGAREN | Bro Isaac Kapa

I was very glad when I received the two parcels of Bibles and the booklet ‘When will Jesus Return’, it has good topics on the return of Jesus.

In Rift Valley area we are blessed with a big ecclesia hall constructed at Kamukuywa. We are told that it’s the biggest ecclesia in Africa and in April we are expecting to open it officially. There we shall have a three days area Bible School.

I have a topic to speak about the return of Jesus on earth, so this booklet will help much in that coming Bible School.

WEBUYE | Sis Judith Kasala

Thank you for Gospel News Godly messages and the Bible Studies which have turned my life up for good.

We have been called to be creative, effective, loving, Christians living and acting as far as we can how Christ lived, and to live and act as Christians with those around us, so that they will see by our lives that we are Christians. This contact may begin with a friendship, or at work or wherever you may find yourself. We need to spend time with God everyday by meditating upon His word in the Bible and prayer. Also asking Him to show us how to reach those with whom we come into contact, watch for divinely arranged encounter where we have the opportunity of preaching the word

The photo, shows brethren and sisters from Webuye and we expect more baptisms this year. The work is hindered because we lack the Kiswahili New Testaments you produced, indeed we need the full Bible to be produced in Kiswahili together with the Christadelphian Commentary as local Bibles have much wrong doctrine and so many are led astray. We do appreciate this is expensive, but we fear that without such many of our native people will not have the opportunity of salvation.

WEBUYE | Flora Naswa Wafula

I am pleased to tell that after a Sister has spoken to me and discussed many things about your beliefs which I have seen agree with what the Bible teaches. Please send me some books so that I may increase my knowledge of God’s Word.

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