News from the Americas
| Bro George Constantine
I have been praying for you, and hope things are working out OK. Thanks to God I’ve been keeping okay. A few months ago working at the school here became stressful for me and after a lot of contemplation and prayers I decided to leave, I have no regrets and my mind is at peace.
For 7 years I enjoyed being busy all day, six days a week, working in the prison school, now I am enjoying my ‘retirement’. I have more time for my spiritual studies and exercise, I spend most mornings in the gym. I am keeping up my faith firmly in our Father above, continuing to work on trying to be better in His sight, as we look forward to our Master’s return.
The ‘older lifers’ case before the Privy Council should be heard later this year, God willing. If it is God’s will, we junior lifers should also benefit from it.
May God continue to bless you and especially Duncan and family in their great work.
| Sis Inez Schneider
Would you please send me a copy of the list of 250 New Testament references showing the return of Jesus offered in Gospel News September-December issue? I would like to share the chart with our CYC members and also with any brethren and sisters who would like to have a copy for their Bibles.
Thank you for sending the Gospel News. We have a large refugee family from Zimbabwe in our ecclesia and I enjoy sharing the Gospel News with them. Several times they have recognized brethren and sisters they knew when they were in a refugee camp for five years. The family is always so happy to take the magazine home. Their older children are learning English and often translate pages with information about brethren and sisters from Africa. It is a great work that you all do!