CHIPINGE | Bro Farai Makandeni
We had a good weekend with Bro Steve and Sis Ruth Moore from the U.K. at Hunnington Retreat Centre at Chinhoy. Bro Steve gave us a talk on fellowship matters, emphasizing that we as Christadelphians should learn to be united, that good fellowship only exists if believers walk in light, without sinning. We should learn to love one another in giving and sharing and also to have faith in Jesus Christ as the one who was sacrificed to die on the cross for our sins. In this we remember Jesus when we break bread and drink wine as a symbol of continuing living in his name.
Bro Farai Makandeni
We have been thrilled to celebrate the baptism of a new Sister to our Ecclesia Sis Hister Magoronga, she was interviewed by Bro Danmore Kaosha and baptized by Bro Ngoni Chikwata, pictured here:
Left, Bro Lamiel Mazvaramhaka (Secretary), our new Sis Hister, Sis Rlina Chikwata (Chishumba) and at the end Hister’s sister with a child. Hister’s sister took the forty lesson course some years ago and is now revising her studies with the intention of being baptized
We have seven Elders, pictured from left to right: Bre Zvenyika Magoronga Nga, Christopher Mugwagwa, Oswell Makaya, Marison Tafirenyika (Chairman) Moses Muzayazi (Treasurer) Lamiel Mazvaramhaka (Secretary)
MUSHUMBI POOLS | Bro David Luxon Yotamu
I would like to thank CAT for distributing Gospel News literature worldwide, with the purpose of preaching to all nations. I thank God who, by His mercy, made me to be part of His family of Christadelphians. May we continue to motivate and encourage each other for the great prize, for Christ, who paved the way for us to follow. May God guide and strengthen your work which you are doing worldwide.
In the Bible we are told that we should always overcome temptation; Revelation 2:1-7. The word ‘repentance’ means penitence or sorrow for wrong-doing. The only way to enter the wonderful Kingdom of God is to accept and obey God’s laws. His desire is for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,” as we are told in Romans 8:28. May the Lord bless you in doing your work.
Bre David Luxon Yotamu and Shizo Mhako