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We spent a most encouraging time recently with the group in Athens. It was a pleasure to baptize an extended family- they are Iranians but have been in Greece about 15 years and are established there. The mother, Zohreh (far right in the photo - a former Muslim who has never eaten pork nor tasted alcohol in her life); her son Hadi, her daughter Diba and her husband Farhad; and her other son Mehdi and his wife Bahareh.

They were initially attracted to the Gospel by our simple presentation of the Lord Jesus, without all the theology which they had encountered elsewhere which made it so hard for them to clearly grasp what Christianity was all about. Here we are enjoying Greek coffees together afterwards. Several were in tears after the baptisms. The real Christ was the One they had searched for for several years- and now had found. So many prefer to spend a lifetime searching, but others know the truth they are looking for when they find it and are unashamed to say they have found it.

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