Be Patient in Tribulation
As spiritual darkness in our world increases, so too does the prospect of difficult times. As a result, our faith, our conviction of things that are unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18) must also increase. A significant factor in this is our prayerful reading of, and meditation on, God’s word. It is not enough to develop intellectual knowledge of what is written: it is vital to become more and more conscious of the fact that “in him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Our minds must become more alive to the wonder of eternal realities: hence genuine faith.
With this spirit in our minds, we can be calm or, rather, patient in tribulation when others are overwhelmed by anxieties. Paul has many valuable points to make in writing to the Romans about this need. After his exposition about God’s plan for both Jews and Gentiles, the power of his appeal to all believers in chapter 12 needs to be fully absorbed into our minds.
These are soul-stirring words of encouragement on Christ-like daily living in the eleven verses. These are the foundation on which all must live and work together. Do they stir us? It sounds simple to say “Let love be genuine” (verse 9) but love has to be demonstrated by actions, not just by talk.
Bro Goodwell Mubanga (Chinsali, Zambia)