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ILOMBA | Bro James A Mwangomo

We still need some help in order to strengthen our faith. Unfortunately our meeting hall was closed last month by the city authorities, due to it having no latrine. Now some of our members are meeting in our brothers’ and sisters’ homes. This makes teaching and exhorting new believers difficult, as most of our contacts are not happy to meet in the homes of our brothers.

Divine Assurance

How we long for the Millennial age, whose glories fill the sacred page, to dawn upon mankind, to gladden the heart and elevate the mind. An age of plenty and contentment, of security and peace. When none shall nurse resentment, and war and strife shall cease. When all people everywhere, in these blessings will rejoice; to seek the Lord their deepest care, will be; and to worship with one voice. The man ordained will come from heaven, to rule the nations with a iron rod. Divine assurance has been given, “In that I raised him from the dead” said God.



We have received the good news from Bro Iyendja Amsini that he and Bro Daniel Sabuni recently baptised our new Brother Fidel Amnobe from the Refuge camp and we pray that the Lord will bless him on his journey towards the Kingdom.

“But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:22-23)

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