Jesus Will Return
In the New Testament there are more than 250 references that are linked to the positive promise that Jesus will return. (A list, free of charge, is available on request)
“The Good News” is that Jesus will return in authority and power to bring God’s promised kingdom of “peace on the earth”. Jesus tells us to pray to his Father: “Thy Kingdom come”. (Matthew 6:10)
The return of Jesus will be “as bright as the lightning that brightens up the sky from the east to the west”. “Every eye will see him”. (Matthew 24:27; Revelation 1:7)
Thirteen different words are used in the original Greek text of the New Testament to emphasise the visibility of the Lord when he returns to rule (A free chart is available on request)
Jesus warns us not to believe anyone who tells us that he has returned in secret, or invisibly. “Do not be deceived”, he says. “Watch, and be ready”. (Matthew 24:23-27; Luke 21:27-36)
When Jesus returns those that belong to him, by belief and baptism, and have tried to follow his teaching, will be given eternal life to work with him in his coming worldwide Kingdom. Those believers that have died will be raised from the dead, as explained in those “resurrection verses” that are read out at almost every Christian funeral service. (1 Corinthians 15:17-25) “R.I.P.” (Rest In Peace) on memorial headstones can stand for Resurrection In Prospect. (John 6:39-44)