Carelinks | UK

Bro M being baptized in Duncan and Cindy’s bath tub
Interest continues to come to fruition in baptisms in South London and of various folks, including many asylum seekers, throughout the UK. Those baptized include a significant number of local Anglo Saxon British folk. An example would be Lucy.

Sis Lucy chatting with Sis April and Sis Shelby following her baptism in Duncan and Cindy’s bathtub
Lucy had been a lifetime Roman Catholic, but her search for true connection with God and the Lord Jesus left her feeling very guilt tripped by having to confess her sins to a priest, and she wondered how it could really be that relationship with God depended upon attending the Catholic church. She got a Bible and Bible Basics from us nearly 5 years ago. Bit by bit the lights started to go on for her as doctrine by doctrine, the truth started to click with her and she saw through Catholicism, leading to her formal resignation from the church. It was just thrilling to listen to her recounting her journey so far. Our sister has six adult children and a very elderly mother who are all online- but she can’t get on with technology at all, and responded to one of our press advertisments, which reach out to people like her who are not computer literate and who are rather ignored by society these days.
We have continued visiting the hostels for refugees in south London and holding meetings for those already baptized and those wishing to learn the Gospel. This has resulted in many baptisms. We really encourage brethren and sisters to visit their local refugee centers and invite folks back to their homes. We are open to donations towards the welfare we give those we’re in touch with. Many of the refugee folk are very open to learning the Gospel. Inviting them for a meal and then showing a presentation in their language and holding regular sessions with them, both at home and in the hostels, is emerging as a real ‘way to go’ in bringing some to know the Gospel of their salvation. You can download plenty of Powerpoints and material which is parallel English-Farsi- see link at the bottom of page 32.
Download Powerpoints and material which is parallel English-Farsi from
Sister Robin Jones reports on the house meetings in Croydon that her and Steve were present at whilst in the UK: “These are really wonderful meetings, the Spirit of God is clearly working here, bringing together all kinds of people speaking various languages, like Persian, Polish and Bulgarian; as well as local British people like Lucinda, who was a Catholic who came to the truth and was baptized in Duncan and Cindy’s bath tub, where a few dozen have already been baptized in the last year. She disliked the formalism of the Catholics and domination of the male priesthood, and just so loves being part of a house group. Last week S was baptized and today we witnessed the baptism of two more lovely young Iranians, M and H. Although their English was poor, their sincerity and zeal for God was truly inspiring. Duncan showed powerpoint presentations in Persian on the wall to also help teach them in their language. Another Iranian Brother and his Bulgarian wife drove for 2.5 hours to be here so they could translate between Farsi and English. The two new brothers have been in the UK for 5 months, but as refugees still await acceptance here. Another Iranian brother present told us of getting 180 lashes (from shoulders to heels) in Iran. As refugees they are not allowed to work and have little money. We gave them some blankets from the good folk at Bodalla Australia (pictured above) - as they have no family here and few possessions they were deeply touched that others would go to such trouble to keep them warm. We felt really sorry for sister Ayesha from Bulgaria who had just lost her job; her husband has no right to work in the UK and she was doing a cleaning job, sometimes working from 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. She has gone to Tesco supermarket to look for work but only got offered part time work. Carelinks gave her some money although she didn’t ask for any. She clearly would so love to have children but she has to be the breadwinner and living on the minimum wage in this country means she really has little chance to ever have a family. We gave her some of our Australian hand knitted blankets and she was very touched. And then there was brother Mojtaba who brought his dog along to the meeting, providing great entertainment for the kids. There was so much warmth amongst strangers - an eclectic group united by Jesus indeed a very uplifting experience”.