Hope in God Will Overcome Discouragement
There is little that is as disheartening as failure to produce results. When after much effort and perseverance, you see no apparent sign of success, the resultant feeling of discouragement can easily cause you to admit defeat and to give up. We will never know how many worthwhile tasks were not completed because the people concerned lost heart and so missed that wonderful experience of ultimate achievement.
A study of the lives of the giants of Biblical history will disclose the manner in which they persevered against enormous odds in their endeavours to carry out the work entrusted to them by God. Notwithstanding setback after setback, ridicule, opposition from church and government authorities, and in the face of unbelievable hardships and privation, still they pressed on with dogged determination until, very often after their death, the glory of God’s purpose was revealed.
There will be these times in your pilgrimage when the going will be tough and you will be tempted to believe that your labours are in vain. This will be the time, more than ever, to trust in God and commit yourself wholeheartedly into His care. Through prayer and in the silence of your meditation, you can experience the presence of the living Jesus with you to carry you through the times when your spirits are low. Let your faith prevail over your personal feelings and, rest assured, that in God’s perfect time your efforts will bear fruit to the glory of His name. “So let us not become tired of doing good for, if we do not give up, the time will come when we will reap the harvest.”

Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)