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MBOZI-MBEYA | Bro Raphael Mkeya

I am sorry to inform you that last year I did not have enough stocks of food and we went out of stock in mid-November. Since then I have been living by piecework so that my family can survive. I am still in hardship because sometimes I go and look for work and come back empty-handed. Thank you for the Gospel News which I am really enjoying. Please send me a Swahili New Testament and Bible Basics and other books you think will strengthen us spiritually. We always remember you in our prayers.

way in my treatment. And what about the ceaseless phone calls, that make those around me say that they have not found a love for a member like this in Christendom? Also the visiting by members enhances the miracle of being alive today, when all hope has been given up, then Christ intervened.

I sincerely thank you all for this enormous support I have received from you. It is my desire that the God of Israel whom we serve day and night remember you in all your endeavours. I am indeed grateful and I appreciate you all. Beloved, I write this to declare the goodness of God in my life and that I am sound in health, and my soul also prospers. So help me to say, thank you Father. Thank you and God bless you.

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